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Status Updates posted by Risibisi

  1. oh, Makara was here: Hello Makara! :P
  2. why did you bombed up my room *tap, tap* Qess said she has seen you!
  3. Why are you hiding in the dark in my room???? *looks around* it's High noon here.. no darkness.

    hm, and why does val bombed up my room???

    * runs off to ask her*

  4. but your location is obvious too!!!

    It was the CHOCOLATE and your comment but English and learning other languages* put her forefinger on Qess's nose *nudge*cackles. cackles*

  5. Shrink heads? I would never do that... ahhhh, now I understand! It's a pun/wordplay... *waggles her finger* you are very good in such things! You really need a member title which mirrors this talent! :P

    I will put on my thinking cap... so where is my cap? * runs off and starts searching in her room*.. Hm,..difficult task.. it looks like a bomb has exploded in Risi study...

  6. ... and Sauerkraut is a cabbage hehehe
  7. Ah.. and I love Nick Cave and X are also very nice :P
  8. My age? That's not a secret, it's obvious that I'm older than 20 and too young to have watch the first landing on the moon! You have only to read my silly comments and there it stands between the lines! :PPPPPP
  9. what have throw out of your window blender, the pc.. Loke?

    I get no notifications that you left a comment! I don't understand why? it's turned on!?

  10. Yes, yes I know you are sleeping! How can someone as young as you are sleep so much... tsk, tsk..... :P
  11. Du hast doch Zeit! Es gibt ja keinen Abgabetermin und wie gesagt wenn du jemanden brauchst zu gegenlesen.. ich stehe dir gerne zur Verfügung!.

    Schönes Wochende

    PS: es ist einfacher wenn du auf meinem Profil antwortest, so bekomme ich auch mit das du mir geschriebn hast. Sonst verpasse ich dich ja und das wäre schade! :P

  12. Oh, voice acting .. a difficult choice because I think you have a certain sound of her voice in your mind, or? How should her voice sound like?
  13. That means you can delete comments on my profile O_o

    because of your double post?

    Now there stands again not online

  14. okay, now stand: you were watching my profile. Wait :P
  15. Now, I'm getting 2 notifactions for the same comment!???????

    There stands you are offline... are you anonymous logged in?

  16. Hi cookie-monster,

    Great, now I'm getting no notifications that someone has left a comment on my profile... Nexus, Nexus what's going on here. I downloaded a new mod and after over 1 hour I wanted to endorse it and got the message: YOU CAN'T DO THIS YOU MUST DOWNLOAD IT FIRST ... *cackle, cackle, catches her broom and flys away*

  17. Are you playing Tera at the moment?
  18. I know some of yours as well: Chrissie, Barbie, Hubbie!

    He, he,he...*neener-neener* :P

  19. Kraftwerk? You mean the band? Hehehe.. you have revealed your age! ... *cackles, cackles*
  20. *big hug* for Shep too! :)

    .. und hab du auch einen schönen Abend mit/ohne einem Gläschen Rotwein :P

  21. Hi Makara,

    What's up?.. We miss you and your pics and creativity!

    See you :D

  22. I know: I will cook Spätzle (Spaetzle, Swabian noodles) and lentils with Wiener Würstchen (Vienna sausage) :D
  23. Argh, in half an hour I had to cook (dinner) but I don't know what...hm, maybe Sauerkraut... Hahahaha..

    There is a statistic and it's says the French people have the biggest Sauerkraut consumption in Europe not the German! :P

  24. Habs weg gekriegt! Puh. Die toolbar heisst mystart oder so.. die installiert sich im Hintwergrund. Jetzt ist aber alles okay! :)
  25. *takes cookie* but Risi shouldn't eat sweets...
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