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Everything posted by JohnBond007777

  1. Something I did was run the normal non-NVSE version and go under data files in the launcher. I found the mod, and activated it. Then I went to FOMM and changed the load order to what it needed to be. I am using the Steam Version installed in "Program Files x86/Steam/SteamApps/Common."
  2. Hmm, it sounds interesting. I might like to help. I know my around the G.E.C.K. like the back of my hand. (Looks at hand) Oh, thats new. :laugh: Anyway, I am good at naming clothes and creating effects that go with them, as well as thinking of perks or traits.
  3. Ah yes, thank you, I knew I was forgetting a quest.
  4. Thanks! It seemed like a good idea, for how central Freeside is, there seems to be few quests, esp. about crime in the town.
  5. Yes Deadspine, you are correct. I wasn't talking about L.A. Noir (Never played it), but more about some quests: Dealing with Contrearas, One for My Baby and I Put a Spell on You are all examples of quests already in the game that are like the ones that would fit this mod.
  6. Sorry, this should of been under mod requests, I didn't see it. Is there any way to move it, if not remove it?
  7. It sounds cool, your own office, suit or trenchcoat and pre-war hat. Cases take place in cities/towns. Preferably Freeside or the Strip. What do you think? Leave feedback please, or someone who wants to make it, my modding skills are amateur. QUESTS: Solve murders, kidnappings, dissappearences, ect. (Repeatable??) CLOTHES: Suits, trenchcoats, hats, ect. WEAPONS: Concealable pistols, ect.
  8. Alright, it worked, thanks! You have got a Kudos point. I fixed it by uninstalling Readius, dieing from Rad Poisoning, re-installing Readius and it had fixed itself. I believe it was caused by removing Rads when I didn't have any or something like that, anyway, it worked, thanks!!! 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  9. Although, it also seems to be a Pip-Boy problem as well, as iv'e seen a walkthrough of Fo3 on Xbox where this happened to someone with the default Pip-Boy. Thanks for the suggestion, I will try it or find a way to get irradiated and remove rads, die from rad poisoning, reload an old save or something else that might help, although it might fix itself. I hope it is not permanate, that would be VERY annoying. If it works, kudos to you!
  10. Hello, I seem to have encountered a bug/glitch. My Pip-Boy (I am using the Readius), the Radiation Meter Dial is bugged. It will start at the 1000 rads level, clip through the Pip-Boy and stop at the 0 rads tick. It will also not show any rads on the RAD screen under STATS. Are there any solutions? Uninstalling, patches, mods. This happeded when I went into the Underground Hideout Mods and used the radation remover in the front door to get rid of my radation. Any help, please, as this is very annoying. EDIT: FIXED
  11. Ah, thank you! How do you do it, though. (I'm terrible at FNVEdit) Sorry if i'm being bothersome. You can just link me to a manual.
  12. Hmm, thanks, i'll try that, and do you know if there is a way to compile esps. I wanted to work on it, so I set the esp as not active and worked on it and saved another one, so now if I want to work on it, I need to activate both Lucky_38_Suite_Bar1 and Lucky_38_Suite_Bar2 to have the full mod. (Those aren't the actual names)
  13. Checked it with another active file, and it saved fine. Must be a problem with this Mod. Maybe too many mods selected? I believe I have the GECK set to allow mutiple masters, it loads all the DLCs fine. Strange. Well, if I don't find a solution, I will just save new esps with my Mod not set as active. Maybe that will get around the problem, or is there a limit to the number of times an esp is overwritten, and would saving it as an esm work. Help will still reward Kudos and Virtual Cookies!!
  14. Hmmm, I made a small mod this morning, which saved and worked in NV, but when I save to the mod I am working on, it still refuses to save. I will check to see if this an active file problem.
  15. Wow, this a messy post, next time i'll save it as .txt files. :)
  16. I had this exact same problem today. No worries though, you just need to restart the computer. I did that and now my GECK works fine. I think I just overworked it. Hope this helps. All right, thank you, you will receive Kudos and your cookie if it works!
  17. The easiest way is to get the MyRadio mod, by naming the station in GECK it can be anything in your Pip-Boy. MyRadio: http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=36406 It even has its own installer!! Also, you can keep Radio New Vegas playing it's original songs, AND the station will work in ALL DLCs and locations!!!!!
  18. How about a 1-hit kill script if it is a sneak attack, instead of ultra-high crit. damage? Say if you wanted to use it for normal combat?
  19. Hi everyone, I need help with the GECK. I can load my masters and plugins fine, but when I am modifying one of my mods, which worked fine last night and this morning, it now refuses to save. I loaded the mod, added some things and then hit "SAVE." However the little * next to the mod name remains. If I try to close the GECK as well, it asks me if I want to save changes to the plugin, when I hit yes, it closes the "Save changes to plugin" window, but just takes me back to the GECK screen. Help will be rewarded with Kudos and a Virtual Cookie :biggrin: ! LOAD ORDER AVAILABLE ON REQUEST!!
  20. For some reason, after installing NVSE and Patch 1.4, my character levels to level 41. It tells me that I need 125000 ep to get to it. Was this because of Patch 1.4 adding Old World Blues compatability. Also, I am not sure that NVSE is causing it. I will test it again. EDIT: FIXED MY LOAD ORDER IS THIS: [X] FalloutNV.esm [X] HonestHearts.esm [X] DeadMoney.esm [X] NVR-Strip.esm [X] AWorldOfPain(Preview).esm [X] FNVToolkit.esm [X] AWOPLowRobots.esp [X] NVR-NPCs.esp [X] NVR-Version_10.esp [X] The New Bison Steve Hotel.esp [X] BTB - Beyond the Borders.esp [X] PimpMyScarf.esp [X] UrgeWasterScarf.esp [X] PerkEveryLevel.esp [X] Cowboy_Plus_ThatGun_and_Machete.esp [X] fixed_grim_reapers_sprint.esp [X] Mercy Killing Karma v2.0.esp [X] NewVegasBounties.esp [X] NewVegasBountiesII.esp [X] Laser_Rifle_FNV_Fix.esp [X] Plasma_Pistol_FNV_Fix.esp [X] Plasma_Rifle_FNV_Fix.esp [X] Gauss_Rifle_FNV_Fix.esp [X] John's Merc Adventurer Outfit5.esp [X] BetterMerchantCaravanLimit.esp [X] John's_Sachel_Outfit1.esp [X] Better Binoculars Max.esp [ ] Night_Vision_Binoculars--__--.esp [ ] Night_Vision_Binoculars_BETA2.esp [ ] Nights are Darker 50%.esp [X] Dark Mercenary Gear.esp [X] Dark_Mercenary_Armor_John.esp [X] 10mm_Pistol_FNV_Fix.esp [X] LFox Sneaky Casino Patron.esp [X] John's Weapons1.esp [X] Ratslayer_NoDismember-Explode_Fix.esp [X] Doc_Mitchell_Binoculars1.esp [X] markers for the strip.esp [X] GrimyBusinesswearFix.esp [X] John's_Black_Suit1.esp [X] radioSuite_Bathroom_Fix.esp [X] Sniper_Rifle_FNV_Fix.esp [X] Plasma_Defender_Ammo_Clip_Fix.esp [X] Machienzo-RadioNewVegasBugFix.esp [X] DeadMoneyJunkRoundsRedux.esp [X] HonestHeartsJunkRoundsRedux.esp [X] NVVarious - Honest Hearts - 1.10 (Bug Fixes).esp [X] chemsets.esp [X] John's_9mm_.esp [X] motor-runner helmet fix.esp [X] Laser_RCW_Lucky_38_Trunk_with_Mod.esp [X] VMS44Fixed (Wheel of Fortune).esp [ ] Night_Vision_Binoculars_BETA.esp [ ] Night_Vision_Binoculars_BETA3.esp [ ] Sin_City_Typewriter.esp [X] Lead_Weighs_Nothing.esp [X] Wasteland Explorer.esp [X] Leather Trench Coat NV v1.0.esp [X] John's_Trenchcoat.esp [X] brotherhoodweaponstash.esp [X] John's_Bounty_ Hunter_Duster1.esp [X] StealthArmorFix.esp [ ] MojaveSandstorms.esp [X] Hunting_Rifle_FNV_Fix.esp [X] Night_Vision_Goggles_1.esp [X] Combat_Armor_Named_Colors.esp [X] FreesideKingsGiftGiverFix.esp [X] Better Casinos.esp [X] Distant Gunfire Sound Fix V2.1 - Machienzo.esp [X] Flour_Name_Fix.esp [X] Lucky_38_Suite_TVs_and_Computers_Removed.esp [X] Portable Bedroll.esp [ ] Lucky_38_Hatch_Door.esp [ ] Lucky_38_Suite_My_Room_Closet_Removed.esp [X] Nevada Skies.esp [X] Night Brightness Adjuster.esp [X] DynamicFourEyes.esp [X] FlashlightNVSE.esp [X] Slave_Headwrap_Name_Fixed.esp
  21. I have the Steam Version, and its all Mod-Friendly, no problems there.
  22. Valve has the "Source SDK" for games like Half-Life 2 and such. Check on Steam or the internet.
  23. I would hate to hear those things crawling through sewers. Alone. With my Pipboy light off. And no music. Creepy, be great for a horror mod. "IT CAME FROM THE SEWERS!!!!!!!"
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