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Everything posted by NinjaGoddessAyra

  1. Maybe you're right, I just reaaaaally wish they'd fix this issue with me double-posting on people's profiles. like this comment, I'll click post, and it'll get posted twice, so annoying -_-
  2. Yeah, it's weird, you should be on my friend's list, but this site screwed up my account, so no matter who I add, it never shows them get added, technically a LOT of people have sent me a request, and I've approved them all, but it only shows four people. I don't know why =/
  3. Yeah, it's weird, you should be on my friend's list, but this site screwed up my account, so no matter who I add, it never shows them get added, technically a LOT of people have sent me a request, and I've approved them all, but it only shows four people. I don't know why =/
  4. Oh wow, it's great to hear from you. Sorry for all the double posts, but the nexus does that to my account for some reason >.< Anyways, I'm going great, and I love hearing from you, I missed you a lot and was wondering where you've been. Well, I hope to hear from you soon ^^
  5. Oh wow, it's great to hear from you. Sorry for all the double posts, but the nexus does that to my account for some reason >.< Anyways, I'm going great, and I love hearing from you, I missed you a lot and was wondering where you've been. Well, I hope to hear from you soon ^^
  6. Personally I didn't really like Skyrim all that much. I do acknowledge that Bethesda did an incredible job with the graphics and whatnot, but I don't know, it just felt lacking to me. It just looks like to me as if they just completely ruined all their current lore making it. I mean, to have the empire basically already in pieces and whatnot, and then adding the Thalmor into the picture, I don't know, I just didn't like it. Not to mention the faction quests, which I completely hated, though I guess I'm not alone in that department. I also didn't like Oblivion very much for that matter either, but that could be because the province itself was NOT the way it was described. Cyrodiil was supposed be a vast jungle and whatnot, not look like a medieval version of Europe. I thought the character models they used looked horrible, and overall I just didn't like the general feel of it. That all being said, if I had to guess where TES VI would take place, my money is on Hammerfell. They seem to have a lot of lore already for that place, and it's been talked about quite a lot. Personally I would like to see the Summerset Isles, it's the province I've always wanted to visit the most, but that'll never happen. (my luck) Oh well, I suppose the Province Cyrodiil mod and Skyrim Home of the Nords mod both look promising enough. I guess I'll just wait for those to be done and help out however I can in the meantime. Well, thats my $.02 on the matter.
  7. If it's not attached to anything then the script itself isn't running, and if you want it to be a global, you need to have a startscript in there, to specify that it doesn't need to be attached to anything. Your best bet would be to make sure you have a startscript and stopscript in the script itself, that'll basically let the game know that it's a global and is constantly running.
  8. Okay theres your problem right there. Windows Vista and 7 can't really run TES games that well because of all the UAC and therefore tend to give a lot of errors. If you uninstall Morrowind and then reinstall it in a custom directory such as C:\Morrowind it should stop giving you those errors. Try that and see if it helps.
  9. Where exactly is the installation folder of morrowind on your pc? if your running vista or 7 then you have to install it outside the program files or the game usually doesnt work. if you already did this let me know and ill try and help you troubleshoot further
  10. I guess it's not really a choice option, but I would definitly go with Port Telvannis, simply because it's massive and by far the biggest city I've seen to date. (If you use Tamriel Rebuilt)
  11. *Sigh* It's back to the drawing board again...God I hate trying to come up with new ideas -_-
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. NinjaGoddessAyra


      Yes it would, but I'd need some help. How would you like to be my publicity manager? xD
    3. naomis8329


      New ideas for what pray tell :D
    4. NexusRanger


      Wait... Ayra's running for office? But didn't everyone already vote? :ohdear:
  12. Hope everything continues to go well for you. I'm amazed at some of the amazing stuff you've been able to come out with. Keep it up ^^
  13. Hope everything continues to go well for you. I'm amazed at some of the amazing stuff you've been able to come out with. Keep it up ^^
  14. Well I just wanted to let everyone know that I won't be around for a good month or so. The harddrive on my computer finally went out and I had to send it back to get a new one. Seeing as how I'm on the NorthEast end of the U.S. and the place that I'm shipping it too is in California, yeah, it'll be a while. But I'll be back, I swear :)
  15. Doesn't really matter who makes it imo, I still feel it's not a very great idea. But who knows, I'm hoping I'm wrong and it turns out to be something outstanding
  16. Hmm....well I'm sorry, I really can't help you there, you really should specify that when you post. Also, you may want to try posting in the Oblivion forums instead.
  17. I voted Highly probable, not because I hope it happens but simply because I think it's going to. IGN and GI and a lot of others seem to think so as well. So I'm guessing whoever the anonymous source is that "leaked" this information has to be somewhat credible....right? Although that being said, Eurogamer only a few months before Skyrim was announced strongly believed that TES V was going to be a direct sequal to Oblivion just because one of their editors happened to sit by one of the developers of Bethesda on a plane ride who apparently was talking about how the game would indeed be a direct sequal of Oblivion (yeah right) so I don't know. I guess it could be a swing or a miss. As far as MMOs go, I don't really think it matters who makes it, BGS or ZOS, either way I think it really is a bad idea, I mean, the entirety of TES games has always been about a single hero coming along in times of crisis and turmoil and ends up saving the land. I don't understand how an MMO would fit into the lore of TES, it just doesn't make any sense to me. Personally I think it'll be a really bad MMO that just happens to get a lot of (initial) attention simply because of the TES name and thats it. But yeah **shrugs** thats just my opinion.
  18. Hello Tank, to answer your first question; yes you can join both the Temple and the Imperial cult. While both factions may not like each other that much, the quests for both factions do not conflict in any way with each other. There is also no negative impact on joining both, if anything people from both factions will just like you that much more. As far as what great house to join, I guess it all depends on what you stand for and what type of character you're playing through. House Hlaalu is all about "business" and making money, regardless of how they get it. There really isn't that much honor within House Hlaalu, but they do support the empire, so I guess thats a plus for you. House Redoran on the other hand is all about honor and being fair etc. but none of them are really big fans of the Empire. So I guess it's a flip of the coin for you depending on how you look at it. House Telvanni is a totally different story. They may be ruthless and do anything to get what they want. Stealing and killing is perfectly acceptable for settling Telvanni disputes and no there really is no love for the Empire within House Telvanni, nor is there much honor at all within that house. On the other hand though, House Telvanni I find is more about individuality than it is about the house as a whole. For the most part they just want to be left alone to their studies and don't really care much about the outside world at all or their fellow house members. They are more about isolation than anything else. Regardless of which house you decide to join, you can always ask for a brief explanation of each house's princibles and what they stand for etc. before making a commitment to any one of them. Also, this link right here http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=mods.detail&id=179 is a downloadable mod that lets you join all three great houses at once if you want to do all the quests and don't want to have to choose. That all being said though, I always go with House Telvanni whenever I do a playthrough, simply because they have three great mods that REALLY expand House Telvanni. I don't know of any mod that expans any of the other great houses, there could be some, if so though I don't know of them. http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?id=5997&view=Mods.Detail <-- this is a mod that vastly expands the inside of the Telvanni Stronghold Tel Uvirith (or Uvirith's Grave) and adds many new NPCs, quests, and interesting dialogue. A must have for any Telvanni player. http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=3650 <-- this mod is almost the same thing as the above link, except that it does not change the inside of your stronghold at all, instead it gives you even more quests to do which will bulk up the outside of your stronghold making Uvirith a worthy home for a Telvanni archmagister. And finally http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=mods.detail&id=4449 <-- this mod adds a LOT of new quests that you can do once you become the Archmagister of house Telvanni. It basically lets you expand House Telvanni and let you control everything, you can decide whether or not you want to crush the mages guild, help or destroy the twin lamps etc. and ultimately make House Telvanni the best of the three great houses. It's really amazing and adds several hours of gameplay with tons of new quests and an interesting and unique story line. The three mods I just listed are all perfectly compatible with each other and do not interfere with each other in any way. However, should you decide to download the mod that I first posted (allowing you to join all three great houses) it will almost definitly not be compatible with the last three. But the choice is up to you. I apologize for the long winded explanation but I really hope this helps. Good luck :)
  19. Well trying to create a custom race is not an easy first assignment at all, but if you say you already have it down then kudos to you, you're a fast learner. Anyways, as far as modding tutorials go, I would recommend http://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/?p=modding_data/tutorials as an overview of a lot of different tutorials that go over the various areas and expertise of modding starting at the basics. As far as race creation goes, I'm pretty sure that this tutorial http://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/?p=modding_data/tuts/fusi/race_models is the one you'd want, I believe it goes over what you're trying to learn, but I could be wrong so just bare with me here. While this next link has nothing to do with race creation, it is an amazing tutorial for beginners that is aimed for complete newbies and gradually works the way up the ladder. http://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/?p=modding_data/tuts/dsong/first_room (it's what helped me get started with modding back when i was just starting out.) I really hope this helps. :)
  20. Wow please completely disregard that last post, I'm an idiot >.< I only realized why the whole thing wasn't working after I went to reread the post. Anyhow, it works the way it's supposed to now. Again, please disregard previous post.
  21. Okay so I guess I'll go ahead and say right off the bat that I have absolutely no programming experiance at all period. Morrowind was/is the first "language" I decided I really want to learn. That being said, I went and took a look at Morrowind Scripting for Dummies, and it is an excellent well-written guide. After reading the first part of it and doing the first tutorial (the riddle chest) I decided to see if I could pull off the same script (the riddle chest) on my own using the knowledge I had just learned. Well I decided to write my own erm....test script...? I guess you could call it that, basically seeing if I could pull of a basic version of the riddle chest on my own. I succeeded at making my own "riddle text script" so to speak only it does not do what I want it to do at all. After making a couple very minor changes, I compared it to the one in the Scripting for Dummies guide and it was all almost identical (save for the few message differences with mine.) so I have no idea why it does not do what I want it to. Here is what I have for my version of the script: begin aaa_riddle_test_script short controlvar short buttton if (onactivate == 1) if (controlvar == 0) MessageBox "simple riddle with five answers", "choice one", "choice two", "choice three", "choice four", "choice five" set controlvar to 1 elseif (controlvar > 1) activate endif endif if (controlvar == 1) set button to getbuttonpressed If (button == -1) return elseif (button == 2) MessageBox "The answer is correct" Activate set controlvar to 2 else messagebox "The answer is wrong" set controlvar to -1 endif elseif (controlvar == 2) activate set controlvar to 3 endif end I thought that looked okay and after I was done, I even compared it to the one in the guide, yet it does not work at all like how I wanted it too. What I wanted it to do was if the player activates the chest, the menu pops up with the message and the five choices, if you pick choice 3, the chest would tell you "The answer is correct" and would open and you would have access to it from then on, if you chose any other choice, you would get a message saying "The answer is wrong" and the player would not be able to activate it after that. What ends up happening is when I go to test it (I use the console command placeatpc etc.) the chest will give me the riddle message with the five choices like it was supposed to, and then once you click any choice at all, the message disappears altogether. Then when you go ahead and try to activate the chest again, nothing happens. However, if you type in the same console command (placeatpc etc.) and you try activating a copy of the same chest, it acts like any normal chest on activation, no message or anything at all. I'm at my wits end here, I understand that this message was a little long and I understand that I'm a bit late in the game trying to learn the Morrowind scripting language, but I was wondering if anyone who was decent at scripting could please tell me what I'm doing wrong. Any help at all would be greatly appreciated.
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