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Everything posted by GamerRick

  1. You have a lot of errors in that script. Here is a correction of the part that has a lot: If ( GetStage WaV001 >= 1 ) && ( GetStage WaV001 <= 10 ) ModPCInfamy 1 ; Are you trying to actualy set if to 1 or just add 1 to it?? PlayerRef.SetCrimeGold 0 ActorRef.ModDisposition PlayerRef 100 ; In an object script on an NPC, the ActorRef is implied, but in a quest script you have to specify it. Endif Go here to look up script commands (and here for OBSE commands that may not be in the Wiki list), so you can know how to use them.
  2. You would need to add the book that teaches the spell, not the spell itself.
  3. You have to make the change in the Construction Set Extender.ini file (since the CSE won't save any settings changes you make to the ini file) (in Data\OBSE\Plugins ) [BGSEE::Plugins] PreventTimeStampChanges=1 SaveLoadedESPsAsMasters=1 <---- THIS ONE!!!!
  4. The ONLY other way to make an ESP a master of another is to esmify all of the ESPs that are to be used as masters first.
  5. My memory is vague on this, but I think you have to make the change in the Construction Set Extender.ini file (since the CSE won't save any settings changes you make to the ini file) (in Data\OBSE\Plugins ) [BGSEE::Plugins] PreventTimeStampChanges=1 SaveLoadedESPsAsMasters=1 <---- THIS ONE!!!!
  6. I am using an older version of OR and ENB. To use both, you need to set ENB to use the speed hack without messing with the graphics. Here are the first few lines in my enblocal.ini file: [PROXY] EnableProxyLibrary=false InitProxyFunctions=true ProxyLibrary=other_d3d9.dll [GLOBAL] UsePatchSpeedhackWithoutGraphics=true <------ This one is impoertant!! UseDefferedRendering=false IgnoreCreationKit=true
  7. OnRelease, eh. Sounds good. OnAttack looks like it would be good for what the OP is asking for. I wonder if OnRecoil and OnStagger would be better than what the mod I am using does.
  8. For detecting when the player is just swinging the sword, all I can think of is something I saw in the mod No Recoil or Stagger. A quest script that runs every frame, with this command in a GameMode block: if Player.IsAnimGroupPlaying recoil ; Is there an anim for swinging a sword? If so, it would require a bit more to get it to work right, but it's a place to start maybe.
  9. I have dealt with this issue many times now. You simply can't force this game to AI actors that are not in the same cell as the player and expect immediate results. The "No high level processing" flag is pretty much meaningless. Two examples of this are the merchants Rohssan of the IC (who generally open after 8:45 AM) and Falanu Hlaalu of Skingrad (who usually opens after 10:30 AM). There is not reason for either to not open at 8:00, except for the fact that the game will just leave them somewhere else until it magically decides to put them where they belong. To get around that, I put scripts on their front doors that does a MoveTo command to stick them in their shops, unlock the front door, and and then activate the door again so that I can go on in as if they had been open all along. The other most annoying NPC is the count of Skingrad. There is nothing that prevents him from showing up a lot sooner than he does, except that the game is again refusing to actually do the AI packages that would get him to come to the lobby until it magically decides to do so. I haven't dealt with this yet, since it is more complicated.
  10. Looking at the spell StandardSummonSkeletonApprentice, under effects is the one item "summon skeleton" and the duration is 40. You would need to set the duration here possibly longer than what you want to make sure the script runs its course. Looking at spell SELpSummonHaskill (where the duration is set to 5 seconds and it has a scripted effect), I see this: set timer to timer + ScriptEffectElapsedSeconds Maybe you should be using that instead of GetSecondsPassed. I am guessing at this based on what I am seeing in current spells. I am not an expert on this.
  11. That code looks like it forces the timer to go to the end when the summons dies. It does not determine how long the summons will live. The duration may be set in the spell.
  12. My understanding is that DXT5 is more loss-less than DXT1, which means that DXT5 should result in a larger file. However, once a file is saved in DXT1, you can't get the detail back by switching to DXT5. So, the decision has to be made before the image is saved in any compressed format. The same would apply to images saved in the JPEG format, which has selectable levels of compression. My success in manually downsizing images in Photoshop isn't better than what Optimizer Textures can do, and I have visually compared the results from OT and DDSOpt to conclude that the former produces images with better detail and contrast.
  13. For Oblivion, I use DXT1 for textures that don't have a transparency alpha channel, and DXT5 for those that do. I have heard that DXT1 can cause more detail loss because of the stronger compression, but have not verified this myself. Using DXT5 instead, even for textures without the alpha channel, won't hurt anything. I did this in FO3 following the advice of PixelHate, who knows more than me about these things. I am still playing on the computer I built in 2010. I am on the 3rd graphics card (which is the only thing that broke over the years). My latest one is an AMD 570 with 4GB vram. Going from a 1GB card to a 4GB card made a big difference in all of the Bethesda games.
  14. It does not work well on skin textures. Quite bad actually. I'm not sure what else you may be referring to. I use Photoshop CS2 and the last version of Nvidia's plugin that works with it. I usually use PS when it's one or a just a few texture(s) that need adjusting or when I am creating one myself. It works better than DDSOpt on most though.
  15. No. It is a program that can batch fix (or downsize) textures for you. I should have said 'The best program for fixing already existing textures'. I mostly use it to downsize textures that are way too big for the resolution I play at. But I can see in its output text when it is adding mipmaps to them, removing unneeded alpha channels, and saving it in another DXT format. To use it on one texture, put that texture in its own temporary directory and point the program to that directory.
  16. The best mod program for textures is... Optimizer Textures I think it fixes offsize problems but it definitely will generate mipmaps for the texture. I've used it for all texture replacers for Oblivion, FO3, and FNV. It will not recognize the new texture format used in Skyrim.
  17. Thanks! That's a lot more than I could find any where else. I plan to do this when I am ready to start a new character.
  18. Say I want to make Jair into a fence for the TG. How does one do that? It seems there must be a step by step way to do this (such that they grayed out settings become settable), but I can't figure out what the order is. Thanks.
  19. Actually, I can think of 1 work-around, and that would be that the script detects when you go into MenuMode and makes it re-say the last say when you go back into gamemode. The only other thing is that you can turn on general subtitiles and at least be able to read what they are saying. I did that to make sense of what Mankar was saying. At one point he says "You think i'm occupa" which is really "You think I mock you."
  20. I don't think it's possible to fix this. It is possible to just make them shut up though. I did this with the daedra shrine's (where they disable your controls and talk) where I can press a key to just make it jump to the end. However, with the three times the Calvicus Vile dog starts talking to you, I just ignore it. The problem is that the script does a command to make them 'say" something to you (which can be several sentences per 'say' and be up to 5 'say's), and there is no way to stop that once they start saying that part of it, and there is no way to make it pause when I go into any menu. It will make them stop saying that part and then just go to the next 'say'.
  21. In the mod pages discussion, someone else asked "where the **** is he" last October, and the author never responded. Unless you are really desperate for this mod, I would give up on it. The ONLY way for you to get that follower in the game is to open the console and do a PlaceAtMe command, once you figure out the hex BaseID of the NPC. EDIT: Oops. I didn't see Lena's response.
  22. Maybe the mod does a scripted PlaceAtMe. In that case you would see a SCRT in the upper window of the 'Use info' result.
  23. OK! However, something must be fishy with your approach, because when I hit the TAB key to exit the repair menu it goes back to the inventory screen. If you post ALL of the scripts you created to do this, maybe we can spot something.
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