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Everything posted by NinjaGoddessAyra

  1. Well just figured I'd change my photo since I hate having the same one for long periods of time. Once again I appreciate all the emails and pms that everyone gives me, I promise I'll be a regular here again early august. Anyways just wanted to wish those of you that visit my profile a happy fourth of july even if it is a little early :) p.s. for those of you that have been bugging me, I HAVE started modeling again (a little bit) I'll let you know when I'm finished with my proj...
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. NinjaGoddessAyra


      For those that don't know, I'm on the left, my best friend is on the right :)
    3. Flintlockecole


      Welcome back then I guess is a way of putting it.
    4. Rational314


      Needs more tie :p
  2. *pops in* Hey Britt, I missed you a lot too. How have you been?? Thanks for the comment by the way, hope we see each other soon :)
  3. *pops in* Hey Britt, I missed you a lot too. How have you been?? Thanks for the comment by the way, hope we see each other soon :)
  4. Over the past few weeks I've gotten numerous emails/PMs asking me where I've been all this time. I'm sorry I haven't been on for a while, but I have several issues that have been going on in my life and I won't be on all that much till the end of july early august, at which point I'll be back on all the time. I haven't forgotten any of you :)
  5. 1. I guess 2. Not at all 3. No the media does not correctly report on it considering there were supposedly emails of scientists going back and forth going on about how the theories aren't working and the supposable "proofs" that they had were natural occurences. 4. I think the reason there is such a mixed response is because there are so many different reports on it from the media and everything else. Some people say that if we cut down our energy we can help prevent global warming, however on the other hand, people say that we'd have to completely stop using energy entirely before we notice a difference. I personally think outside of the box and form my own opinion. The way I see it, they changed the name from Global Warming to Climate Change because it wasn't warming up the way they were saying it so they changed the whole approach to Climate Change. I don't know about you, but the region that i'm from had a REALLY long and cold winter this year. Finally, the biggest reason why I personaly don't think it much a threat is because 10 to 15 years ago, everyone was worried about global cooling though not many people know about that.
  6. pfft, i'm a ninja goddess xD

    They're coming along just fine :p but thanks for asking though :p

  7. Why run?? I'd never hurt y-- wait what KIND of candy did you bring me? :p
  8. Why run?? I'd never hurt y-- wait what KIND of candy did you bring me? :p
  9. And I say rawr back :p
  10. And I say rawr back :p
  11. Wow there's a lot of arrogant s***bags on here damn. -_-
    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. zombieslayer002


      oi.....oi, Oi! NinjagoddessAyra. Hey woman!.......where've you been? XD lol ;D
    3. zombieslayer002


      oi.....oi, Oi! NinjagoddessAyra. Hey woman!.......where've you been? XD lol ;D
    4. LeviTheMetalGuy


  12. Well the whole reason this issue even came up in the first place is because he refused to show it to anyone. That and no one could find the hospital or the doctor's names of where he was claimed to be born etc. It's about time he finally released it. Honestly he could have ended all of this months ago if he just showed it then.
  13. Can anyone else see my friends list? Because for some reason I can only ever see 3 friends on my list. I wish I knew why thats happening -_-
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. NinjaGoddessAyra


      It's been like that for as long as I can remember. And I have a lot more than 3. I'd say like 12ish or so if I had to guess.
    3. TreborMarg


      Oh hey, I keep losing friends off my list too, I think you may want to try going around to their profiles and re-friending them. I think it's just some forum glitch that happens sometimes, good luck :D
    4. LeviTheMetalGuy


      im on of her friends but i only see 3 of them
  14. Anyone need an additional female voice for one of their mods? Let me know, I actually wouldn't mind trying out =)
    1. LeviTheMetalGuy


      well, i could call somebody, but if i actually get started on this remake im doing for someone you could voice a female necromancer
    2. NinjaGoddessAyra


      Well let me know when and I'll try out for it. I'm pretty good :)
    3. LeviTheMetalGuy


      well i have the world space done for the mod im redoing, but i have yet to take a crack at moving everything from the open city to the closed.

      but let me get ahold of this team i sorta know and see what they say

  15. Well seeing as how my friends basically yelled at me for "missing out on a huge chunk of your childhood" I've decided to watch DBZ, simply to shut them up. It's surprisingly not as bad as I thought it would be. Well it should give me something to do for awhile. So if I seem AFKish on here.....you know why :)
    1. LeviTheMetalGuy


      i recommend FLCL if you havent seen it (it ROCKS), and even though its a giant mech anime, Neon Genesis Evangelion if you havent seen that, ohh and shamless plug for The Big O, you will enjoy it in 5 episodes or less
  16. Hey thats no problem, I myself am actually getting a rosetta stone for the japanese language so I understand. And yes, I also love Japan and it's anime, so don't worry about typing Japanese, so long as you don't use the actual kanji. I still can't interpret japanese kanji yet lol.
  17. I'm doing fine today, thanks for asking :)

    Dono yō nidesu ka? (How are you) in japanese. I also speak a little bit of it :)

    So how have you been, it's great to hear from you again ^^

  18. I got up to level 240 but again as I said before that was stupid on my part. I did it on my 360 version so I couldn't use console commands to fix anything. For example, when playing the Shivering Isles, when you do that quest as the "Inquisitor" and you go around torturing people, when you finally find the traitor and she's in the cage or whatever; if and when she gets the lightning blast shot at her as a killing blow, she umm.....doesn't die. So the game won't go on and everyone will just be standing there, and you have to have to kill her yourself via a spell. But then you get a bounty and everyone attacks you for killing the 'condemned' person. Thats just one of the many reasons why I will never level up that high again, if it was the pc version I suppose I could have went into the console and killed off the npc but like I said, with the 360 version I don't have that luxury.
  19. I myself try to stick with the same character but like everyone else I too constantly change my mod list and start new files with new characters each time I install a few new mods to my list. The highest I've ever leveled up was to level 240 on Oblivion using my 360 version. That however was me trying to see how high I could possibly go, on the other hand however I usually stick close to level 25 or so, seeing as how if you level up too high the enemies get too strong. That all being said I'm sure I'm the only one dumb enough to take the time to level up to 240. This is not worth it for so many reasons, I really only did it so I could have a sense of accomplishment.
  20. Okay I'm taking a break from modding till Skyrim comes out. In the meantime what am I doing: Catching them all!!! (thats pokemon btw)
  21. <------I need to change this pic...eventually lol
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. NinjaGoddessAyra


      Hmm...I don't know, I just don't think it's a good pic of me. But yeah I'll leave it there for now until I can find my camera lol.
    3. Thephedora


      I weill say this, A, it's a pretty girl in a non-perverted picture, B, it is not a bouncing sheep, and, C, She has a hat. This picture is epically win.
    4. NinjaGoddessAyra


      I got that hat last year for my birthday. Glad to see somebody likes it =)
  22. It's 8:00 am on a saturday, why am I even up? -_-
    1. Gamingsage5


      Meh it happens. Usually I'll wake up, go to my computer and ponder whether or not I should go back to sleep...then I'll get some food and its sage bliss for me. :3
    2. Misakichun


      lol , ur current pic is nice :) but it's your choice really u can change the pic and let it be for a while and then u can change back it to whatever pic u want :)

      i always do this .

      have fun :D

  23. Hmm...at this rate I might as well just be a "voice for hire" lol. Or something to that effect =)
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