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Status Updates posted by Risibisi

  1. You too!

    Ich war draussen Drachen steigen lassen... Hihihi

  2. Hi Ross,

    I have taken you to my heart and the only thing I can give you is this: when ever you need someone to speak or you need an opinion you know where you can find me.

    I will miss you and hope everything will turn out well!

    Goodbye for now my friend.

    Miss M.

  3. So fertig. Mail an dich zurück. Wie gesagt keine Garantie auf Grammatik, Rechtschreibung etc.

    Hab es als Datei angehängt da meine roten Verbesserungvorschläge natürlich mit copy u. paste nicht in der mail angezeigt werden...

    Bis bald!


  4. I hope for you it's not an hot elven woman voice from Tera ...
  5. Ah, don't forget to tag someone for next week, if you like ;)
  6. The enemy list is a secret? I have no problems to have an enemy list which everybody can see. so everybody know the ropes. You should turn off your "pink cotton balls throwing mode". Are you fallen in love ? You are to nice lately... Hm, where is my sassy Val * looks In Lokes throat: Heeeellllloooo!???*
  7. Why maybe? Your list is growing mmmuuuaaaahhh.

    Hm, i want an enemy list hehehehe


    Hey you are making friends...:P

  9. Okay, hab ihn. Schau ihn mir heute abend an!

    LG Risi :)

  10. Super! Die neuen Frisuren sehen toll aus! Freut mich für dich, dass du dein Texturenproblem lösen konntest!

    Bis dann :D

  11. A wonderful weekend for you and, like Primed, I wish one without any writer's blocks! :)
  12. Have a great weekend Makara! :D
  13. Have a wonderful and pain-free weekend as possible, Ahlewis!
  14. Ah, a fanfic... I want to read it of course...if I may! Please..*purr, purr* :D
  15. Have a great weekend!

    Ah, I see you are playing violine and piano! Wonderful! I'm so musical like a sack of rice! :D *hangs head* ;)

  16. Ein tolles Wochenende für dich! :D
  17. Oh, Sirenella didn't know you had a question! Sorry!

    It's easier to write on the profile of the corresponding person who you want to answer or ask something.

    Hm, I have no facebook account because of my job and what's a pick-your-path-app? I have to google that!

    So, have a great weekend I'll be in touch with you because of this pick.your,,, thingy! :D

  18. Ups..end of the week.. so.. Have a wonderful weekend Primed without any writer's blocks! ;)
  19. Hey Olga.. have a exciting weekend! :P
  20. A wonderful weekend full of fun and ease for you, Ross! :D
  21. Have a great weekend, Hayllee! :D
  22. Ein tolles Wochenende wünsch ich dir! Entspann dich!

    Pssst... Platz 1 der Top Mods....:D

  23. Have a great weekend! :P
  24. Hey Lady B.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  25. Ciao, Aijase!

    Come stai?

    Oh, that's all what I can say in Italian. :D

    Noticed that you peeked in my profile. Just peeking back. :D

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