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Everything posted by lubronbrons

  1. well ... :smile: Zd, for the sake of efficient communication I think you should change a bit your behaviour before replying :wink: if I give you some code, you should try that first before asking another question. That safe me for the repeating explanation and also as confirming token that you understand that, after experience it yourself from this look ... this mean : - you still have not tried my second code, because you already tried my first code and not solved ---> that means you need infinite loop menu (the second script) - you still not have tried that 2 small chunks of code about menu limit (10) in message box, that's why you don't understand paging paging is like this my friend ... this is from my BSS mod, it contains 3 page and 30 menu. each page can only contain 10 menu, that's why I make 3 pages
  2. quote : " but it looks as the first a part that the menu is repeated. " A : that is intentional since you not use paging aren't you ? if you use paging function the whole code is different and a little bit much more difficult repeated action on show MessageBox is no problem you'll see it yourself if you try that EDIT : maximum menu in one page is 10 menu so you can do it like this MessageBoxEX "Hello World !|zero|one|two|three|four|five|six|seven|eight|nine" if you do this, it may become something unsightly MessageBoxEX "Hello World !|zero|one|two|three|four|five|six|seven|eight|nine|ten|eleven|twelve" ;---> this is not recommended, menu more than 10 in one message box
  3. well... I suggest you try my script first. and there is two version of it, my first script is for one-time-event and the second is for infinite loop menu chooser (must choose Exit to quit the infinite loop cycle) if you still insist with your first script it will not work here's my thought 1. there's no need to set this again and again if you know that this value already 1 Set Working to 1 ;ensure the script continues as it''s doing something 2. you need to get value with syntax 'GetButtonPressed' so don't bury that syntax too deep like just you did it's better that syntax must be run first after validation like this if showMenu MessageBoxEX "Hello World !|zero|one|two|three|four|five|Exit Menu" ;---> notice the different I add new 7th 'Exit Menu' Let choice := GetButtonPressed ;always try to get button press, user input
  4. hey I thought you are going to use this for one time event well now I know you want persistant menu so the code should be like this scn ezzeMenuScript Short showMenu Short choice Begin onActivate Let showMenu := 1 ;Add anything that needs to be re-initialized MessageBoxEX "Hello World !|zero|one|two|three|four|five|Exit Menu" ;---> notice the different I add new 7th 'Exit Menu' End Begin GameMode if showMenu Let choice := GetButtonPressed ;always try to get button press, user input if choice != -1 ;watch the user decision, and do some action if any menu button get pressed if choice == 6 MessageEX "bye bye" Let showMenu := 0 ;exit infinite loop, stop the menu checker after user choose 'Exit Menu' else if choice == 0 MessageEX "choice %g" choice elseif choice == 1 MessageEX "choice %g" choice elseif choice == 2 MessageEX "choice %g" choice elseif choice == 3 MessageEX "choice %g" choice elseif choice == 4 MessageEX "choice %g" choice elseif choice == 5 MessageEX "choice %g" choice endif MessageBoxEX "Hello World !|zero|one|two|three|four|five|Exit Menu" ;---> notice the different I add new 7th 'Exit Menu' endif endif endif End
  5. make sure your spell is like this . http://i.imgur.com/Jr5Lz4Q.jpg . and here's the script for your ninja charcoal bomb . scn castCarchoal Begin ScriptEffectStart if Player.GetItemCount Charcoal == 0 || GetDead || GetKnockedState || GetUnconscious || GetSleeping Dispel spellCharcoal ;cancel the order because pc insufficient charcoal or the npc is down return ;stop this script from running further endif ;pay 1 charcoal in pc inventory Player.RemoveItem Charcoal 1 ;this is something like ninja cloud bomb to escape right ? ;dramatic effect some gray cloud maybe, you should create by yourself this gray cloud bomb effect Player.PlayMagicShaderVisuals cloudCharcoalEffect 7 ;---> change this seconds to match your preferred cloud effect duration End Begin ScriptEffectUpdate ;enemies affected by charcoal is blind temporary and make pc always undetected because foe eyes covered with charcoal if GetDetectionLevel PlayerRef SetDetectionState PlayerRef 0 endif End
  6. hi Zd L is here to help ( I am pretty super ultra bored --- right now I'm resizing all of my texture for better performance with nifty tools called Ordenador ) scn aogOSDoorCrypt Short showMenu Short choice Begin onActivate Let showMenu := 1 ;Add anything that needs := be re-initialized MessageBoxEX "Hello World !|zero|one|two|three|four|five" End Begin GameMode if showMenu Let choice := GetButtonPressed ;always try to get button press, user input if choice != -1 ;watch the user decision, and do some action if any menu button get pressed Let showMenu := 0 ;stop the menu checker after user choosed if choice == 0 MessageEX "choice %g" choice elseif choice == 1 MessageEX "choice %g" choice elseif choice == 2 MessageEX "choice %g" choice elseif choice == 3 MessageEX "choice %g" choice elseif choice == 4 MessageEX "choice %g" choice elseif choice == 5 MessageEX "choice %g" choice endif endif endif End
  7. I don't understand why you not put your file in nexus mod anyway thx Zd for sharing with us !
  8. simply NifSkope, no other hello addict long time no talking :smile: I still remember your contribution on request for "dynamic quest" for AoG I hope someday I can release that feature, for now .... it is so much projects x_x
  9. GOOD NEWS !!! I've solved your Marihuana plus OR ctd issue Betty :D remember to fix your other script before start this (see my previous post above) here's the step go open your Marihuana ESP then go to script called ' aaMrPSmokeMJScript ' and replace all of that script with the revised version (in the spoiler button) NOTE that, the Origin of error is come from BAD animation file, and that file is XSKillAnim.kf see error log below 2016/07/28 14:43:04 [0051BA26] [WARNING] AnimGroup unable to find sequence 'KillAnim' in model 'Meshes\Characters\_Male\IdleAnims\XSPipeMod\XSKillAnim.kf'. it seems because OR is present, it can detect any bad animation file and ctd if found that's why Revised script aaMrPSmokeMJScript
  10. UPDATE OK ! I managed to enter the game without crashing it's because of the settings .... if I use 'your' OR settings I always got crash at first loading screen now is all working I can play OR with this setting BUT YOU'RE RIGHT I did as you told me to produce the crash ,,,, it is absolute ctd now it is my turn to look for the source of the crash I'll let you know if I found anything Betty :smile:
  11. in Marihuana mod there is script that generate error just because that script is not compiled 2016/07/28 13:28:33 [004FC335] [WARNING] Script '' in file 'MrPwner's Marihuana Mod.esp' has not been compiled. 2016/07/28 13:28:33 [004FC335] [WARNING] Script 'aaBigBudScript2' in file 'MrPwner's Marihuana Mod.esp' has not been compiled. SOLUTION : open Marihuana ESP then go to aaBigBudScript2 line 30, change 'player.removeitem MrPwbigBud 1' -----> 'player.removeitem MrPBigBud 1'
  12. Betty I am gonna testing Marihana plus OR right now but when I am preparing I found strange thing did you happen not use latest OR when testing Marihuana ? I noticed in latest OR INI file ... compared with yours in your OR INI this setting is missing [Main] GrassMode = 1 [Develop] CompileEffects = 0 TraceVanillaShaders = 0
  13. GOOD NEWS AoG v 43.00 can PREVENT Savegame bloat ISSUE !!! - W h a t ' s N e w - v43.00 - NEW! Dynamic Object Purger : AoG can TOTALLY declare your savegame is FREE from BLOAT !!! I've created the code from scratch, I could say this is the next generation of the great Clean Up mod. Info about bloat >>> (see Official bug here). BIG Thanks to : Tiawar, Forli, Llde - AoG Torch : pc light on torch wrong validation bug fixed, Drop Lit Torch issue bug fixed
  14. GOOD NEWS AoG v 43.00 can PREVENT Savegame bloat ISSUE !!! - W h a t ' s N e w - v43.00 - NEW! Dynamic Object Purger : AoG can TOTALLY declare your savegame is FREE from BLOAT !!! I've created the code from scratch, I could say this is the next generation of the great Clean Up mod. Info about bloat >>> (see Official bug here). BIG Thanks to : Tiawar, Forli, Llde - AoG Torch : pc light on torch wrong validation bug fixed, Drop Lit Torch issue bug fixed
  15. Thank you Drake, phew... very reassuring :happy:
  16. lol Contra :devil: don't spice up things here - I don't even bring 'that' topic here. actually when you enter that site there is pop up as warning, that site is legal and have many good Oblivion mods too it's still in tolerable scale and I am just trying being helpful here answering the problem let's hope this thing solved fast
  17. you got it right ;) I like being called L rather than lubronbrons, it feels so 'me' for me lol Leo, let us hear some more from you if you still have any issues
  18. Leo, you want Vanilla torch ? are you sure that is the problem ? here you go >>> https://www.mediafire.com/?wzhucup1be2nvfz
  19. hmm... maybe you should post first some example images (your preferences) to describe what you want then the community can understand you more and 'may' help you too EDIT : ahh sorry... the previous link is broken here's the right one >>> http://www.loverslab.com/topic/15185-xeo-sp/ the character & NPCs preview is like this >>>
  20. Hello zd ! Long time no talking :D Thx for your suggestion that's funny ideas of yours, can be implemented. It's entertaining :) off topic btw, are you still interested in Mimic pet ? I think I need it for one
  21. Another couple of ideas for Notice Boards Dynamic Quests: Rat Invasion: If accepted, it spawns a few passive very small rats hidden across the city worldspace, city interiors and castle interiors. The player must search for them and kill them (just 1HP, no combat). It would be nice if they spawn randomly in well hidden places, so this kind of quest could be considered as a little "easter-egg" hunt. Fair Economy: The economy of the town is starting to suffer because one of the sellers (shops, inns, etc) is selling a product cheaper than it should be. The player must investigate, search and compare prizes to find which product from which seller is. To progress to next queststage the player must buy that product (the proof that the cheaper product has been recognized) and bring it to local guard so they can take action and bring a little reward to player. Condemnation Document: If player is for example in Bruma could find a notice board that tells about a suspect leader of a group of bandits/marauders/conjurers/necromancers/mythic dawn members/regional bandit faction (i.e. Morrowind Bandits) arrested in Leyawiin. The local guard of Bruma have the proofs in one document about his guilty and needs somebody to carry the document to Leyawiin so the suspect can be condemned before the local guard set him free because of the lack of proofs. The problem is that the rest of grunts of the group are going to try to kill the player and destroy the document before he reach the city where the suspect is, watching the main roads and following the player until the quest is over. For this last idea, here is some content that at least could serve as inspiration: Player Hunters Fame and Infamy http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/6536/? Player Hunters: Find/Kill AI http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/5519/?
  22. Betty !!!!! :sad: I am so so so sooooo SORRY ! currently I am working on big project ... a huge one the project is about Immersive Interior + All Natural mod compilation well ... after I publish it then I will be back to you I promise :smile: also.... you still have not read my PM kind of make me a little sad :sad: coz I am the type person that not comfortable much with being ignored frequently but last time you mention about busy life --- real life. I think that's reasonable answers so I will try to accept it more logically rather than my emotion
  23. but I feel alone :sad: thx Mastah you respond to my post, means there's still life here this is a long journey, I must ask permission one by one to each author :pinch: and compile this whole thing by myself ....
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