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Everything posted by Slostenn

  1. I actually considered using movetoplayer, but I thought it only worked for NPCs. I'll definitely give that a try next time I play. I also considered it being knocked around by an explosion or a Radroach (this would also explain the missing consumable and junk items that are supposed to surround it), but I checked the surrounding area pretty thoroughly (including searching under the terrain with the free camera) and didn't see it anywhere. Honestly, I don't know why they didn't put this tape in a container like all of the other tapes. Anyway, I'll give movetoplayer a shot and report back afterwards.
  2. This. I've learned far more from reverse engineering others' mods than I have through tutorials. Besides learning, I also make personal changes to many mods I download because, the way I see it, the whole reason I'm installing the mod in the first place is so that I can tailor the game to the experience I want. I don't see my personal changes to a mod as any different from the mod's original changes to the game itself.
  3. I hate having to ask for help with this, but I've tried every possible thing I could think of and I'm still stuck with this bug. For some reason, the 8th holotape for Nick's quest, "Long Time Coming," is bugged in my game. There's a quest marker pointing to the bench that it's supposed to spawn on (holotape #8 is supposed to be in the police precinct near Diamond City, on a bench in one of the jail cells), and based on screenshots I've seen a few consumable items and clutter should be surrounding it, but when I visit the cell in my game there are no objects inside of it besides the static meshes like the bench and the bed. No consumables, no clutter, and most importantly, no tape. I've looked around and found a common bug with tape #9, which is supposed to spawn at a Natick Banks precinct, but I was able to get that tape just fine. #8 is the only tape I'm missing, because it is bugged and simply does not exist in my game. I know I didn't pick it up before starting the quest, because I never remove holotapes from my inventory (though, I've been meaning to clean them out for a while) and I do not have the holotape, whereas I do have the other 9. The obvious question is, do I have a mod that's editing that cell or worldspace? No. I've gone through every single plugin and master file I have installed in FO4Edit and none of them make any edits to that cell or worldspace. The next step was using the console to add holotape #8 to my inventory; if I do this, I do receive the tape, but it is not treated as a quest item (ie I can drop it) and it does not trigger the objective. As far as the game is concerned, it's just a completely irrelevant holotape. Next, I tried using console commands to complete the current objective; the game marked the objective as complete ("Find the holotapes: 9/10") but did not give me a new objective and Nick still acts as though we have not yet collected all of the tapes. The only solution I have left is to manually place a new copy of the holotape in the Creation Kit, and give it the same flag to trigger the quest objective that the normal tape has, but this is unfortunately above my head. I could probably figure out how to place the holotape, but I have no idea how to add the quest trigger to it, so I would be very grateful for either A) a different solution to the problem, or B) advice on how to spawn a new copy of the holotape including the quest trigger. Thanks in advance for any help and advice.
  4. A messed up, stretchy limb means the bone weights are screwed up. Which mesh did you use as the base? Usually if I have bone issues with one particular part of a mashup, I redo it using that mesh as the base and modifying the other mesh to adapt it to the base. In this case, that would mean starting with the NCR outfit, importing the SNCR outfit on top of it, and then moving the legs to line up with the NCR outfit. I have a bunch that you did it in the opposite order.
  5. Viewmodel FOV (which includes the Pipboy) is determined by your 3rd person FOV. I'm not sure if changing your 3rd person FOV in the config actually applies to viewmodel FOV, but I know for sure it applies if you change your FOV ingame using console commands. If you use the FOV command, the first value will be your 3rd person FOV, and the second value will be your 1st person FOV; for example, I use a viewmodel FOV of 90 and a 1st person FOV of 95, and I've got an autoexec file set up to automatically use "fov 90 95" whenever I launch the game. It probably works just as well if you change the 3rd person FOV in the config, I'm just too lazy to test it and find out. Note that this will affect your minimum zoom distance in 3rd person, so if you increase your 3rd person FOV, you will not be able to zoom the camera as close to your character. It is a negligible difference, but I feel it's worth pointing out. Also worth noting is that a few custom animations are a little buggy at higher viewmodel FOVs, and the camera will clip slightly into the left shoulder. Personally I just edited the viewmodels for the outfits I use to squish the left shoulder to fix this.
  6. The vanilla first person animations for the Lever Rifle also don't actually cock the lever; your character makes the hand motion, but if you increase your viewmodel FOV enough to see the lever, it stays completely still. There are so many issues and cut corners with that weapon that I'm amazed they didn't scrap it like the compound bow.
  7. Out of curiosity, do you have any plans of including a right-handed update to the Hunting Rifle, similar to what you did with Nuka World's Handmade Rifle? I know there are already two options available for right-handed Hunting Rifle replacers, but both have their ups and downs and leave me hoping for Hitman's personal spin on it. I know he was working on Hunting Rifle animations months ago, but it never went anywhere, and by now I assume if he was going to do it he'd probably start from scratch (based on his usual MO). Although, you're mentioning anti materiel rifles now, and I always felt like his aforementioned WIP Hunting Rifle animations would fit perfectly for an anti materiel rifle. I found them to be very reminiscent of the vanilla Anti-Materiel Rifle animations in New Vegas. Edit: regarding automatic weapon sounds, vanilla automatic weapons and most modded automatic weapons use looping sound files based on five fire rates: 420 RPM, 540 RPM, 660 RPM, 780 RPM, and 900 RPM. Creating looping sound files is actually a very easy process with a free program called Wavosaur. I've been thinking about making a quick tutorial just showing the basics of using Wavosaur to make looping sound files - the sounds I've created myself aren't perfect, but they are functional, and could easily be perfected with a little more time and deliberation. I don't know how you would go about making looping files for any of the fire rates not listed, however. You could use a single shot, non-looping sound file, but those sound noticeably worse than looping files and sometimes suffer from stuttering. I know DOOM's Mac-11 has a pretty insane rate of fire, maybe you could ask him how he handled the sounds for it?
  8. The Scavenged NCR Armor is included with his Mercenary pack, along with all of his other previously removed armor mods.
  9. If it's only happening in Fallout 4 and your temps are fine, I would say it's almost definitely the mipmap bug. Welcome to the club; I know first-hand how annoying it is.
  10. Is this happening only on certain objects, and only when far away from them? There's a common glitch with the mipmaps that causes them to behave like this sometimes, you can find a lot of relevant results with a Google search for "fallout 4 rainbow textures." Unfortunately no one has found a fix as far as I'm aware, but if this is what you're suffering from, you don't need to worry that your hardware might be dying or anything like that. It's just another case of Fallout 4 being a huge, buggy mess.
  11. I didn't realize you had plans to include a revolver. I'm happy to hear that, if for no other reason than it hopefully including new animations by Hitman. The default .44 animations have to be some of my least favorite in the entire game, mostly because of how ridiculously close the character holds it to their face. It's like the opposite of the submachine gun animations, where it feels like the rifle is ten feet away from the camera. I don't know why Bethesda seems incapable of making animations with a decent field of view.
  12. The thing about the reload animation (I assume you're referring to "Grab the Damn Mag?") is that it edits the animation files, not the nif files for the weapon. Which, is a third alternative I failed to mention: you could edit the submachine gun animations to move the weapon closer to the body, and then either use them to overwrite the existing submachine gun animations or assign them solely to the SCAR-LK via keyword (I'd say the latter would be a much better idea). Now, I don't have much experience working with animations, but I'm pretty sure that would by far be the most amount of work, especially if you don't already have experience working with animations in 3ds Max already. Still, it is an option, but if you want to go down that route I unfortunately don't have any advice beyond directing you to some of the mod authors that have made animations for Fallout 4 (Shiny Hax, Ha_ru, War Daddy, Hitman, and others).
  13. The character holds it so far forward because it uses the submachine gun animations, which were really the only option at the time. Moving it in Nifskope isn't going to help if you keep it assigned to the submachine gun animations, because the gun will move but your character's hands won't. The easy way would be to reduce your viewmodel FOV by reducing your third person FOV; in the console, use the command "fov [viewmodel/3rd person FOV] [first person FOV];" the default values of which are 75 and 85 respectively I believe (not 100% sure on 3rd person). The downside is that this is going to move everything closer to the screen, including all of the other weapons and even the Pipboy. The alternative, and what I would strongly recommend, would be to convert it to Nuka World's Handmade Rifle animations. Converting it to use those animations is a very lengthy and involved process, but to try to give as concise an explanation as possible: the easiest way I've found is to copy the receiver I want to convert into a Nifskope window for the Handmade Rifle's receiver, edit the coordinates to line it up where it matches, then do the math and apply those coordinate changes to every nif that the weapon I'm converting uses. There's probably a better way to do it for attachments (they're frequently just slightly off if I use the same coordinate values for everything) but I've only converted weapons to new animations like, two separate times, so I haven't had much opportunity to optimize the process. Also, obviously this is only an option if you own Nuka World. If you're still interested, I'll give a more detailed walkthrough of the process (unless someone else beats me to it, especially if they know a better way which is honestly pretty likely).
  14. FPS issues in downtown and large settlements are CPU bound, not GPU. You could have the most expensive GPU on the market and still get performance drops in the heavier areas of Fallout 4 if your CPU isn't up to snuff, or if you're hammering your CPU by using settings like high shadow distance or disabling combined meshes. Now, that being said, if your Fallout 4 performance is indeed being held back by your CPU, you could theoretically see a benefit from Windows 10's "game mode," because extra programs in the background would also be using CPU resources. The real question at that point is which programs it's disabling, and how much of an impact they actually have. To be honest, I'm thinking the kind of stuff it would disable is the kind of stuff that would have a negligible - if any - impact on performance, so like you mentioned yourself, the only people likely to see a benefit are people with low tier CPUs. tl;dr - your 1070 isn't really the factor here, your CPU is. If you have a decent CPU you probably won't see any benefit to disabling background processes unless they are highly resource intensive, and programs that it's willing to disable automatically probably aren't very intensive. I haven't used Windows 10 though, and I don't know what programs it actually disables, so this is all purely theoretical.
  15. I've only released three mods (and two were just simple plugins, whereas the third is almost entirely reliant on someone else's mod) so I don't even really think of myself as a legitimate "mod author," but from my perspective, if even just one person - including myself - enjoys using it and it doesn't break anyone's game, save file or other mods, I consider it a success. I enjoy high download numbers and endorsements as much as the next guy, but they aren't a metric for success to me; they're just a cherry on top. Honestly, anything I'm willing to upload to the Nexus is already a success, because I would not make it available for others to use if it wasn't. I've made a lot of mods for my own personal use, from things as small as plugins that only modify a single record to things as big as standalone weapons, but I didn't even consider uploading them because they are nowhere near the level of quality or completion that I would expect as a Nexus user considering installing a mod to their game. In fact, taking that into consideration, I'm changing my answer. To me, a mod is a success if I'm even willing to consider uploading it. Now, that doesn't mean I would consider every file uploaded to the Nexus to be a success; not everyone's standards of quality will align with mine, and I still uphold the other criteria as well (at least one user has to enjoy using it, and it can't cause major, game breaking errors), but I think it's a good metric when asking yourself if your own mod is a success. If you're willing to share it with others, if you think it's good enough that you would download it if you weren't the creator - yes, I would consider it a success. On the topic of endorsements, I want to just give a quick apology to any files I have downloaded and used extensively without endorsing. This isn't directed at anything or anyone in particular, it's more symbolic in nature, but bear with me. I know I'm not the only person guilty of this; all (or at least most) of us have, at some point, downloaded a mod that absolutely deserved our endorsement, and we just forgot to go back and leave it. I think the majority of discrepancies seen in endorsement to download ratios are because of that - it's not that most people don't think the file is worth endorsing, it's that most of them just forget. If you took forgetfulness out of the equation, I think the number of people that downloaded a file and didn't endorse it would actually be a very small fraction. Just keep this in mind next time you're looking at your endorsements.
  16. Something new to consider for the Handmade AKM: DeadPool2099 recently released a new mod that adds a traditional wooden stock to the Handmade Rifle, and he mentions that it was taken from an AKM model he made long ago. He may have other bits and pieces from it that he would be willing to let you use in WARS, as well as the stock itself. I don't know if the rest of the model meets his current standards due to its age, though, so it might have been that the stock was the only thing he felt was worth using; plus, he's pretty busy with his contributions to Wasteland Overhaul and his version of the Service Rifle. Still, I thought it was worth bringing it up.
  17. I couldn't remember if it was in the TriShape or shader block, so I made a guess; looks like I guessed wrong. Thanks for correcting me.
  18. That sounds like a missing specular texture. Either your mod doesn't have a specular texture, or your material file is pointing to the wrong file for it. Regarding pink meshes in the CK that look fine in-game - make sure "OwnEmit" is enabled. It's in one of the options menus for the TriShape in Nifskope edit: see the below post.
  19. So, in the armor mashup pack I'm currently working on, I've made material swaps for the different parts of each outfit (pants, shirts, jackets, etc) and right now they're set up to spawn with a random material swap for each part using the default Combination in the Object Template category, but I'd like to make a second Combination that only applies to Gunners so that they will only spawn with certain material swaps. I figure the way to do this is, like I said, to make a second Combination and associate it with the Gunner faction via keyword (like how certain configurations of weapon mods are associated with "Epic" leveled lists), but I don't know which keyword to use, or if maybe there's an even better way to do it. My pack already requires AWKCR so if there is a keyword for the Gunner faction in that mod, I can use it, but I don't know which keyword it actually is. I'm thinking it's possibly "_ClothingClassMilitary [KYWD:XX00081A]" but I don't know for sure and I figure someone here has probably done this before and knows exactly which one to use. Edit: looking more into it, it seems like I need an instantiation keyword, so it probably isn't that. Basically, I want a way to tell the game that if an NPC spawns wearing one of the outfits and that NPC is part of the Gunner faction, they are only allowed to use the second Combination of material swaps. I would be very grateful for any advice regarding this.
  20. For the A1 upper receiver, you could always make it remove the option for alternate sights/scopes, forcing it to only allow the iron sights. Several handgun mods do something similar to this with threaded barrels, where a barrel attachment like a flash hider or suppressor can only be attached with a threaded barrel equipped, and the category for muzzle attachments is removed entirely if the threaded barrel isn't equipped. I'd expect anyone interested in using an A1 receiver to want the integrated carry handle rear sight anyway (that would probably be my personal choice). Still, the only real difference between that and the existing detachable carry handle would be personal preference of aesthetics, so it is a very small thing and not really worth the effort it would require. Something else I'm curious about: I hate suggesting new weapons when you're already working hard on so many, but have you considered the MP5? I know it's kind of a generic suggestion, but it's my all-time favorite submachine gun and there really isn't any option for it in Fallout 4 outside of Modern Firearms, which has the obvious issues of every weapon in that mod. I do want to put emphasis on "have you considered," though - again, I don't want to suggest anything that you aren't already thinking about adding.
  21. I think the issue with Supermutants is that their race doesn't have animations for other weapons, so theoretically they can equip them but they'll end up in a T-pose. I seem to remember this happening fairly often back when I used Modern Firearms, but that was a long time ago and it could just be my imagination.
  22. That's a shame about Pete3D's Mossberg (and my fault for not looking into it more than a passing glance), but the fact that you're still considering any pump-action with Hitman's animation set is enough to get me excited. Both of those resources look great, and I honestly can't choose a preference between the two myself. I actually had no idea Far Cry 2 featured a USAS-12 (bit disappointed in myself for that, since I'm a big fan of that game). If I had to think of games where I've seen it (and remember, unlike FC2), the only two I can think of are Battlefield 3 and Syphon Filter 2 (and the latter barely counts since it was just a two-tone rectangle). I wish it would get as much representation in media as the AA12, because while the latter is arguably a better weapon, I think the USAS is much more quirky and interesting. Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing it, and here's hoping it kicks like a mule.
  23. The first thing I noticed when I looked at that USAS preview was the Mossberg 590 that he also made, and I remember you leaving a comment on one of Hitman's pump action animation videos about maybe including one in WARS; any chance there's potential there? I'm sure I'm just reading way too far into it, but I had to ask. Anyway, I'm looking forward to the USAS. We've gotten previews of everything else in screenshots/videos, but not that yet, so I'm having a hard time picturing it in my head even after seeing those renders (mostly because the USAS is such an oddball; even ignoring the previews, everything else is easy to picture because I've seen them so many different times).
  24. I believe that's added by DEF_UI, but it could be added by the various sorting mods. I personally use DEF_UI and Bhaal's Better Sorting together and I can see the weapon's DPS listed with all the other stats (as well as exact values for stat changes added by weapon mods), but I'm not sure which of the two actually adds the value for DPS. If I had to guess, I'd say it's more likely added by DEF_UI. Either way, you should very strongly consider installing DEF_UI and either Bhaal's Better Sorting or Valdacil's Item Sorting. DEF_UI is basically Fallout 4's equivalent of SkyUI and is something most players would consider to be a must-have mod. Between BBS and VIS (or even a different sorting mod entirely), it comes down to personal preference; I suggest trying both and deciding for yourself. You could also use DEF_UI without a sorting mod, but at that point the inventory portion of DEF_UI isn't nearly as much of an improvement over vanilla as it otherwise could be.
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