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Everything posted by lubronbrons

  1. This is the list of user submitted ideas regarding Greed Quest that I APPROVED sorry if your idea is not listed here, means I will not create it or maybe I will someday :smile: Npc wants something that another npc (in a dungeon, in a town, whatever) has. Could be stealing, could be just actual borrowing. (motarx)Npcs want skooma, too lazy to get/distribute it ,so they ask pc, some chance of getting caught by the law. --> this can give idea illegal quest that can be caught by guard (motarx)I really liked the get item for faction X and then faction Y sends a note and wants it too then you could deliver it to either one. (motarx)Lyra Rosentia request Ruined Akaviri sword and shield you can get Lifting the Vale. this can resurrect some useles NPC to have more reason & background (ElderScrollsFan001)Herminia Cinna & Lithnilian where she starts paying you for double for welkynd stones and varla stones (ElderScrollsFan001)delivery of food to the farm house or a chest out side the Temple of the Ancestor Moths for any cities (ElderScrollsFan001,asteriasennall)Booksellers wants a specific book or an x number of a specific book, or the full collection of a series. Npcs may ask for quills and parchments (Dennai,FireTehVahu)Alchemist want assorted ingredients for a formula. (Dennai)Blacksmith wants a full set of a determined armor. Blacksmiths may ask for metal to melt down for smithing (Dennai,FireTehVahu)Guards requires safer roads and will pay for a x number of bandit killed, need something to collect as proof of killing, ex.tooth,fingers,etc (Dennai)Mages from the Guild will pay for a x number of Necromancers killed, similar to above, you need proof. Mages may ask to deliver enchanted items to vendor (Dennai,FireTehVahu)Similar to the last two points, Rangers pay for a x number of hostile beast killed (Dennai)Same as above, Counts or maybe priest will pay for x number of evil things killed like dremora or vampires (Dennai)members of the Order of Virtuous Blood could probably benefit from making and selling cure vampirism potions, having you collect the ingredients (FireTehVahu)Horse stableboys/gals could ask for pelts or leather to create saddles and ask for general supplies for horses such as food and straw etc (FireTehVahu)Scholars may need escorts to study various things in cyrodiil (wildlife, ruins, daedric shrines, etc.) (FireTehVahu)Some nobles (such as in Cheydinhal) may send you to obtain new clothes for them to wear to parties. (FireTehVahu)Traveling npcs may ask for escorts to get to where they are going. this need all list of Oblivion places, and topic that choose the place such as 'The Heartlands' etc (FireTehVahu)Innkeepers could ask for food, wine, or and possibly offer free food wine for Inn in remote location (FireTehVahu)black sacrament need heart, skull, bones, and flesh for rituals (FireTehVahu)Priests could ask for healing potions and such. (FireTehVahu)Protect person from some monsters. this is a bit different from escort, because there is certain fixed monster ambush (Susaphone)Find object on monsters protecting it. (Susaphone)quest that really do not make any sense. Bring a broom (or some other random worthless item) on the top of Dive Rock (or some other hard to reach tall place). (zdswulyx)Hit a palace guard with a fork, you can yield after. or slip prank notes, need reverse pickpocket (zdswulyx)Missing Pet: A little cat or dog is missing, a clue just some vague information (that the player must ask around) about one or few possible locations that the pet might be. must be retrieved to the owner for reward. (escaspain)Trade Caravan: same as escort mission (npc not going to become pc follower), so pc should actually become the follower and protect them in the travel. For each NPC of the caravan dead, the reward drops down. (escaspain)Help the local chapel: pc get some pamphlets, delivery around the city, NPCs interested must sign them. conversation mini game pc should choose correct answer by chance. pc give signed pamphlets to chapel for reward. (escaspain)Rat Invasion: spawns few passive very small rats hidden across the city worldspace, city interiors and castle interiors. pc search them, kill them (1HP, no combat). spawn randomly in well hidden places (escaspain)Fair Economy: 1 seller in town sell cheaper than it should be. pc must find which product from which seller, search and compare prizes. after that go to local guard - choose which merchant, then get reward (escaspain)Random Task www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/23278, board for each town (escaspain)daily quest Notice Board fight event IC Arena. Must check is pc have ongoing arena quest or not(the gate must be closed), creatures & NPCs can use 3rd party mods. The option of team fights. pc can bet (escaspain)Cursed Totem: A mythic dawn agent/necromancer/goblin chaman/etc has hidden a cursed totem very well somewhere in the town (it could be a little statue or any object that could represent it) (escaspain)It attracts daedra/undead/goblin creatures to the city (an invasion of that kind of creature could begin in areas near the town at this point) and actually some of this creatures could start to move closer to the town (using code from the mod listed below. Creatures should not enter the town to avoid game-breaking accidents like dead population in cities but close enough to give the feel of a soon invasion. The player must:1 - Search for the totem in the whole town, it could be hidden randomly in the city worldspace, city interiors, castle interiors, etc.2 - Search and kill the guilty mythic dawn agent/necromancer/goblin chaman because he has a book about how to properly destroy the cursed totem (ending this way the invasion).3 - Search for the items listed in book taken from the guilty to make the rite of the cursed totem destruction (they could be random misc. items mixed with specific loot of the current invasion creatures).When player have the cursed totem + the rite book + the random items listed in the book the totem could be activated to be destroyed and to complete the quest (ending the curse over the town and the invasion too). So at the end this quest has a little bit of all: investigation, killing and searching for items.NPCs ask the player to recover legendary artifacts that are randomly added to Ayleid or Imperial Fort ruins (asteriasennall)asteriasennall mini gamesguess which cup hid the coin under, then randomly decide the answer to get a prize otherwise lose some moneydrinking contests (based on constitution score and random chance to win?)asteriasennall gift - relation questVaron Vamori might ask you to pick up a random gift for Ardaline, since the Mages Guild is getting tired of him visiting personallyCountess Narina Carvain asks you to deliver a random gift to her daughter in Leyawiin since she can't ever be bothered to go visit her in Leyawiin insteadAlessia Ottus (IC) was supposed to be involved in a quest to send Hafid Hollowleg (Bruma) a letter.Ancus Afranius (IC) visits Count Andel Indarys (Cheydinhal) once a month.Roderic Pierrane (IC) says he is just friends with Irene Metrick (IC), but each Sundas he sleeps over at Irene Metrick's house.Elragail (IC) visits Countess Millona Umbranox (Anvil) once a month.Dul gro-Shug (IC) vists Agnete the Pickled (Skingrad) once a month.Geem Jasaiin (IC) visits Teekeeus (Chorrol) once a month.Hassiri (IC) visits Wilbur (Anvil) three times a month.Dovyn Aren (IC) and Herminia Cinna (IC) spend time together in Cheydinhal once a month.Marinus Catiotus (IC) says he and Ida Vlinorman (IC) are associates.Jean-Pierre Lemonds (Bravil) visits Daenlin (Bravil) once a week.Pennus Mallius (IC) was supposed to send letters to Bogrum gro-Galash (Bravil).Praxedes Afranius (IC) is friends with Armand Christophe (IC).Quill-Weave (Anvil) is friends with Casta Scribonia (Chorrol).Ra'Jhan (IC) was supposed to send letters to Dervera Romalen (Cheydinhal).Ra'jiradh (IC) visits Witseidutsei (Leyawiin) three times a month.Renee Geonette (IC) visits Mirabelle Monet (Anvil) often.Salomon Geonette (IC) was supposed to send letters to Olav (Bruma).Stantus Varrid (IC) was supposed to send letters to Mariana Ancharia (Cheydinhal).Thamriel (IC) was supposed to send letters to Maenlorn (Anvil).Ulen Athram (IC) is friends with Soris Arenim (IC).Urjabhi (IC) visits Hafid Hollowleg (Bruma) three times a month.Wumeek (IC) is friends with Weebam-Na (Chyedinhal).
  2. GOOD NEWS !!! ~ Greed Quest ~ ...a long waited great feature... Now is AVAILABLE in AoG 57.03
  3. hey bro, I have similar experience and solved in my case the baddie is bad animation file after I removed that animation file, I never encounter crash when load savegame again the bad animation file is from HGEC Variant ---> http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/15802/? if I'm not wrong I think animation KF files in HGEC is not recommended maybe you can start by play without animation first, and see how it goes as for your savegame I don't know how to recover crashed file I think you can use savegame that still working for this NO-animation test hope it helps
  4. Hi Drago ! Let's say there is 3 kind mod. - Need ESP : one that use ESP this kind of mod need to be sorted by tool called BOSS, http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/45765/? install that tool first (it is in EXE format), when you run it ... it's like command-prompt pop out so fast just like that. It is working like that, BOSS work very fast and sort ALL your currently installed ESP - just like that (in Oblivion Data folder. Path : Oblivion \ Data \ ... here, all your ESP being sorted automatically after you click BOSS EXE and execute sort ) - Replacer : one that NOT use ESP (usually people call this replacer) this kind of mod is need trial and error, I suggest you use Mod Organizer for that (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/1334/?) with MO (Mod Organizer) you can sort every NEW mod you installed in separate folder, so no need to install again from first if you make mistake when installing mods. No need for recovery program like that, because every mod can be managed very neatly by using only MO ... still you need to learn how to use OBMM or Wrye Bash, because some mods really need them to run properly. it is a long & harsh path ONLY at FIRST, but trust me it is worth it especially Wrye Bash to make many mods compatible to each other - OBSE plugin : one that called obse plugin (if you use OBSE which is recommended) this mod is easy to install, just put the dll and INI file in the plugin folder. will work only if you install OBSE, OBSE is plugin that needed by many mods now let's partial your installation • Need ESP : - Oblivion Character Overhaul v2 - Animated Window Lighting System and Chimneys - Better Cities - Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul - Unique Landscapes • obse plugin - Oblivion Reloaded (exception, this mod use ESP too) • Replacer - Darnified UI so what to do now, I think the step is like this : - install Oblvion, and all its DLC (recommended) - install Mod Organizer, place all your mod in folder called 'mods' in MO. Use separate folder for neat and easy install uninstall ! - install this 3 patch place it in MO mods folder, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/5296/? http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/9969/? http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/10739/? - install Darnified UI from MO, Mod Organizer can make other software run from internal Mod Organizer so all its file can recognized even though in separate folder - install OCO 2, AWLS, BC, MOO, UL. ALL in MO mods folder, again in separate folder - after that, Run BOSS from Mod Organizer. in MO you can create path to external software like OBMM WB TES4Edit TES4CSE etc etc so all its file can be recognized, you got your workplace clean and neat without clutter. and without disturb ORIGINAL FILE. with MO it is possible that you only need install Oblivion only ONCE, because MO can almost handles everything. Note that you will get latest MO from Skyrim page, don't worry it is still working for Oblivion - Run Wrye Bash from MO, then build your first bashed patch. to learn how to create bashed patch here is the tutorial ---> http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/35230/? - FINAL ! install Oblivion Reloaded in MO BUT - hence the word BUT, you need to place the dll plugin from Oblivion Reloaded and place it in Oblivion Data folder exclusively. Because MO can't recognize dll plugin at all, if this path is still not exist you must create it ---> Oblivion \ Data \ OBSE \ Plugins \ ... place the dll here (This rule applies to all obse mods, Unofficial Oblivion Patch contain obse several plugin too) - DONE ! now you can run your Oblivion from MO, choose the OBSE (if you using it) the Run the game, enjoy~ hope it helps
  5. 1. as far as I know, this still not exist 2. http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/47104/?
  6. @Mhahn well said, man ! :) Oblivion is a big mess without your BOSS @Striker I concur, many great tools already exist so we can use it and become God in Oblivion (create, modify, remove)
  7. by default the log is located in your Oblivion Data folder the filename is : Construction Set Extender.log then open that file by using whatever text editor you familiar with, let's just say Notepad when you opened the file, search this word using CTRL+F : hours yeah, I believe all of us is the same boat time spent on other software ... we can only guess, also there is some modders ppl refresh / re-install Oblivion made their CSE got reset so the time spent statistic on CSE will NOT show you the current exact value but for me, I use the same installation folder and structure since last year. so I can use it as standard yeah it counts, as long as you open CSE when you testing it nice ! so modding inspire you about scripting. then you choose computer science as major yeah I agree, no matter how much hours we spent the thing that is important is : we must ENJOY modding activity itself statistic shown me that I spent quite a bit of time spent because I have real life too, that made me realize I need to evaluate myself either I reduce my modding hours or I must improve my own modding skill to become more effective & efficient, hopefully I can cut some hours (I think...)
  8. if you can find all those lightbeam model path maybe I can help in my fog case I noticed that fog always contain one of this word in its model path : "fxcloud" or "fxmist" or "fxgas"
  9. I suggest you use OBSE script to do that by creating an esp that can remove or teleport that lightbeams to somewhere else, use custom cell. you can name it "lightbeam graveyard" or something I have similar problem, but in my case the fps eater is fog I use this script to remove all that damned fog ;set all fog off Let rf1 := GetFirstRef 28 1 while rf1 if CompareModelPath "fxcloud" rf1 || CompareModelPath "fxmist" rf1 || CompareModelPath "fxgas" rf1 rf1.PositionCell 0 0 0 0 lloParadise rf1.Disable endif Let rf1 := GetNextRef loop
  10. hello Trippy I have suggestion for improvement SCN DorritScript Begin GameMode if GetDisabled ;no need to store enable disable in variable, you can use function GetDisabled if GetStage aaMSB == 30 Enable endif else if GetStage aaMSB == 50 Disable endif endif End PushTheWinButton said that GameMode is bad for performance, I agree but I think you can rest assured, because object script attached to npc will only run if player is in the same cellspace with that npc (or object) the script only contain small code enable disable function, that is very light performance. even though the gamemode in attached script run per 0.001 sec / 1 millisecond if you have Maskar Oblivion Overhaul mod you can see that MOO have many object script attached in npcs or objects but the game still considered stable and lightweight so ... I believe attaching script object is pretty lightweight if we use it only for small use
  11. I am happy that my internet is up again finally :D after last month broken on 23rd what a let down, bad service for monthly paid internet provider anyway I want to share this when I open up CSE this is funny statement that pop-up on cse log at initialization [CSE] Precious time wasted on the CS: 638.5 hours so I invest almost 1 month for modding on cse and that number is still not including my time spent on editing mesh, texture, and sound files also not forgetting this tool ---> TES 4 Edit and many other parts I began modding since June 2015 (one year ago) that 1 month time spent on modding is a bit insane I think ... for me if you are a modder and using CSE too, you can share :) I don't play much Oblivion modding seems much more fun to me
  12. that leveling AF mod the idea is interesting, but the feedback is not ... too many negative feedback about the mod not working properly, and it's recent ... the comment is in 2016
  13. I have crazy idea too why there is no digimon related mod in Nexus and everywhere ? my guess is : - the same in this topic, COPYRIGHT issues. no porting - no Digimon lovers in Nexus forum - there is many Digimon lovers in Nexus, but don't have necessary skill to mod it (I can create mod but I can't handle 3D model and mesh) yeah .... I agree if created from scratch the BIG one will not sue or ban us I noticed that in this mods : - http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/2101/? - http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/2801/? - http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/39863/? - http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/6162/? we can see all of that survived, cover songs is permitted. because the musician did an arrangement by herself and help promote Skyrim too in a good way hope this give you some hope, Sky :smile: cheer up maybe someday you meet some great modder that help you achieve your dream or there is some people already working on it but we don't know I am interested in Skyrim itself the graphic is so breathaking
  14. I have some SERIOUS PROBLEM RIGHT NOW !! AoG Development will be on hold (Singing Bard) until I can recover from this damage
  15. oh God ! why human memory is so bad, unlike search engine in computer last year I am pretty sure I stumble upon mod that can freeze time with just single keystroke but now I don't remember what its name just now try googling it I found this >>> http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/3892 and this >>> http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/30973/? I still not try both of that, but it seems in that mods mention spell that can stop time
  16. maybe this mod is what you wanted Hear No Evil >>> http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/25462/?
  17. me Love : Feedback !! Brainstorm !! Endorsement !! especially Kudos Votes !! definitely me HATE : Arrogant people !! Haughty people !! and Thankless person !!
  18. it will not error in certain cases probably will just cause some visual glitch something like ... assumed you install DLC Battle Horn, you can see that Castle from afar right ? then ... tomorrow you uninstall that mod, and you play again from last savegame WITHOUT doing LOD Gen routine I believe you'll still see that Battle Horn Caster from afar BUT it will disappear when you go near it (because it was uninstalled) yeah ... something like that this what I mean Visual glitch and in another case it may CTD because sometimes that LOD may happen to use some custom textures or meshes you can rest assured if that Location mod or that City mod that you uninstall is using vanilla texture mesh, then it should be no problem summary : Best is, ALWAYS do LODGen routine after install/uninstall Location mod
  19. This is RAEVWD alternative >>> Tamriel VWD http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/6403/? have similar feature, can prevent pop-up building trouble more fps friendly but still categorized as performance eater, coz the more LOD objects = fps hit
  20. this is for water http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/42438/? and this for exterior texture & mesh replacer http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/45666/?
  21. hmm.... maybe Alenet got tired to explain everything in fact, we can use ALL of that manager (except NMM because I never use that) - WB : you can install it normally, just make sure you copy OblivionReloaded.dll and OblivionReloaded.ini in your REAL Oblivion Data folder - MO : you can install it normally, same as WB (see above) ... you must place OblivionReloaded.dll and OblivionReloaded.ini in your REAL Oblivion Data folder the path must be like this ---> Oblivion \ Data \ OBSE \ Plugins \ OblivionReloaded.dll ---> Oblivion \ Data \ OBSE \ Plugins \ OblivionReloaded.ini if the folder OBSE and Plugins is not exist in your Oblivion Data folder you must create it manually with exact name like that - OBMM : this is no different from as you install OR manually
  22. Yes, this step is recommended : 1 install everything (your mods) 2 run TES LODGen 3 run Landscape LODGen (this mod can optimize all LOD mesh existed in your Oblivion Data and give them mipmap, if you unsure backup first everything) NOTE : if you using Mod Organizer make sure you run TES LODGen and Landscape LODGen from your Mod Organizer both of LODGen mod need to detect all your loaded active ESP remember if you install any Location / City mods, you must re-do this whole process because LOD must be always generated manually like this not all modders give LOD file from start (we must generate manually using TES LODGen) and ... :) when you testing it be ready for your fps reduced (because more stuff in your Oblivion world loaded in exterior)
  23. I want to share what I know about this, but still need confirmed by people that have more knowledge about this - TES LODGen is different from Landscape LODGen, they work differently - TES LODGen will generate DistantLOD folder in your Oblivion Data folder, I don't like TES LODGen at all because if I do this my game will get lag so much. This is for exterior, to prevent building pop-up in front of your eyes. So in distance you will see building from afar before you reach that building. I prefer pop-up building because my rig is not that good. For sure, that mod Really AEVWD is for high end PC - Landscape LODGen will optimize mesh and make mipmap from it, the author (Gruftikus) give us several choices. We can choose quality or performance, for quality the vertices will be more and detailed when we see the LOD from afar. As for performance the vertices in mesh will be less and the detail will reduced too. Some said that mipmap can increase performance because this map is something like fake generated shadow so the game should not load this shadow thing thus the performance increased hope someone can clarify this more
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