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Everything posted by lubronbrons

  1. long ago me too happen to have CTD after do Archive Invalidation on OBMM but now its all good after using Archive Invalidation provided by MO (Mod Organizer) http://i.imgur.com/tEPmwog.jpg
  2. Ok motarx simple delivery system & NPC steal request noted in idea box thankyou :smile: sadly I never play daggerfall
  3. I am grateful !! Finally someone post in this brainstorm open field~ thankyou ElderScrollsFan001 for being the first blood haha so Lazare it's about duel .... hmm can be repeatable I think, like some duel like that from what I can see. Ok then, included in my idea box
  4. Have you ever wonder there's is too much NPC that is useless ? The answer is yes... there's is to much NPC that is dead meat :tongue: So.... I want to make ALL OF THEM to become more worthy, I can realize it. BUT I need help from this community, really-really need your idea can be anything or your own personal wish example such as NPC X need 50 apple, so be it ! The quest about hunting 50 apple will be available! every day every NPC will be evaluated and given random quest something like that.... anyone? I am eager to brainstorm :smile: I will query all of the ideas before implement it after this is all set -- random quest feature will be available at AoG - Overhaul plus Detect Item thx before
  5. global text replace ? the answer definitely is using tool TES4 edit, with 'Apply Script' feature http://i.imgur.com/nGZdk2K.jpg
  6. It's been a week, so cruel ... seems nobody here wants to share :sad: I am an Oblivion modders & addict recently I try Skyrim with mod. BUT many mod in Oblivion is like my own blood & skull you know... mod that kind like -- can't live without it Ok, so I want to experience that kind of mod in Skyrim too need all the help I can get for this kind of mod for Skyrim : - mod that retexture & replace mesh for fps friendly in mind (especially I need THIS!) - mod that add minimap to gameplay HUD this is an example. So not need to switch beetween map & game mode frequently - mod that hide helm so beautiful hair of player can always be seen plus helmet stat benefit - mod that make road in Skyrim more alive with much more traveler - mod that give endless random task quest, this is needed for me to kill time :smile: - mod that make grabing action more interactive such as this mod when you see in Oblivion - mod that give player a pet companion from start such as griphons or wolf or lion - mod that change death system, so after player die will quick respawn to recent location - mod that can permit multiple enchant on single equipment - mod that make menu descision fast, can choose with space button or right click. quick like QZ menu in Oblivion - mod that place enchanting altar & black soul game in easy place - mod that expand the hotkey shortcut system to become more better - mod that change music more interactive such as this mod in Oblivion - mod that can display custom status like this mod in Oblivion - mod that make combat arena more alive and more delight - mod that add more spawn points, for more action battle outside of town - mod that refill enchanted weapon automatically every second - mod that add dating & marriage to Skyrim - mod that remove fog totally - mod that do autosave with interval by user preference I will appreciate good link from y'all thankyu :D anyway I use this mod so far
  7. you're welcome happy to help :) may Oblivion be revived once again :D
  8. @Sir, I have uploaded version 4. now it should not effect misc item & ingredients the script now just focus only too armor & weapon only (item that have health durability) thx for your report :) my scripting skill is still need to learn
  9. "items in creature inventories is that the misc and ingredients are duplicated" hmm I think this is not caused by my fix I assume.... because the code is just so simple. focused to item that have health only (Armor & Weapon)
  10. Hei Sir (btw I sent you a PM) I've made an updateversion 2 for that mod "Fix Container Disappear Bug" with a better approach, you can try that tell me if it works EDIT : Oh my God ! I just noticed recently when opened TES4 CSE there is game file script named 'QQuix' inside there is a text says setFunctionValue "I was the one who brought up the idea for Coda, CSE's scripting language for the CS environment! Woohoo!!" so this thread is alredy visited by GREAT people lol
  11. Thank you Philip hehe gonna try that later,, even me as noobs I hear 'shademe' is considered one of legend in this forum... aww :( too bad so the CK CSE still work in progress I see.... anyway I finally done it !!! Yeah !! hahaha http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/46624
  12. your welcome :) I am new to Skyrim, can you tell me what editor for that ? so far I just using TES4edit and TES4 CSE for Oblivion return base object yeah its pretty confusing, I wanna scream out of stress hahaha gonna try GetInvRefsForItem it seems this syntax will solve my problem
  13. I think every float value, will automatically converted to short. example : 13.7 force it to short then will be 13 anyway the problem is not that... its just .... in that case 'GetCurrentHealth' will break the quest script (until next game start) if I comment that line, the script works..... we need GetCurrentHealth to works, but error ! :tongue:
  14. yeah QQuix is expert for sure, I take a look his mod list. well I am stuck at line where the script is like this ' set sh1 to obj.GetCurrentHealth ' why is that line error anyway I just don't understand. Because we need to identify object health to achieve this in invetory scn aaaContainerBugTestQuestSCRIPT ;------------------------------------------- float fQuestDelayTime ref bas ref reff short n short rndDur string_var s ;used for check container short i ref obj short sh1 ;store the health short blockKey short objDur ref rf ref rfCurr ref lastCont short lastContOpen array_var arObj array_var arDur ref InvSelRef begin gamemode let fQuestDelayTime := 0.03 set rf to GetCrosshairRef if rf != 0 if rf.IsContainer && rf != player if OnKeyDown 57 ;spacebar ;store baseObj+dur info & set all to 100 set i to rf.GetNumItems if i > 0 ;prep Let arObj := ar_Null Let arObj := ar_Construct Array Let arDur := ar_Null Let arDur := ar_Construct Array ;if this obj is equipable & not have exact 100% health, then force to 100 & store the value to array While i > 0 set i to i - 1 set obj to rf.GetInventoryObject i set objDur to rf.GetObjectHealth obj set sh1 to obj.GetCurrentHealth if obj != 0 && IsPlayable2 obj && objDur > 0 && rf.GetItemCount obj > 1 PrintToConsole "%n fix disappear bug! %g" obj objDur Let arObj[ar_Size arObj] := obj Let arDur[ar_Size arDur] := sh1 ; obj.SetCurrentHealth objDur endif Loop endif ;finishing: open the container rf.Activate player, 1 endif if OnKeyDown 22 ;U ;=== Create an new Base Object === let n += 1 let s := "Item " + sv_Construct "%03.0f" n let bas := CloneForm WeapIronDagger SetName $s bas ;=== Create an unique item === let reff := CreateTempRef bas reff.SetRefCount 2 set rndDur to Rand 1 69 reff.SetCurrentHealth rndDur ; original health = 70 SetObjectHealth 1 reff.CopyIR rf ; add to container PrintToConsole "%n created health %g" reff rndDur endif endif endif end
  15. so you know coding huh. Cool ! Ok Thanks :) this is plenty~
  16. @QQuix, can you provide me detailed 'test case' to recreate this bug step by step not with illustrate? from your illustration, it provide many good information to help uncover this issue. so far I can think 2 approach first method : identify which item should be transferred and place it to another temporary container second method : by sorting out every container when player access it I need the 'test case' so I can check this two methods it works or not
  17. that's adorable of you hmm maybe the teddy bears can even move and have life if great modders like Elbhetien give some help, she is so good ad creating new mesh or editing it for oblivion world
  18. I remember there is mod like that about categorizing stuff with separate containers here's the link, tell me what you think
  19. hmm so the bug can be repaired itself by using smith help I see.... the disappearing bug is on equipment that not full health
  20. ok then while you try ... me too gonna gather some research material on this it seems this one not an easy bug :)
  21. the lines disappear? so it's all good now happy playing :D ahh about oblivion.ini I can't help much sorry
  22. ok here's the deal. try recreate the 'disappearing bug' problem from start game, then after you found out the limit of 'that number'. just tell me, so I can recreate it too then I can do something about it I think this request is still in my ability range, to manipulate the storage things
  23. interesting... from your story so this bug is built-in Oblivion I take it? I think.... I can try fix that... the mod should work like second storage actually, this can be solved. so the second storage work as buffer something like that anyway I've never got this problem, how much items that we need to put, so the disappearing bug will shown?
  24. I agree forli advice is invaluable, he even ever help me in some scripting code ! awesome poeple! modding Oblivion will be hassle at first, after getting it works... we all will be too tired ... because after put too much mind for getting it works but somehow if it solved. All that hard work feels is -- joy
  25. if I remember... that can be achieved by using this mod Darnified UI with mod DarnUI you can setting compass to be hidden in Menu Mode in darn setting, the setting itself can be accessed in-game. Menu mode first tab
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