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Everything posted by NinjaGoddessAyra

  1. Hey, it's been a while and I haven't heard from you lately. Just wanted to drop by and say I miss you. I noticed you had a birthday that went by, so happy belated birthday! Hope you're doing alright ^^
  2. Ayra, enroute to Molag Mar Ayra heard Kriak exclaim loudly and thought that was a bit unusual. She turned around just in time to see a mage hopping from island to island. Interesting, she thought to herself. And with that she went back to looking at her feet, her cold expression never changing. She still had much to meditate on.
  3. Ayra, Molag Mar Ayra looked down towards the docks and saw Adrynn "aquire" a boat for safe passage. Without a second thought, she hopped into the boat, and looked around. The Sarosian was giving a death glare to the boatsman, and Adrynn was busy seething. Ayra knew that the intent gaze upon the boatsman was to ensure that they were not to be taken lightly. It was a good call, she thought, and she probably would have done the same thing, though people usually run when they see her face anyways. As for Adrynn, it was a bit of a surprise to see him so angry the way he was, and Ayra wasn't used to him being so ebrasive, though she could understand fully where he was coming from. Still, she had quite a few things she needed to focus on, and she'd never be able to if she had to worry about defending herself from Adrynn. Ayra looked over at him, and could see that he was still outwardly frustrated, and decided to cast a Calm Humanoid spell, perhaps it would help him think more clearly. Either way, she needed time to think, and hoped the spell would take effect.
  4. Not bad. The load order is impressive, the fact that you have all those mods working perfectly is really outstanding. As far as your rig goes, that's also equally impressive, it's almost as good as mine.
  5. Ayra, Redoran Outpost Ayra didn't need to be told twice to drink the potions. She took the three bottles and drank one of them right away. It was almost instantaneous relief; her back felt much better and she could feel the flesh mending itself back together. She pocketed the rest of the potions rather than drink them; they'd be useful for later. She looked first at Garila, her glowing blue eyes studying the Dunmer woman before her. She just couldn't figure it out, this woman helped her, and yet she must have seen the markings on her back. Ayra found this unusual; she never had been offered help from outsiders who knew nothing about her. She wanted to thank her, to tell her she appreciated the potions, but the words just wouldn't come. Finally, Ayra turned towards Faeryn and answered his question, "I'm not.....really sure..." she managed to say. Seeing that her voice was suddenly working again, she turned to Garila once more and tried again, "Thank you very much," she said, in what she hoped was a normal tone. She bowed her head slightly, showing that she was indeed sincere, and then grabbed her gear and headed out the door. It was bad enough that she could feel all eyes staring at her, and she could guess that her unusual facial tattoos and eyes were the problem. She needed to get her hands on more Concealment Potion really soon, she thought. As she started to exit the door, she saw the huge towering figure of Ulfgar standing just outside it. Ayra looked at him, and then thought of the Dunmer woman who had taken care of her. They'd be after the Nerevarine, but that didn't mean that they wouldn't need protection here either, incase they came back. "Ulfgar, could you stay here and watch over them?" Ulfgar nodded in understanding. Ayra could tell from his eyes that he was not happy to be away from the front lines, but he understood that this had to be done regardless. Ayra stepped outside into the now fading sun light, closed her eyes, and took a breath of fresh air; she was ready to get moving.
  6. Ayra, Redoran Outpost Ayra could feel the sharp pain running down her back as she used what little strength she had to sit up. She looked at the Dunmer woman who had been watching over her, and managed to respond with great difficulty, "I'm okay I guess." Ayra noticed that a few new faces had entered the room, and her sapphire blue eyes widened with shock when she noticed the Sarosian standing in the room. Ayra didn't think it was possible, and yet there he was, just standing there in the middle of the room. Was he one of the Five? She wondered. No, he can't be, she thought. She was sure that they wouldn't be here of all places, yet it was still a while before she was able to take her eyes off the huntsman. It wasn't until she noticed the Ordinator with the violet scarf standing near him that she finally recognized the warrior, Faeryn. "Faeryn..." she tried to call out, but her voice was very weak. Would he even remember her? She doubted it. It didn't matter anyways. She had to get moving to. With great difficulty, she shut her eyes tight and focused on banishing the pain away from her back. Thanks to the training she had with the Dark Brotherhood, she had long since learned the ability to banish pain to the back of her mind, and focus on the task at hand. Now, for the first time ever, she was grateful that some of her training really paid off. She opened her eyes, looked at Adrynn, who was fuming with rage, and knew it was time to go. She was not going to be left behind.
  7. OOC: Sorry for the long time without posting, I was super busy for the holidays. But now I say it's time to keep this thing rolling, so lets just get to it ;) Ulfgar, Molar Mar Ulfgar was busy trying to lead as many cultists as he could away from the Redoran Outpost; it was imperative that none make into the building, or everything would be lost. Luckily for him, three cultists followed, and after a long grueling battle, he dispatched all of them. He had just made his way back up the Canton when he saw two new faces, Ordinators from the looks of them, though they looked different than the usual Ordinators that he'd seen patrolling Vivec and Molag Mar. He looked around and saw that the battle must have just ended mere seconds ago. He looked over at Adrynn, and nodded. "Well, looks like I missed out on all the fun," he said with a smile, "still, it's good to see that atleast this is all taken care of." He frowned as he looked around once more. There were other Ordinators that had come out to help during the battle, and they'd want explanations. Ulfgar shook his head; talking was not his forte at all, he'd let someone else explain what was going on. Considering he barely understood what was going on at this point anyways, he figured it was better this way. Ayra, Redoran Outpost Ayra could feel immense pain running down her back. It was excruciating, she could barely move, and could hardly think. With great effort, she tried to move her head and opened a bleary eye to see where she was. She was in a well lit room, and there seemed to be a Dunmer standing over her. Atleast she thought so, but she couldn't really make out who it was for certain, and it was taking up all her will power just to stay awake. "Where....where's Ulfgar...?" She said in a strained voice.
  8. Okay, if there is anyone out there that still reads these updates, I'd like to ask if there is anyone who might know someone who knows someone who can compose music well. I would greatly appreciate it if I could talk to a music composer, and see if he/she wants a job possibly composing a few pieces for Morrowind. There is no deadline, there is no rush, and it's more of a "work on the piece whenever you can" sort of thing. Absolutely no rush. But yes, if there is a music compos...
    1. NinjaGoddessAyra


      And now I wait.


      *NinjaGoddess begins twiddling her thumbs*

    2. NinjaGoddessAyra


      And now I wait.


      *NinjaGoddess begins twiddling her thumbs*

  9. Wow, you do nice work, xD You should try and find someone to sing these for you, possibly put them up on youtube :D
  10. OOC: I apologize, I'm super out of it right now, so I really don't know what I'm doing. I just figured I'd post to keep this thing going :) Ulfgar and Ayra, Molag Mar Ulfgar saw the people he had met earlier that day on the ship fighting for their lives as he ran desperately to try and find help. He needed to save her, he wouldn't let her die. As he turned the corner, he saw Adrynn telling the Imperial Caius to regroup. Without thinking he ran towards him and handed him Ayra. "Please, make sure she stays safe. I'll take care these scum, just make sure she's okay." And with that he hoisted his abnormally large battle axe and ran to engage the cultists head on.
  11. Ayra and Ulfgar, on the shoreline a little ways from Molag Mar Ulfgar followed Ayra through the winding paths down the foyada as she continued to walk a brisk pace, clearly in a hurry to get somewhere. He didn't think it was a good idea to jump out and leave everyone the way they did. Not after hearing the story that they did. Still, he knew Ayra to be stubborn, and trying to convince her of something otherwise was almost impossible....almost. "Ayra," he called out, "Lets go back alright? We really shouldn't leave the others behind. They're after the same thing we are." Ayra stopped suddenly, and for a moment he thought he had gotten through to her. But then, she suddenly bent her knees into a combat position, her hand sliding to the hilt of her sword, and then he sensed it too: they had walked straight into an ambush. 3 crimson hooded figures clad in daedric armor appeared from out of nowhere. "Sorry Dunmer," one said, taking a single step towards Ayra with his daedric mace, "but you picked a bad day to side against Lord Dagon!" It happened so suddenly, the speaker in the crimson robes was clearly not expecting anything like the reaction he received from Ayra. She drew her sword in a graceful arching slash at such an incredible speed that the man in the hood barely had time to manage one last look of fear or surprise, before his head was severed entirely from the rest of his body. Ayra looked at the other two men, who were stunned at first, but began to charge her as well. She was ready, and she knew better; the only reason she was able to nail the first one is because he let his guard down, if these two were smart at all, they would not make the same mistake. Ayra stayed back and took up a defensive posture, readying herself for the imminent attack, and watching their movements closely. When they finally reached her, she dodged and parried, moving in such a fluid like motion; it was like watching a very elegant dance, the way she barely just dodged the awkward swings of their clubs, and yet showed no fear, no hesitation, just careful concentration. She finally found an opening in of the hooded men's defenses and slashed into his abdominal area, with him falling to the ground. As she began to face the last man, readying herself for one more fight, her eyes widened with astonishment as she saw the other one get up and brush himself off like nothing had happeneed, readying himself for another round. This won't be easy, she thought to herself. She needed a better strategy, if their armor was damn near impenetrable she'd have to figure out a new plan. As Ayra raised her sword for another bout, she suddenly felt a sharp pain slice across her back, and barely had time to look behind her to see more hooded men behind her. How did they sneak up on me!? She thought to herself. That's incredible! She stumbled forward a couple steps, and fell to one knee. She was not going to be okay. She looked around, trying to clear her vision, and banish the pain away, when she saw Ulfgar run and grab her arm. He cast a scroll of Almsivi Intervention and safely got them out of there. She felt that familiar whooshing sensation, and then before she had time to register it, she was in Molag Mar, in the temple. She tried to keep her eyes open, to will herself not to pass out, but it was no good, she was losing blood and consciousness fast. "Come on," Ulfgar said urgently. He picked her up and carried her on his back. He needed to get her help, and fast. But as he called out frantically for help, he noticed that people seemed to be coming and going very fast, particularly the Ordinator guards, who were running out the exit to get somewhere. Damn it, he thought to himself, this is NOT the time for a panic to start happening. Without hesitation, Ulfgar ran out of the temple with Ayra on his back, and started to run. The others said they'd be in the Redoran Outpost, if I'm lucky, they'll still be around. Not that much time could have elapsed....right? He didn't want to think about what would happen if they hald already left and moved on. He would not lose Ayra, he wouldn't.
  12. Ayra, Molag Mar The Broken Sun barely had time to properly stop, before Ayra was already jumping off the boat and into the water below. She was out of Concealment potion, and she couldn't afford to show her face around the public, especially a temple dwelling like Molag Mar. She swam through what little water there was between the now docked ship and the jagged shore line of the Molag Amur region. When she finally stepped onto shore, she looked back, only to see Ulfgar calling and swimming after her. She gave a small mischievous smile; it was funny seeing a giant of a man, calling after her and now swimming just to keep up with you. She knew she never really made it easy for him, but was thankful all the same. "Should we really have left those people back there like that? They seemed like decent folk, and are setting out for the same purpose we are," he said with a slight frown. "I wish yeh wouldn't take off like that." Ayra said nothing. She merely looked ahead at the path laid out before them, a glazed expression showing through those icy blue eyes. Truth be told, she thought they were decent people too, but the fact remained; she worked better alone, and teaming up with people she didn't know at all, who would undoubtedly try and kill her if they ever found out who she was...well it wasn't a very appealing reason to stay. No, this is far better, she thought. She started to walk ahead, following the charred path of one of the foyadas, not saying a word. There was only one thing on her mind; taking down the scum that had hurt one of the only people she truly cared about. And so she continued to walk along the barren path, her sapphire eyes burning with a fierce determination.
  13. Good morning, Naomi! ...or at least I think it's morning, not sure lol. Well, either way, here's hoping you're having a great day :D
  14. Good morning, Naomi! ...or at least I think it's morning, not sure lol. Well, either way, here's hoping you're having a great day :D
  15. Ayra, The Broken Sun Ayra watched the site unfold before her eyes; the person whom she admired most, the one who taught her so much, was in so much pain, physicly and mentally. And suddenly, she couldn't quite explain it, but for the first time in a very long time, she felt very strong emotions coursing through her mind. The primary one that stood out, was anger, so much anger and hatred. "I'll kill them all," she said in a voice just barely more than a whisper. It was more to herself than to any particular person in the room. She looked at Nerevar, at his pained face. She couldn't stand seeing him like that. She had to do something. She had so many questions for him, but they could wait. "Nerevar, I...must leave for now," and with that she stood up, and began to walk out of the room. She paused at the doorway leading up to the deck, and spoke in that same soft tone of hers, "But I'll return soon. I swear it." And with that, she left the room. Ulfgar, The Broken Sun, Decks Ulfgar stood leaning on one of the ship's sturdy rails, looking out and watching the distant horizon. He had lots of things to think about. For starters, Ayra was right afterall, they needed to go to Molag Mar, that much was clear. If there was any indication at all, it was evident from the story that he heard just moments ago. He watched as the people came and went from the deck, and took notice of how they each seemed deep in thought. It was no wonder really, not when you consider what they've apparently been through these past few days. He started to get restless, he hated having nothing to do, it got him thinking too much. He was just about to go and check on Ayra, when she came through the cabin door and out onto the deck. The first thing he noticed was that her eyes seemed more focused. And then he felt it; that murderous intent that only she could manifest so well. On the surface she seemed fine, still wearing that passive expression on her face, but he could feel that anger radiating from her. He wondered what was wrong, and thought it best to try and talk with her. "Well, whats got yeh in such a fine mood?" He asked, trying to keep the conversation light. "We...I'm...I'm leaving." She struggled again to get the words out. "Well, I suppose I can't stop yeh, but what say we wait until we reach Molag Mar eh? No sense leaving now when we have to go that way anyways." He noticed she closed her eyes, apparently deep in thought. He waited a few moments, and was just about to say something else when she finally said, "I'm going to kill them, every last one of them." He saw that flash in her eyes, the fury, and knew full well that there would be no stopping her once she's made up her mind. "Well, whatever yeh decide to do, I'm coming too." Ayra merely nodded, her gaze fixed upon the horizon as well, her eyes now full of determination.
  16. Wow, I've been getting a lot of positive feedback on my Morrowind character/avatar. Glad everyone seems to like her ^^
    1. NexusRanger


      With those glowing eyes of hers, I'd be too scared to say otherwise! o.0 xD
  17. OOC im using a cell phone to post, because i lost power during the hurricane. Therefore, my spelling and grammar may be quite off. Also, I cant do any bold or italic print, so umm, yeah lol, please just stay with me here >_< Ayra, The Broken Sun Cargo Hold Ayra's cold blue eyes widened with surprised. While seemingly lifeless most of the time, there were traces of worry that flickered across the beautiful Dunmer's face. She had expected to see him the way she always had; full of confidence and unflinching resolve. Yet here he was, tied up heavily and breathing hard, as though he were in constant agonizing pain. As she stood there, looking down at his limp form upon the floor, she could scarcely believe that this was the man who had saved her. This was the man, she thought to herself, this was the man who fought her on equal footing, the only man she ever had a draw with, an indecisive outcome though it was, if they had decidwd to continue, it would have been obvious who had the advantage and it certainly wasn't her. This was the man who gave her a reason to live, who taught her to fight for something she truly believed in, how to fight for others, and save lives rather than be an emotionless killing machine. Yet here he was, just laying there, unable to help himself. Ayra realuzed then that she would do everything in her power to help him out, she owed him that much. Without thinking, and barely understanding what she was doing, she took his hand and put it between hers. There were tears i her eyes now, and she felt that he could hear her. She could feel her back burn with heat, and right then, knew she could talk with him. "Hey," she said, "long time no see." It was a forced smile, and tears now stained those tattoed cheeks of hers, but she didnt care, she was just happy, for once genuinely happy, to see her old friend again.
  18. Ayra and Ulfgar, aboard The Broken Sun Ulfgar was shocked, this was insane, he thought. And yet...these people....they weren't surprised at his own story, they didn't seem the least bit perturbed that they had felt a calling to go to Molag Mar. He looked at Ayra, who, to his great surprise, started to speak, without being coerced. "He's here then," she said tonelessly "it...makes sense now." and indeed it did, she thought to herself. That would explain the sharp pain in my back. It was the same burning sensation I felt back then...when I had first met him. Completely forgetting to hide her face, all thoughts to hide her unusual facial markings and blue eyes, she suddenly said aloud to no one in particular, "I...I need to see him." And with that, she started to make her way towards the cabin door that lead below decks.
  19. Ayra and Ulfgar, aboard The Broken Sun Ulfgar gave the Breton a grateful smile. He looked around at the crowd, and then back to Ayra. He knew she probably wouldn't like it, but he felt they did indeed owe them an explanation. If they have been high end targets, they could atleast know the truth, atleast then it may ease their suspicions. He took a deep breath, thinking to himself there's nothing quite as unbelievable as the truth, and began, looking at the older Imperial fellow as he spoke. "You're right in your assumptions, my friend here, she is....rather was, an assassin who at one point worked for the Dark Brotherhood." He paused to see the effect this would have. Seeing that the old Imperial didn't look the least bit surprised, but at the same time didn't interrupt, he continued on, "about....I'd say a couple years or so ago, she left their service entirely. She is no longer an assassin, though I won't deny she still has the skillset for one." "Her face," he nodded towards Ayra, "she conceals because she's suffered far worse treatment her whole life by being.....different I guess." Ulfgar had no idea why he was telling all of this, it wasn't as if they'd believe any of this. Not to mention, if he had been told any of this himself, he wouldn't have believed any of it either. "Due to.....certain events that happened during her childhood, she doesn't really talk that much anymore. It's not her fault, but trying to have her talk won't get you anywhere." Ulfgar looked at Ayra, he wanted to see how she was taking all of this, but her facial expression didn't change, it was still...boredom? No, it was something resembling sadness behind those icy blue eyes. And now, he thought, time for the most unbelievable part. "As for Molag Mar...my friend here felt a calling to it, some inexplicable reason told her to go there." As he said this, he realized how ridiculous it sounded coming from his own mouth, "we believed that we could find the one who used the Great Magic. It's....magic of the highest calibur, and we believe someone used it, at that new Imperial fort towards the north of Vvardenfell, Fort Floodgate or something like that." He looked around once more, and decided he might as well finish it before they start attacking him some more. "We were actually heading to the fort to see what was going on, because my friend here believes, only one person could have conjured magic that powerful. A person who took an expedition to Akavir and who she now thinks to be dead. We decided to head to the fort to investigate for ourselves, only we had a feeling we should go to Molag Mar first. And I apologize, but I can't tell you why we decided to head there first, even I don't really know." Ulfgar finally finished. Well he thought, none of this is believable, but hey, atleast I can say I didn't lie. He looked at Ayra, who gave him the slightest of nods; if they suddenly attacked, they were ready to clear a path off the ship. They waited for moments....but nothing happened.
  20. Ayra and Ulfgar, Abaord The Broken Sun "Who are you?" One of the Dunmer women asked. Ayra looked at her a moment before answering, her response was barely more than a mutter; "a corpse." Luckily Ulfgar came to her rescue, she wasn't much of a talker, and was grateful the Nord was here. "Please, back away from her. I'll answer any questions yeh have, but my friend here doesn't like to be surrounded like that. It's...an instinct I guess," he said to the surrounding crowd. He didn't want a fight to break out. If anything happened, it would be his fault for taking their offer and boarding in the first place. "Her name is Ayra," he continued, hoping to stop them from ganging up on her. If he could resolve this peacefully, he would. He's seen too much bloodshed for his unusually long life. "She can't really talk that well, and you surrounding her and bombarding her with questions won't help any," he finished.
  21. Ayra and Ulfgar, aboard The Broken Sun Ayra didn't like this at all, she was cornered, and for her that was never a good sign. She needed to act quickly. But what could she do? These people, they were...different somehow. She didn't want to kill them, she would never be able to live with herself if she did. She would never be able to face him again if she did. She just wanted off this ship. They reluctantly let her on, now she wants to get off, so just go ahead and let her now. Ayra's hand slowly, unconsciously, went to the hilt of her blade. She didn't know what she was going to do. They'd kill her when they saw her face, she was told that over and over again, she had literally lived through it, yet she couldn't just outright kill them, they hadn't done anything to her. Suddenly, she felt another hand on her shoulder, it was Ulfgar's. "Hey," he whispered softly to her, "I promise it'll be alright. I told you before; I'd never let anything happen to you." Ayra heard him whisper to her, and she believed him. She found her own hand slowly letting go of the hilt of the blade. She looked up into his face with those piercing blue eyes...but what was that look? Sadness...? not quite, it was something very similar though. "Yeh'll have to forgive my friend here," he said to the group of people surrounding them, "she's not used to being around many people, and she's very self conscious of her face, but I assure you, she means yeh no harm."
  22. Ayra, aboard The Broken Sun Ayra didn't know how to respond to his question, or even if she could. Talking never was her strong suit. Surely this man must see the Daedric writing on her face, must see her unnatural blue eyes, surely he thinks her a freak, who deserves to be tossed overboard. Well, why was he stopping her? She would save him the trouble of it and do it herself. But this man, he didn't blink, he still had that stone face, not a streak of surprise on it. What was he thinking? Just who is this guy? And how do I convey any of this to him. "I...I need to leave," she said, struggling to get out the words.
  23. Ayra, aboard The Broken Sun Ayra was running towards the rail of the ship, desperate to get off. She thought she was clear, until that Imperial, the one they called Caius, got in her way. "Oh no you don't," he said, his arms outstretched. Ayra managed to skid to a halt, coming mere inches from bumping into him. She looked up into his eyes, her now Sapphire blue ones staring unblinkingly into his stone face. She didn't know why, didn't have enough time to comprehend it, all she knew was that she had no desire to fight this man. She didn't understand why, after all, her whole life she had been taught "if someone is in the way, get rid of them." And yet, she couldn't bring herself to attack this man. She just stood there, for a moment or so, registering the shocked look on his face, and pleaded with him. "Please," she asked. It was barely more than an audible whisper, but it could not hide the desperation behind it.
  24. Ayra, aboard The Broken Sun "Are you alright?" The Dunmer named Velanya asked. Ayra closes her eyes for a moment, her face contorted with concentration. She willed the pain away, putting in all her efforts to focus on something else. Finally, she opened her eyes and looked up at the woman who had approached her. She merely shook her head yes. A thought suddenly crossed Ayra's mind; what if the reason she felt she had to go to Molag Mar, was to meet these people? It would make sense, meeting by chance, such as it were, and these people all had....she didn't know how to put it in words....an extraordinary presence, something she hadn't felt from being around other people, atleast, not in quite a few years. But that couldn't be why, it just couldn't. The odds were....astronomical to say the least. And yet...here they all were, surviving a pirate attack, and while they were grateful for their help, the most astounding thing that Ayra noticed was that none of them seemed the least bit perturbed. She seriously doubted whether they would have needed her help. Suddenly, Ayra felt her face go slightly warm, as though someone had trickled warm water down her face, and she realized her potion must have worn off, two hours before it was supposed to. She started to panic, "how could this happen?" she thought wildly. Her thoughts started going from one extreme to another quicker than wildfire; "they'd surely kill me if they see me for what I truly am. I could jump over, that might work." And with that she quickly pushed away Ulfgar's large heavy arms and made a desperate run to the edge of the ship. She was ready to get out of there, as quickly as she possibly could.
  25. Ayra, Aboard the Broken Sun Ayra stood on the top deck, watching as the ship started to gain speed, and enjoyed the light breeze whipping across her face. She liked the smell of the ocean, she had always found it soothing to her. But as she sat there enjoying the breeze, she looked around at the people onboard the ship, and decided to survey her surroundings; one can never be too careful. The first thing she noticed was how diverse the people here were. Three Dunmer like herself, a Breton, an Imperial, and now a Nord no less, an odd party indeed. What surprised her even more was how well they all seemed to get along. The Dunmer who had been shot with a crossbow was sitting there, talking to the Breton man like they were brothers. Another of the Dunmer was clearly a member of the Imperial Legion, a female like herself, yet here she was, not being judged, but just one more member of what seemed to Ayra to be a well put together team. As she continuted to look around, she noticed the rather older looking Imperial, Caius, assuming she remembered correctly what the Breton had called him, watching her from a distance. Not that she could blame him; had the situation been reversed, she's sure she'd've been doing the same exact thing. Though if truth be told, she wanted to get off this ship, probably much more than even he himself wanted her off, so atleast there was some agreement between the two, even if was unaware. And then, quite suddenly, Ayra's crimson eyes widened in surprise. That man, he was carrying a rather unusual looking katana, and she recognized it instantly: it was the same kind of katana that her father had used, all those years ago. "But what does this mean?" She thought to herself. "Probably nothing....just another coincidence." As Ayra continued to sit there, thinking and observing, a sharp burning sensation shot up her back, and she nearly doubled over in pain. Ulfgar, aboard The Broken Sun Ulfgar sat around, glad to be able to reach Molag Mar without having to walk. He didn't like having to rely on magic to get somewhere, too many bad experiances for him. He looked over to see how Ayra was doing; he knew it might have been better for them to walk, but he'd protect her if anything happened, just like old times, he'd never let anything bad happen to her, she's been through too much. As he looked over, he saw her nearly collapse on the deck, now down to one knee, obviously in a lot of pain. "You okay?" he whispered to her.
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