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Everything posted by eltucu
General Tullius (and the Thalmor representative) was right there and talked to ulfric in front of you. He IS the empire in Skyrim practically. Besides, if i remember correctly, the Captain was the one who wanted to judge ulfric in Solitude rather than killing him right there. Tullius said no, kill everyone now. The Legion wanted everyone dead. Like i said, even the so called Thief isnt actually proven to be a thief. Everyone just says that he is a thief. You arent a stormcloack? tough luck. Even so, if you escape with the legion dude, as i explained, he says "Well, for me, you already earned your pardon". Excuse me princess, i didnt do anything bad, unless its illegal being in proximity to an stormcloack, even if im a Khajiit and i dont even know what a "stormcloack" is, i didnt do sht for being executed. Beth pretty much one sided my choices for the civil war with that beginning. And the worst thing that Ulfric or any stormcloack did and that i witnessed (so no stupid "NO U" accusations, just facts) it is not listening to the Dunmer in Windhelm (his reasons being, they dont want to take part in the war and that ulfric has no time for that since they're in a war), not letting argonians enter Windhelm (that one i dont understand, nor anyone says why) and executing Tullius even if he wanted to surrender (something he turned around that fact in the same spot saying "The Empire that i knew never surrendered" so practically making a parallelism between Tullius in that moment and the Empire, in their knees). I'd probably would gave a sht bout the dunmer too, with all their history of slavers. Well bad luck, go and reclaim your land from the argonians if you want somewhere to live. Hell, i hope you fail since the Argonians have more right to have that land than you with all the crap that you did to them. As i said, Beth one sided my choise. It showed the worst of the worst of the Empire right at the start (and other bad things as the game advances). And the worst they showed me bout the Stormloacks was that issue with the Argonians. Yep since Bandits always attack first, and bandits are know for being... bandits (dont look at me, design desitions. Even the thief of the intro is called a thief cuz he is a thief, you're not called bandit, nor beggar, nor anything, just prisoner cuz they dont even state that you did something wrong). While you, the player, arent a known bandit, nor know beggar, nor stormcloack. The Empire could just have killed Ulfric and let the rest live and get prosecuted in a trial. Lol, you call other ppl naive, and you think Ulfric should have stayed and fight side by side with the legion? What would have happened next? "Hey, lets forget our differences and have a beer!" No, he would be executed. You want us to put us in Tuillius shoes while you dont want to put yourself in Ulfric's? What would you do with your hands tied, no weapons, in a village that is a small fortress of the faction that almost killed you 20s ago? Go outside and fight for them? And you say put that "NORD" in big letters like if saving a nord was something that made the Empire look better. Cuz they're from other race? Isnt that a bit... racist? Like they dont deserve to be saved cuz they're nords but good tullius wants to save them so he is good. Not even the player can do anything to save the ppl. And no townsfolk of Helgen survived. Only the thalmor agent, Tullius, Ulfric and the Stormclock/Empire guy that you follow.
Geez... it's not like you're the only dragon I know
eltucu replied to JanusForbeare's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Im with galalic, it could be just bad writting lol (forgetting the fact that you already befriended another dragon that its probably the most powerful one after Alduin, or at least thats what he says). But maybe has something to do with The Way of The Voice. He doesnt wants to interfere directly, only explaining stuff and telling you what you need to do, but thats it. Anyway, didnt he said that he doesnt knows where Alduin's portal to Sovengarde its located? (wich would be weird, for being his second in command long ago, and its not like its a new portal since its very old, probably the only one) -
So what I think may have happened to the Dwemer
eltucu replied to Sabi's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
First, pretty bad idea to think that it could have been cuz they were tampering with an elder scroll. It has been stated over and over that they disappeard the moment when Kagrenac used the tools on the Heart of Lorkhan. No Elder Scroll in the middle. Besides, i think they're already proven their mastery of the Elder Scrolls with designing a machine capable of reading it (so no Dwarven would have to read it himself and get blinded in the process). Second, the Quest of the Winterhold College gives a hind of what could have happened to them (i almost covered my face literally when the dude was hiting the gem with Keening lol i was thinking "Its going to explode, we're all going to die! " ) The guy that i dun remember his name (let me check in the uesp), Arniel, dissappears. Whle in his own words, the experiment isnt 100% accurate since a. He doesnt has the Heart of Lorkhan. b. He doesnt knows much about what he has to do or how it works. c. He lacks the other tools So, if we assume that what happened to him its exactly or very similar to what happened to the Dwarves, jumping all that bout the heart of the god and the other tools (if the quest can jump over the fact that you're not supposed to be able to use Keening with your bare hands, we can jump over lore too :P ), there is the fact that the player can summon Arniel's Shade after the experiment. What it is exactly his shade? I dunno. He can move around, but he cant talk, nor has any expression. Its like he is there in image, but not in soul and body, The thing is that you draw that shade from somewhere to summon it, That is some very useful information, the thing has to be somewhere esle to summon it from there, and that the player has not the ability of summoning anyones else shade but Arniel alone. So, maybe, just maybe, Arniel IS somewhere, and we can summon his image from there. There is the idea that maybe everything except his shade was left after the experiment, but there is also the idea that he is in another realm from where we can only summon his shade. Like an avatar of his real form (this is possible since many times, powerful beings appeared as avatars in Nirn, sometimes in their "complete form" like Akatosh's avatar, or Nocturnal's avatar, or sometimes in their disembodied forms, like most of the Daedric Princes apparitions in their shrines). Probably since he wasnt anywhere close to being a powerful entity in Nirn, nor in other realm, the only expression of himself he can commit to the player once he/seh summons him its his image (or maybe it is a limitation of the player's summoning abilities). Maybe he is in a place so far, so unknown, not Atherius, not Oblivion, that you can only summon his shade from there (that would explain that no matter how skilled is the player in conjuration, you are only able to summon a shade). So my guess is that the Dwarves, as Arniel, are somewhere. Not in Nirn, not in Oblivion, not in Atherius, but somewhere. Maybe between all those realms, maybe in another one. Probably no one can make contact with them cuz all of the Conjuration school revolves around summoning from Oblivion. No one, for example, can summon an Aedra from Atherius. So we could assume that the act of summoning differs when taking in account other realms rather than oblivion, maybe summoning its different for each realm, something like a completely different school of magic that, while doesn't differs in purpose (making contact or summoning beings from other realms), it differs in its ways and means to do so. Thats my "theory" ;P -
Im so wanting a mod that makes FIRST, Maven Blackbriar killeable (without breaking the game). SECOND, every time she threatens me with the "I got contacts in the Dark Brotherhood/Thieves Guild" line I must be able to say "I AM the Dark Brotherhood/Thieves Guild biatch, if you continue to exist and have any money left, its cuz i allow you to do so." But that probably wouldnt work out UNLESS Beth packed some unused dialogue for her somewhere in the bsas /wishfull thinking So => Actor Name: Maven Blackbriar Actor Location: Riften Speech in Question: Her whole damn dialogues Related Triggers: Probably end of Dark Brotherhood questline and end of the Thieves Guild questline. Suggested Alternative Speech: Panic in silence. Other Information:
Just because you were in a bad moment in a bad place. Thats all. Just like the thief, nor there were any charges against him (i really dont know why is he supposed to be a thief lol "Profession?" "Thief, sir" ). He wasnt a Stormcloack, he was just crossing the border at a bad moment. Still, General Tullius was right there and he practically IS the legion in skyrim. So yeah, the legion wanted you dead. Even if you go out with the legion guy he says it so various times lol Even to the point of saying "For all i care, you already earned your pardon" I didnt killed him on the spot for roleplaying purposes. Really? Pardon for what? For being caught in your damn ambush for a guy that i didnt even knew that he existed before you said who he was? You just earned a proper fck in the ass sir.
"Stop asking that CJ, i told you, i DONT know" I'd like some glass breaking. And breaking those clay pots too. You can already break a clay pot... on a quest lol. So yeah, it is possible.
That sounds... Pretty awesome, like, really. It would bring the sandboxing that GSC always promised but never delivered (they constantly went going on wanting to make the game a single big map, but at most they made some large ones, or like on CoP, hatched everything and made 3 big maps). I'd play that. Gladly. IF Rockstar gets around making RAGE engine perform properly. It looks very well for games of its scope (GTA IV, RDR) but, it could perform better, or at least look better (i dunno, some AA for example, SSAO, something) if perf doesnt improves. That is not to say that xray engine was the best of the best. Yeah, GSC was pretty novel in some aspects of their graphical features (one of the first DX11 titles ever, tesselation on NPCs, volumetric lighting on the friggin SUN, plus other stuff like lamps, that volumetric smoke was really nicely done, and it seems that, unlike GSC, some devs forgot bout soft particles and soft borders for water *poinst finger at Beth* ) There is no other game that pulled out both volumetric smoke (this one looks cool but i'd be happy with just soft particles really, even CoD 4 has that one lol) and volumetric lighting that way. Not BF3, not Crysis 2, nothing. Pay attention and you'll see that most games fake volumetric lighting by placing clever "light" sprites on appropiate positions (wich is nice for screens, not so nice when you move around it or worse, there is dynamic day/night cycle). Gladly BF3 for example makes those sprites fade when the player gets close to them (again, soft particle fx, one of various fundamental pillars of image quality), not like, say, Deus Ex HR, that you could clip with those mofos, ruining the effect entirely. In Clear Sky, you could just drop some ammo boxes in front of a desk lamp (or on mornings) and see right there how the light reacted to them (the effect its pretty exaggerated, still, really cool to see), watching where light passed through and where it didnt. Anyway, the thing is that the xray engine hardly used 2 cores lol. Both SoC and CS used only 1 core, 2 if doing that affinity trick (not using more power but distributing it a lil bit). And the A life thing was a huge effing script that got some game crushing bugs (faction wars were a VERY cool idea, but it didnt worked too well). And their constant recycling of content is... shameless. So i'd say yeah. my body is ready for another take on STALKER series with different ideas and tech behind it. Whenever and wherever that comes from.
Goatborns FTW!
Yep, and i think it could become a running theme of TES just as nicely if Beth put their heads on it. I didnt really see anyone that pissed that his particular choise didnt ended cannon, did you? Its not that of an issue as you put it. That stuff its pulled out in lots of games. As i said, yes, if you write the thing to only end in one way, you'll end up having that sort of issues (not that i think that they would pull a dragon break, im no writer but im sure those ppl can figure out another way to handle that stuff, probably peace treaty is cannon and thats it). I just dont see why it wouldnt work. What you're saying is that they give us the illusion of choise. Well, they could just stop leveling illusion and start leveling other skills. They changed a lot the entire gameplay since morrowind they could change their writing style. Well, what i dont see is, why do you think that is a fundamental part of TES? Having only one outcome? You say it as it would break all the lore from Skyrim to Arena (not that all of the stuff in that game ended being canon, like Tamriel being called Arena). It wouldnt. It isnt a particular fundamental pillar of TES, its just a design choice. Thats all, something they can modify just like the modified skills, or removed mysticism. They could still have the dwarfs lost in who knows where, Vivec missing, the Nerevarine in Akavir, lots of bunch of stuff that make TES lore what it is completely intact. Fans would be as pissed for the attributes being removed as for making, say, empire ending cannon. And they would buy the game nevertheless. With aaaaaall the bitching that official TES forums saw bout it, they broke records nevertheless. As you said, they force upon you a single ending. If they're the ones to decide what is cannon and what it isnt, they couldnt just let me play in other ways nevertheless? Would that prevent them for keeping their desired ending for future games? If it is for the fans, did the fans said that the Nerevarine should go to Akavir? Did the fans said that the Champion of Cyrodiil must being Sheogorath? What if i didnt want to? Does it matter at all? Would that prevent me from enjoying the next TES? All im saying is that, if you're going to put A in the ingame history books, you may aswell let me choose B and C just to see how it would have been. Im not demanding that my choices end up in a future TES game, im demanding that you let me make a choise in THIS game. I let the story writting to them, but i expect them to let the gaming and roleplay to me. I spoke about more choice, not too much choice. When there isnt any, like you said (the "illusion of choise" thing), that isnt a necessarily good thing either. And they didnt said how many voice actors they had, nor they bragged about it before NV launch. The good stuff gets unnoticed. In fact, i think that NV got so many things right that no one talks about it. The complaints that i read are about Dead Money (number 1 DLC imo) or that it didnt have the exploration factor that FO3 had (not counting the quest bugs, but those are "common ground" at least in every game based on Beth's tech). I just cant see why an one hundred ppl development team cant have the kind of thing that Obsidian pulled out. I still think that Chris Avellone is a retard for that "crusade against 2nd hand market" and i dont even buy 2nd hand games. Well, now that i noticed, in the end looks that im repeating myself (you saying "but that is how TES works" then i say "but they could do things differently" then repeat lol). Lets just agree to disagree :) (and glad that this didnt turned out into a epeen fight like most forum discussions haha)
Well, 170hs, a single character, but i did 90% of what there is to do inside Skyrim anyway (thank you college for electing me as archmage! i have no training at all in magic, did i tell you? ) and yes, im kinda bored of it. Im waiting for the CK to make a quest mod, did a few simple scripts back then for FO3, and a few retextures, some level design, but no quest mods and i have a few ideas. Funny thing is that if i cant edit the general strength of enchanting probably i'll have to rewrite 2 or 3 books and think everything again lol
Yeah, me too /jk :P Nah but seriously, better return it. If you want a new PC, just register in some PC hardware forum, i mystelf lurk in Guru3D boards, but there is Overclockers, HardOCP, Anandtech, TomsHardware, etc, all full with knowledgeable ppl. Besides, every time that one guy wants to make a new build, its epeen measuring time! :P So every one goes to suggest a proper config. Just say what you want, in what resolution you're going to play, and what its your budget. Just dont go defying their opinions cuz most of the ppl is going to nerd rage at you (i would if i spent half an hour making a nice setup for you then you say that a friend of a friends of yours says that the CPU i posted is crap cuz another CPU is teh roxxorz, or something along those lines). And happy new year btw!
Considering that the settlement of New Vegas has everything to do with how FO1 and FO2 ended im not so sure that you're right. So what is your idea? I dont see a problem. Establish an ending as cannon, or every ending as cannon, they already did that with daggerfal, they could do it again. They could just write stuff that could end differently, obviously this stuff is going to fail horribly with things that have been writed to be definitive and conclusive (Morrowinds ending, Oblivions ending, etc), but if they wanted to write stuff differently, they could do that perfectly. Besides, Skyrim's ending already stablish three branchs of possible endings. Pretty opposite between themselves (empire, stormcloacks or just peace treaty and we'll se later what we can do) So i dun think that adding a fourth or fifth option would to that much harm. (skyrim ruled by the thalmor ending, player high king ending, etc), just put some pants on and say "this is cannon, that isnt cannon" and that would be enough. Beths messy lore is interesting, but i think they're blurring too much the line between lazy writing and maintaining their interesting style. Never played tactics nor FO1 or FO2 (but i read the history, thats why i know how they ended, arroyo, destruction of the oil rig, frank morrigan, and those Ban Vuren concept papers n art, bout the "proto legion" , BOOMB, etc) but i suppose that you're saying that its bad? If found it full with rich characters, lots of choises (im a fan of those, not a small portion of why i like The Witcher series so much), loved every major character of every faction, every one behaved like reasonable humans, hell, friggin raul, friggin caesar! and well, lot of stuff that goes right into what i would expect form a nice rpg. It was... Boring after a while sadly. Once you ran out of "histories to complete" it was the time to a. start a new character or b. wait for new dlc. Dead Money hooked me up, the next one killed any interest that i had in lots of the legion backstory and the third one, well, nice but too deatached, i dunno. Thats where i stopped. So yeah, im not so sure if an all NV styled Skyrim would be that good, but i'd be damned if it wasnt a step in the right (left actually :P ) direction.
The conversation system could be used right how it is now. Fallout New Vegas showed that open world and lots of diferent ways to act can go along pretty nicely, or more preciely, that Beth's way of doing RPG actually have room for every stuff that has been scrapped by the "its an open world, you cant have everything!" excuse. Everything that could bork a quest in Skyrim or Oblivion is dealt nice and clean in New Vegas. Want to kill the guy that gave you the main quest? Go ahead. Want to kill the main man right away? Just do it. Want to kill the main antagonist, you can too! You can kill everyone and finish the game, you can kill no one and finish the game. You can refuse to do what you've been told to do and finish the game or you can play pupet and ride along the other characters and finish the game anyway. I think that Beth doesnt care really. They could improve a lot by just using what they have, but i saw them stomp on the same rocks 3 games already lol Its almost like they think they have the golden formula and that nothing could be approached differently. That said, FONV lost that exploration spark that FO3 has but it showed a lot of improvement on the Achille's heels of Beth. Still, what im trying to say is that the conversation system appears to be limited cuz Beth has made limited choises, not cuz the system itself doesnt allows for them. I really tought that the idea that NV improved a lot of the weak stuff of Beth was going to be more widespread and that Beth would eventually catch up with that. The Civil War its pretty nice but still it isnt what it could have been, you chose Stormcloacks or Empire, but at the end you always have to say Yes to everything,
"Or the wood club... hehe, get it? The WOOD club? LOOOOOOOOOOL" *stabity stabity stab stab*
I had a realization. Now, mods are PC only. It looks pretty clear that Steam Workshop is one step in the direction of bringing mods to consoles. If you see a lot of requests for completely crazy mods when every user that asks such nonsense is a PC user, IMAGINE the crazy stuff is going to pop up when ppl completely devoid of any knowledge about common software have access to such things as mods, and god forbid, start to make requests about new mods! Threads like this could happen anytime: "REQ Halo mod? - Could someone make me a halo mod? I SO want to visit Reach in skyrim, and PWN some aliens with lazer gunz!1!!1!" nOOOOOoooooOOoo!
Its the video card. Thats an integrated video card old as fck (Ge Force 6xxx series right there, that was new when i bought my Pentium 4 lol). On the CPU side you're fine (those Athlon x4 should run like a Core 2 Quad Q8xxx from intel if im not mistaken, lil bit on the old side but enough for lots of games). You should get a new gfx card. nVidia GTX560, AMD HD6850, something along those lines would go perfectly. If you need something cheaper, nVidia GTX550, HD6790 or HDD6770 should do. If you go lower than that Skyrim wont run well with that monitor. Considering the chipset you're running, i wouldnt even be so sure that a new gfx card would run at all, PCIe 1.0 had some issues with PCIe 2.0 cards. Only the more cecent PCIe 1.1 was fully compatible with PCIe 2.0 cards (and 2.1 that newer AMD and nVidia cards use). EDIT: Mmm... I read a lil more and it seems that the nForce 430 its just the southbridge so you may be good with the PCIe compatibility.
I think that this discussion shouldnt even be here. The reasons of why Paarthurnax must die were badly written. Say for example, if alduin was lost in time, and Paarthurnax brought it to Nirn again, or if he had something to do with Alduins return at all, showing that he cant be trusted, i might have considered it. It would have great to say to Esbern "If i find that Paarthurnax has ONE less scale than the last time i saw him, ill KILL YOU, then travel to Sovengarde, and REMOVE YOU from existence" Beth completely missed the target there, they just made the Blades to look like dorks sadly (could have been one of the coolest factions in the game). I agree with all that has been said in favor of leaving him alone.
1. In Skyrim, every natural lit cave is magical. From the inside, lots of holes to look at the sky, from the outside, there are no holes, just an entrance. 2. In Skyrim, you can be such a good pickpocket that you can steal organs from ppl and kill them in the process. 3. In Skyrim, every true nord consider that magic is for pansies, even if their ancestors created many of the most powerful magical artifacts ever seen (so much for keeping the ol ways) 4. In Skyrim, the only easy way to skin a dragon is to absorb their soul. 5. In Skyrim, everyone has a terrible fear of trying to parry an attack if one wields another weapon in the offhand. Thats how Yokuda was destroyed. 5. In Skyrim, most nords are very progressive ppl, its the only place in Tamriel in wich homosexual marriage is allowed and accepted through society.
IThis. But i wouldnt even say that its the fault of the platform itself. The devs do the software, they decide for what they design it. Making a big production PC game isnt going to trow any big company to trash. They sell, they sell even more now that years before, with piracy, without piracy. The only thing preventing a game for being PC friendly is that, developing cost for PC games are higher (not prohibitive, just higher), and that sales are potentially lower, depending on the game of course. I really dont see this "between the sword and the wall" situation that lots of publishers trow up when they give a press release. I just dont see it. Grab every chart, i think that it was the Intel one that said that PC gaming made 2 billion in a year only in the US. They're selling more than ever before. More ppl have PCs, more ppl have internet, more ppl have capable hardware, there arent 10 companies developing CPUs, GPUs, APIs and OS like in the 90 (considered ironically a golden age for PC gaming), just AMD, Intel and nVidia, Windows or... Windows, thats all. Developing a PC game was never easier than it is now. So if the platform isnt the problem, if the quantity of users isnt the problem, if the potential sales arent the problem (as long as it is a good game of course, only good stuff sells, whatever the platform) the only thing i can blame is just the fictional "need" of the industry of making every lasting penny worth something by developing for another platorm, cuz they just cant trow a lil bit more time to do a PC friendly interface, if it just enough for PC, that will do. Develop for one platform? Nonsense! Develop for PS3, xbox 360, PC, in the same timeframe. And if you can put in a Wii version better. Making the game different depending on what platform you play it? so it takes advantage of each particular strenght of that platform? Madness! That costs money and time! Make all stuff to the lowes common denominator between all the platforms, even if it barely functions properly. And so on. I'd say that the fault isnt the consoles, nor console players, nor devs in the end, its just the "maximizing profit, whatever it takes" mentality that gaming industry started to have when it became a major pulling force in the entertainment sector, not counting that generally more and more companies act in bad faith while dealing with the potential customer.
Why do you think the Stormcloaks won't attack the Thalmor?
eltucu replied to ArenaMaster's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
The report makes obvious that the Thalmor doesnt want either side to win the soberany of Skyrim. Thats the only reason for both the Thalmor wanting to "aid" the stormcloacks in "indirect" ways (that is, helping the stormcloacks in ways that they couldnt recognise that the Thalmor was pulling the strings) and the Empire while it tries to reclaim skyrim for the Empire. Essencially, if either side wins, that is bad for the thalmor. IF the empire wins, they can redirect their full attention to the Thalmor, if the Stormcloacks wins, they are going to be another threat to the Thalmor supremacy amd the empire would have to switch priorities, that is, leaving skyrim alone and pay attention to the Thalmor for now. Its even more clear that Ulfric is well aware that was manipulated by the Thalmor in the discussion for the Peace Treaty when the Thalmor agent tries to stirr up animosities between the Empire and the Stormcloack, when Ulfric, at the border of reacting badly says "No... Not this time" Not counting that Galmar, who clearly has a lot of pull in Ulfric's desitions, states over and over again that reclaiming skyrim is the first step, in his words, the Thalmor are the real enemy. Anyway Khorak already explained that pretty well... -
Does anybody knows what are these strange marks?
eltucu replied to eltucu's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
lol, i wasnt so far off their real purpose then. Thanks! 170hs and i never read that book... -
Well... Hi i guess lol Im a somewhat old member but i never used the forums (i think, have to check). Did 2 or 3 simple mods for TES4/FO3 so thats why i have an account :D Since the only other forum that im active only has one thread for skyrim, i guess this would be better recieved here. To the point, the markings are these http://img405.imageshack.us/slideshow/webplayer.php?id=riftenmarktypei2.png I only took screens in Riften, Whiterun, Solitude and Windhelm. I found 3 types of markings, i think there was one more type, i dun remember, i think it was exactly like the mark of the button that you press to access the tunnel to the Thieves Guild. Most of the pics are from that striped square but check them and you'll see the other two. Imageshack mixed them a bit but i tried to take the pic while the name of the house was on screen. First i noticed them in Riften, so i thought it had something to do with the Thieves guild (sometimes real thieves mark houses that could have worthwhile stuff) but now im not so sure... They're always at the entrance of some house. And seems that they're decals rather than painted in the original texture of the buildings. Just in case, sorry if it was already posted and/or it was a known thing! I never heard bout them on the official forums.