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Everything posted by d4em

  1. Your specs ar not bad at all, specially for a laptop. As for your question, try SkyBoost and Skyrim Performance Plus, besides that you can try turning of the grass in your .ini
  2. Bumping is not exactly allowed here ;] But to answer your question, I suggest you keep it small at first, for example start with one of the islands, see how much work that is, and then base the rest of elsweyr on that.
  3. It's very easy to do this yourself using Gimp and it's DDS plugin. Simply install those two, then find the files added by coverwoman, and doubleclick to open them. You can downscale them with picture>scale, but keep in mind to use powers of 2 (I recommend 512x512 or 1024x1024 for faces). Then you save them over their originals. I use dtx1 compression for textures that are fully opaque, and dtx5 for textures with transparency. Also, make sure to check generate minimaps after you are done.
  4. One problem with that exact logo you mean - I know it's the skyrim logo, but it's also the imperial logo, its actually a gepiction of akatosh, if i renember correctly. You can see it on imperial weapons and armor. If that's ok with you, continue happily :)
  5. And all mortals shall shiver in fear under the reign of their egg-laying overlord ;D Anyway, tested the repair kit, it works perfectly Linky
  6. If you tried removing all .esp files, you might wanna check your animations folder, if you installed an animation mod (usually data\meshes\actor\character, start searching there, for anything with bow in it)
  7. I have not been able to test it ingame yet because @!!*@* steam has been downloading a creation kit update for 26 hours so far, which has downloaded exactly 1.5 kb in 24 of those hours - yeah, I love that we have to rely on steam now - so imma be taking a look at some of the other ones first ;p
  8. Yeah, those are modelled textured and probably animated from scratch - most of them are at least, because using assets from another game is illegal and will get you banned from nexus ;p Doesn't mean one can't use it for oneself's use though, right? As long as one doesn't upload it on the Nexus or share it through otherwise means; I mean, to get the zombie stuff from Oblivion, you gotta have Oblivion, so if you know how, own both games and feel like doing it, there's no one that can stop you. I like the Oblivion zombies too, although I don't know how to move 'em to Skyrim, and I'm not as stupid as to toss up Bethseda's property for public downloading. =P That's what we refer to as piracy, which is illegal, and punishable by hanging. Or was that the other one? True, if you port them yourself, and keep it local, there is no problem - but the local part will be a problem in a request thread ;p
  9. No there isn't - all esp files use resources from the master file, therefore it has to load with the esp. There is a utility you might like though: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/11384 - I have not tested this myself
  10. Yeah, those are modelled textured and probably animated from scratch - most of them are at least, because using assets from another game is illegal and will get you banned from nexus ;p
  11. I know it's not exactly what you asked for, but I could not find any good basket meshes suited for this purpose so I used this.... Was a lot of copy paste work in nifskope, I'll have to test it before I upload - lemme know if you like it, even if its not what you asked for I present: du repairkit <--- added drama for a cinematic effect. http://i1239.photobucket.com/albums/ff515/FakePersonality/RepairKit.png
  12. Hi all ;] I've been having some python problems, which turned out to be related to my environment variables. I thought I'd fixed them, untill I was unable to use wrye bash. The standalone version works fine, however it does not have the options I need. Basically, what I would hope is that someone could tell me how they got their working wrye bash setup, eg. what pyhton version do you use, where did you download wxPhyton, what version is it, and what version of wrye, and in what order did you install them. Also, if someone could tell me what their phython environment variables look like, I'd be thankfull forever. In windows 7 you can find them in configuration screen > system and security > system > advanced > advanced tab > environment variables, in the second list they are PyhtonHome and PythonPath. Here is the Bug Dump wrye generates on startup: Just posting it here in case im looking in the wrong direction - however, it gives the exact same error when I use python 27 alone, or along with 26. Kudo's to anyone who can help me, after a week of google I still didnt get it to work :[
  13. While you're at it, try to make it a deadric god. Just do it. We need an evil dwemer chicken godof death and despair, I've found it the only thing lacking in skyrim ;D Joking aside, imma take a look at some more of these, see what I can do. No modelling untill proper blender nif scripts come out though , my setup is too messed up to try modelling through the methods described in the tutorials ;l
  14. Download it here Good luck with your mod ;p
  15. Quick retexture I couldn't resist... Lemme know if you like it
  16. Yeah, bethesda is not known for producing bug-free software.... But then again, there has to be some reason I keep running it? >.> So... there is no known fix? Imma try reinstalling the ck, see if that does anything...
  17. So, I've been modding and all of the sudden the face previewer in the NPC editor stops working. The full body preview still works - and updates after switching from face to body preview. The face preview only shows the interior of the face - the eye and mouth meshes - everything else, hair, head, is not visible. I did not change anything in my settings, did not try any new mods. The only thing I did for the first time was loading the update.esm along with the skyrim.esm, but the issue persists after I just load skyrim.esm Does anyone know what causes this and how to fix it?
  18. Tis a wip: Will be added to This mod soon
  19. Just set their voice type to "Argonian / Khajiit female default" or something like that, in the NPC editor where you also pick the race. Skyrim has voice files for all default dialogue, so this should work.
  20. The only possible issue I can see in your esp list are the AT - arrow recovery mods, you might want to try disabling those, see if it fixes anything. Also, if you have previously installed ragdoll mods or animation mods from steam, and they had an esp that you deleted by hand, you will still need to delete the animation/skeleton files manually. You can also try running Wrye Bash. and building a bashed patch with it. If those 3 don't work, you can still try disabling your mods one by one... ;l Hope I helped :)
  21. It is very easy :) After you merged both the esps and the bsas (so you have one of each) you just name them the same, and the esp will activate the bsa. Hope I helped :)
  22. First, the nexus is not to fond of bumping. Second, run Boss (search for it on skynex) If that does not work, your only option is to disable your mods one by one, and see which one is causing the problem.
  23. The game of thrones swords mod has reported chrashes in the comments, although they seem to be only connected to one sword. For the swords and races mod, it sounds like it is This one which has serious issues with the main quest posted in the comments And now what is likely the source of your problems: you can only activate one of the cloaks of skyrim esps, or they will conflict and might cause your game to crash, which is clearly stated in the readme and filepage. Also, run Boss, and next time read file descriptions before you download them, it will save you a lot of trouble.
  24. You'd start here: http://www.creationkit.com/Category:Papyrus However, console command are not actually script commands in skyrim (for some reason), I think it would be easier to make the player invisible and undetectable, maybe with a fly script attached. Good luck ;p
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