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Everything posted by Galacticat42

  1. Zinno! Oh thank Talos you haven't left... Please, please, just tell me if you're going on a vacation or something - a warning is all I need so I don't freak out over who's doing what. As I said before, it's fine if there isn't progress as this is but a hobby, but for the love of Talos let someone know if you're not going to have access to the internet for an extended period of time. But alas you are back and haven't left.
  2. Unfortunately the game requires a certain naming convention for saves. Your best bet would be to use a save manager and organize your saves that way.
  3. Dacurath has signed up and will begin soon on finishing the greathalls with rooms, clutter, navmesh, NPCs - the works. He says he's serious and so here's to hoping we get a keeper! :thumbsup:
  4. For some reason the game is now deciding to crash when I go through the door that leads from Snowcrag Halls to Snowcrag Keep (A door that you have to go through for the precursor quest) with absolutely zero change on the CK side which means that the 1.7 patch broke it. I've tested it twice and it doesn't crash if you go from the keep to the halls - only if you go from the halls to the keep. It's the same door since before the patch and it worked before the patch... Any ideas on how to fix this rather annoying bug? Just to note - the only other mod I have active is the unofficial skyrim patch 1.05c that claims to be compatible with 1.6 and 1.7 and I honestly do not see how that mod is related to a repeatable bug that only appeared after the official patch. I've gone through the verification process already too. EDIT: I updated the USKP to 1.1 and even remade both doors to and from snowcrag hall / keep and still nothing. Note: I am not using a save but rather the skyrim default character... start up Skyrim and simply typed in coc snowcraghalls then use the door and it crashes during the load screen. If I were to type in coc snowcragMEntrance and use the door that leads to the halls, it loads up just fine and dumps me in the halls. Then turning around to use the door I just came from, it crashes during the loading screen again.
  5. This looks rather interesting as I remember those map types in the Warcraft 3 battle.net lobbies. I myself am aiming to make puzzle bosses - as I like to call them since each boss is more like a puzzle than an object to overwhelm - in TDL. However the bosses I aim to make are more of a hybrid between Impossible Bosses and a God of War puzzle boss.
  6. As awesome as it sounds, if you want it lore-friendly (which it doesn't have to be if you don't want it to be) there are no such things as female dragons/drakes in TES. Dragons don't reproduce and they are never young (dragonlings are a sub-species). According to a daedra, dragons 'just are'. Reason behind this is that their father, Akatosh is the monarch of time and his children are affected by such an attribute, making them eternal. If you want, you can either ignore this post and go lore-unfriendly, you can change the quest, you can borrow my method of finding a loophole in lore (with matriarchs), or you can come aboard TDL and help plan out the water levels of chapter 3. :thumbsup: Any way you choose I wish you luck.
  7. Curious as to why they call that a Dryad... mythologically (in a few texts - unmentioned by Wikipedia of course) dryads are half deer half human. What you're looking for would be a forest nymph which covers everything else. Taken from a Warcraft concept wiki... (I might hate WoW but gosh darn they have nice concept images). http://images.wikia.com/wowwiki/images/d/dc/Nymph.jpg
  8. [crazy idea] Okay... I just had an epic idea for an easter egg type thing... But make it totally serious. Chayification, MxR, GophersVids, Brodual and Tyrannicon as Lord Chayification, M.X.R. , Dark Master Stiv Gro-fur, Brodual and Throthgar son of Bothvar, respectively. Of course this would require the actual voice acting and acknowledgement of the youtube posters themselves. Their characters would sit around different areas of Dragonrest and give off side quests. For example, Stiv would have the player gather Orcs to his castle abode for a plan of a Skyrim take-over using dragons, Throthgar would have the player gather women for bikini contests, Chay would... erm do chay stuff (probably have contests to see if he's crazier than Sheogorath? *shrug* The crazy englishman versus the crazy daedric scottsman...) Of course they would have to undergo interviews to see what exactly they want their characters to do. And such a thing would have to be done either by someone else or by me after EVERYTHING else is done. In a few years at least. [/crazy idea] Back on topic, Zinno hasn't reported back at all, not even for a warning to say that he'd be gone for a while... Not sure if Hippeus is available yet so I suppose I'll have to contact him again. In the meantime I'm gunna continue plugging away at the entrance cell.
  9. If you have a machine like mine, rather new but for some reason hates to run ENB and always drops down to 5- fps when running one no matter how fps friendly it claims it is, then there is really no such thing as an fps friendly ENB. I have an AMD Radeon HD 6530D with 1gb vram dedicated and 1 gb vram shared and 2.4ghz quad core processor with 12gb ddr3 RAM. ENB was made for Nvidia and thus does not run properly on AMD machines. I suggest to you to use a lighting mod that does exactly what an ENB would otherwise do. You can use Dynavision, Imaginator, and Claralux for direct effects and colors while I use Project Reality for lighting adjustments.
  10. @TCP Looking over your files, I must say lucius2 was a nice surprise for a voice. I think that's the voice for Lucius. As for the dragon voice, that would be fine if they were in a large chamber with lots of echo, but I think we're looking for the raw, un-echod voice. The grumble is perfect though. And one more thing - be careful with rolling your 'R's as to prevent any two characters to sound too similar to one another. (IIRC no one in skyrim rolls their 'R's so as I said, be careful.)
  11. Scripting and Script Writing? The latter is what you're looking for as the former is what makes code, quests, events, etc. And yes we are always looking for more VA's. OH! On a related note, due to an indie game that I've been developing on the side, I've picked up Mixcraft 6 to create a music score for it. Now before you get any ideas I want the music score for the mod to be as close to Skyrim as one can get and Mixcraft, although completely capable, is not the right software for viking orchestra music. Instead I brought this up as I will be able to mix pre-existing voices and create new dialogue with what is already there. Much like what Mans1ay3r does with the Youtube series Gamer Poop. @CaptainJin This was discussed earlier and the conclusion was that since only once is such an idea ever established in lore and is rejected by the masses, we won't go near it and we certainly will not poke it with sticks.
  12. Good lord I have this problem... And only now? Weird. Seeing as this thread is the only hit from Google that fits my problem, would anyone have any suggestions other than quitting completely and reload?
  13. I'd love to play this mod, but whenever I load it up, the game just crashes after the Bethsoft logo. Perhaps you should clean it and put out another version?
  14. I've been using the hotload function ever since 1.6 came out and I can tell you there are a few things it doesn't like. - Landscape Changes - Template updates All else I've found to work just fine. Just use fcf to force close files which allows the CK to save and hlp "Mod Name" to load the changes.
  15. Find a new hosting site yet or are you gunna try and fix your minus page?
  16. There's plenty mods out there that do what you are describing, one such mod is Realistic Wildlife loot and Recipes
  17. So wait, you're gunna have two mines in the castle?
  18. This sounds like a fantastic idea! A few notes I'd like to mention though. 1. I get a feeling from Bethsoft that they modeled Whiterun after Rohan. Now of course Skyrim has a lot more technology going on than LotR and reflects it well, but Whiterun somehow manages to maintain the prosperous feel despite being torn in two by the Battle-born and Greymanes let alone the civil war around them. 2. With Maven Black-briar having Riften under her thumb, the citizens either love or hate her and is reflected well in dialogue, but has zero feel from the area. Maven needs to be the funding behind Riften's rich and the bane behind Riften's poor and should be reflected by the city itself. 3. Windhelm (The city in the live action trailer) feels down and dirty and underdeveloped because its jarl is too busy with the war and is relayed perfectly. I think this city is good by itself, but if you plan on expanding cities, keep the slums the slums and the rich the rich. Don't change anything, just make it bigger. 4. Solitude is nice, but it's too small. The city as-is is perfect for the rich community, but there needs to be a slums section down underneath the arch. 5. Markarth has a nice Nord-ified Rivendell feel to it, but it's not suppose to be. Markarth is suppose to be more of a mining city with Dwarven ruins everywhere, more similar to the Dwarven City that mines the Lonely Mountain in The Hobbit. The poor are on the outside of the mountain while the rich are on the inside. And the city is suppose to be prosperous being so far out of the way of the war and the fact its constantly cranking out resources that the other cities buy from them.
  19. This is beginning to sound like Deadly Reflexes for Oblivion. 8) On a semi-related note, I was wondering when/if you were going to go back to basic needs for a few tweeks/updates.
  20. @Zinno That looks great, but we'll have to discuss the great hall in detail and its layout. Speaking of which, I've decided to add a second half to and make it an 'L' shape. What I have so far: The broken entrance The overgrown passage One of two side passages into tombs The beginning of the second portion.
  21. It's a hidden value in havok physics. Go check out PoroOne's thread on flying.
  22. They're not possible to add to the game? Then what's FNIS all about then? 1st person animations? Just as easy as applying the 3rd person KF to the 1st person model, but you'll have to tweak the KF to be as stead as possible. You can, but it's a b*tch to do. Oh, and if FNIS doesn't get the job done, there's always Josh's skyrim behavior file patcher.
  23. NPCs can. You just gotta make a floating navmesh island right under the manhole.
  24. I too was going to recommend TRO basic needs by Mansh00ter and about the speed at which hunger is necessary, you can install a dynamic time mod that'll slow everything down.
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