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Everything posted by Courier07

  1. Hello. I was wondering if anyone could make a laser rifle that emits a steady, constant beam that you can also drag as long as you hold down the fire button. Here's an example of how the laser would work. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJjHn72k4BY
  2. Alright, I tried replacing the sounds with the original ones. Worked like a charm. Thanks. I'll try to see why the other sound won't work.
  3. I did. I also checked to see if the sound files were corrupted. It's still not working.
  4. Dual wielding guns is overrated. What I really want to see is dual wielding ballistic fists.
  5. The minigun seems a bit too big, if you ask me.
  6. Bump. I really don't know what is the problem.
  7. So, I installed a few mods that add new weapons to the game and gave these new weapons different sound effects. I wanted to see if the NPCs would use these weapons, so I spawned one of the new weapons, dropped it on the ground and had an NPC picked up. The NPC picked up the weapon, but for some reason when he fires the gun, no sound is coming out of it. I don't know what the problem is. Any help would be appreciated.
  8. Hello there. I have a problem with some of the New Vegas mods I installed. I installed both this night vision mod (http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=38012) and this NCR heavy armor texture mod (http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=36991) and when I tried running the game, I did not have night vision for the NCR heavy armor. Can anyone help me with this problem? I tried changing load orders but it's still not working.
  9. I think the closest thing you can get to this is the tackle feature in that sprint mod.
  10. How about we add in a bunch of robots that defend the CD? They could also be playing the song as well.
  11. Mostly mods that add in weapon and ammo types, one that allows you to mod unique weapons, one that turns the grenade machine gun into an autocannon, and another that makes the NCR power armor black.
  12. A vault where the only lights emitted are the ones from the ceiling and everyone is led to believe that light only comes from the generator, and no where else. (By the way, can anyone guess the reference?)
  13. I was wondering if anyone could add in DU rounds to vendors such as the Gun Runners and Knight Torres. Having DU rounds in the game would make sense since everything is stuck in the 1950s and everyone relied on nuclear power, so it wouldn't be strange to say that the US decided to make ammunition out of their depleted uranium.
  14. Anime mods. They ruin the entire wasteland experience.
  15. Thanks for the help. By the way, would this also work with weapons added in by mods?
  16. I'm trying to modify my game so that the NCR heavy troopers will also have plasma casters as their main weapon. How would I do this in the GECK?
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