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Posts posted by MarkInMKUK

  1. Telyn - no idea on the stuff in the video. The last comment I can see indicates it hasn't yet been released but that may be because I just skimmed through in a hurry. I think the modder is Ryuujin-0 on TESNexus, but not sure.


    A thought on rideable centaurs - would make those escort missions a lit easier - can gallop out of trouble and protect your passenger far better. :)

  2. Hi Schjinn - in that case, thanks for pointing it out and getting Da Mage looking at our thread - the more the merrier!


    Personally I have all the modding skills of a retarded sewer rat, but I am good at asking "can it be done" and "what if..." in a way that other people seem to be inspired by - I guess I'll stick with that for now and just enjoy what other people do based o0n those ideas and questions.

  3. To all the clever people out there: a couple of questions to provoke thought...


    Is it possible with OBSE/whatever to change the underlying head mesh on a "per-race and gender" basis? Example where this could be used - Ren's Mystic Elf race uses a separate mesh type for male and female, but has to do this with two separate races. Could this be done so that the male/female selection in the character generator swapped the head mesh, and could this also work for npc's?


    Could the character generator be altered/extended to allow selection of different texture sets - for example to choose between two or three different Khajiit fur patterns? The selected texture would not only change the head texture, but select the matching body texture automatically.

  4. Hi Schjinn - nice to see you here!


    I hadn't seen the Centaur Project when I made the comment above - nice to see someone else "pushing the boundaries" like the lads (and lasses) who already posted comments.


    I spotted from your link that you have "invisible" equippable greaves and boots - maybe the techniques that Drake and Razorpony are using could be relevant to your own work. If you needed a "lower body" clothing style, how about using something from the horse armour mod instead of greaves, and maybe one of those coloured ornate tabard covers used when jousting in place of skirt/trousers?

  5. Hi Semtex,


    Those models certainly look promising. The hoof version, in particular, looks better proportioned than the version I'd already seen on the net, which only modified the foot area and hence had an "odder" leg geometry. I think Razorpony's latest feet are now a little higher at the heel than the khajiit ones you show. Of course, whatever we do has to work with as much vanilla lower-body stuff if possible to minimise the needed mesh work - it would be SO much easier if they had selected a more Elizabethan look for mens' lower bodies with knee-length trousers and hose. I very much like the idea of a "system" which can be used to expand the number of race variants - that was partially Drake's aim with his scropting I believe. I also know there are different "hand" models around, which it would be nice to be able to use in any scripted setup.


    Whatever we do, it would be useful for the script to be expandable to use "other" split points - the waist it an obvious one. Thar would allow some future modeller to create Centaur, Mermaid, Drider or Naga models. Of course, then you're into major animation changes too, but I think you clever people are busy proving that with Drake's script basis, and the skeleton change moids, there are far fewer limits to the Oblivion body system than was previously thought.

  6. Most of the "heavy" modders add a couple of other "must have" mods to reduce the game's tendency to crash. First, you'll need the Oblivion Script Extender v20 (OBSE for short). Then install FastExit and Winston Earle's Oblivion Crash Prevention System (weOCPS).


    If you are trying a full FCOM install, you have two choices. One is the walkthrough at the FCOM First Time User Install list. The other is the massive combined download found if you Google for the FCOM Superpack. Either way, when it comes to configuring the Wrye Bash bashed patch settings, read the installation guide at the Superpack site and tick what it tells you to - that worked first time for me both ways.


    The downside of the superpack is that, while it usually works, you have the compiler's own choice of additional mods, some of which you may dislike. However, the choice is yours!

  7. You're probably not going to get your dream of the ultimate stutter-free graphical setup, because Oblivion is fundamentally a SINGLE-core program. As far as it is concerned your CPU is only a 2 GHz single processor, apart from one or two very small areas. Because the game itself can't make use of the extra cores, the CPU clock speed is a bottle neck. Later games which use multi cores properly will be far better on the system.


    To make the most of the system you have, you'll need to run the 3GB memory patch mod. That will at least allow Oblivion to use the next GB of memory above the old 2GB limit it was written with.


    You may be ok with Better Cities, but I suspect Anvil Waterfront may still strain your setup a lot. Be prepared to add the fps patches where they exist, and disable the large wine barrels.


    You are almost certain to need to install OBSE, FastExit and Winston Earle's Oblivion Crash Prevention System in addition to what you listed above. I wish you luck, though - it'd be nice to think you managed to get Oblivion looking AND playing perfectly.

  8. Sounds good. First restriction from the Oblivion engine (as standard) - from my understanding of earlier forum threads you cannot add any weapon types, you can only replace another weapon type with your new one. So, for example, adding a gun will mean losing (say) daggers, or swords, or bows, or clubs. That's why there are very few weapon TYPE mods for Oblivion - no slings or darts or shuriken. If you remain pre-gunpowder you have the same weapons as Oblivion. Take a look at the crossbow mod for Oblivion to see how to replace an existing weapon type.


    It is, of course, possible that one of the clever people using the script extender has managed to overcome this limitation but I haven't heard of one.


    You COULD rework the concept to maybe use the rediscovery of the old gods themselves the turning point of the mod - so the re-introduction of magic (for the chaos side) or the fight against it (for the side of order) would be the key the game hangs on. Your character could have abilities for both, and as they use more of one or the other they change alignment with the two factions.


    Edit: Here's a link to a related discussion about adding spears to Oblivion - http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/17099-weapons-of-oblivion-spears

  9. I suggest take a look at Reneers Variable NPC mod or Growlfs Body shape mod. If you use one of those along with one of the "heavier" versions of the HGEC body, or maybe one of the Roberts Female variants, you can probably get pretty close. Then you should only need minor tweaks. There certainly ARE bodies out there which have a little more waist and rather less silicone, but they take hunting down.
  10. I'd try disabling the Enhanced Quest Roleplaying mod, as that MIGHT directly tinker with the quest dialogue and thus MIGHT alter something. Anything which alters speech in any way would be a potential culprit, and that's the only one i can see which fits the bill.
  11. Try E-cup - the difference is minimal and there seem to be more armours for it.


    It seems odd that people go to all the effort to make an armour, then fail to port it to the relatively easy variants i.e. different sizes for the same body type. Not converting to BAB or roberts I can understand, but additional cup sizes for HGEC? Ah, well ... I'll stick to stock armour - that's all covered I think.

  12. OK, start with the basics. If you are using Windows Vista or 7, and installed to the default path (under Program files), then many mods may fail to work properly because of UAC. If so, look on the nexus for Bben46's uninstall/reinstall guide and shift the lot to c:\Games\Oblivion.


    Next, look in your Nehrim install folder. There should be a folder called "Data". Open that folder. Is there another folder in it also called Data? If so, you screwed up an install someplace. Drag the "inner" data folder to your Oblivion directory, and allow it to merge with the original Data folder. Then try again.


    If a mod has a .esp file included, you HAVE to activate that to get it working. Ideally install and use Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM). Make sure ALL of the ESP and ESM files are ticked (active). Note that in a Nehrim installation, you may have to disable Oblivion.esm - read the install manual carefully and do what it tells you. Then select Utilities > BSA Redirection, then click update.


    Of course, sometimes you get a mod clash, or one that insists on having Oblivion not Nehrim active. That's where a clever program called Wrye Bash comes in, along with BOSS (Beter Oblivion Sorting Software). Between them they can fix a lot of bugs - but take far to long to explain here.

  13. The reason for the lopsided pauldron is because of the direction of an attacker's incoming sword swing - if he is right-handed the attack will come from your left towards your right. Often the "defence side" pauldron is enlarged and even spiked to snag or deflect the sword blow away from the vulnerable neck. However, the same enlarged pauldron on the sword arm side would restrict movement of the arm enough to make it very hard to actually wield the sword. A fencer leads with his weapon, but a sword-and shield mane leads with his shield EXCEPT when he switches to attack - watch a couple of re-enactors trading blows and you'll see them swap leading sides as they change from attack to defence. The asymmetry was often exaggerated in arena armour as the pauldron and arm armour WAS most of the defence in some outfits. Of course, sometimes the asymmetry is taken to ridiculous lengths, especially in illustrations for computer games - for example Aribeth from Neverwinter Nights


    This site has a very useful guide to armour parts and variations.


    As a side note, "standard" Roman military armour is basically symmetrical. However the addition of the fittings needed to hold the gladius, and any other equipment items, can soon upset the symmetry by adding lopsided diagonal belts and straps.

  14. Just a few thoughts...


    Truly symmetrical outfits are unusual in real life because both TASKS and PEOPLE are asymmetrical. Tasks such as wielding a sword are a right (or left) handed task - even a two-hander is used with one hand above the other on the hilt. People are either right or left handed and as such any activity involving a clothing fastening will tend to be asymmetrical too - even the modern zip is asymmetric. A tied bow, for instance, can't be truly symmetrical as the shape depends on one cord or ribbon overlaying another. Armour tends to be asymmetric as the two sides tend to do different jobs - one biased more for attack, one more for defence. Archery is a "handed" activity too - the arrow has to sit one of the other side of the bow, and in all but the most basic bows this is refelcted in their chape and thus forces a "handedness" - I've tried to shoot a left-hand bow righthanded and it's worse than using "wrong-handed" scissors.


    You mention a mage or thief character. A mage would possibly be amidextrous, but the moment you add a staff you "hand" your character, and most casting animations are handed too. Also a lot of symbols which might be embroidered would be handed - and the reverse of a symbol might be considered to invoke the opposite of the desired effect.


    A thief will almost certainly be handed - he'd require lockpicks stored on one side rather than the other for ease of access, so pockets would tend to be distributed for convenience of use, not some aesthetic sense of what is "right".


    Having said all that, robes and some styles of ladies dresses are likely places where near-symmetry can be achieved. Anything with a single row of buttons will be asymmetric, but twin rows can be symmetrical. Look at waistcoats for men, and corcet-style tops for women.


    However, I suspect for what you are looking for, you're going to need to learn to make your own meshes and textures at some point. Alternatively, does it help to give the character a back-story which explains WHY they have to be asymmetric? That might satisfy the "need for order" part of the OCD as a substitute for the "need for symmetry".

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