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Everything posted by Slostenn

  1. The biggest issue with paid mods is that you're suddenly charging for a service that has been free for decades. Most people are accustomed to mods being free, and the concept of needing to pay for mods is still relatively recent. It was especially bad trying to introduce paid mods for Skyrim because that was a case where not only are you dealing with the issue that people are accustomed to free mods in general, you're dealing with the issue that people are suddenly expected to pay for specific mods that they've already been using free of charge for several years. They also dropped it on the community all at once, when they should have done it slowly to give people a chance to adapt. It's like the difference between climbing into a cold swimming pool inch by inch, or just diving in head first. I don't think paid mods are an inherently bad concept, but I think those in support of it need to keep in mind that it is not the same as a new service that will require compensation from day one, it is an existing but previously free service that is changing to require compensation. Even if you do it for a brand new game, this is the case, because this is about modding in general rather than a game by game basis. A great example of this is the Nintendo Switch requiring a subscription fee for online play. I believe most people aren't upset because of the subscription fee itself, they're upset because they have to pay for a service that was previously free. Now, that's an example where they did it with a clean slate; comparing it to Skyrim's paid mods would be like if, for example, they announced that the Wii U's online multiplayer would suddenly begin requiring a subscription fee. In summary, if they do return to the idea (and I think it's very likely that they will), doing it with a clean slate via a new game would be a much, much better idea than trying yet again to introduce it to an existing game. Even with a clean slate, however, most people are still going to need time to adjust, which is why - again - I think it should be done in a gradual process rather than all at once. Start off only selling large scale mods, establish an approval system, try to determine general values for the different types of mods (note I said general, not concrete; obviously it would vary from mod to mod). Those are just a few examples, and there are likely flaws with them and/or better alternatives, but I hope it gets my point across about the process being gradual rather than going all in on day one.
  2. So you're looking for quest mods that are thematically or atmospherically similar to Dead Money? The only one I can really think of is Maxwell's World by Trainwiz. It's an amusement park rather than a villa, and it doesn't have the greed element that Dead Money has, but it's the closest you're going to get in Fallout 4. In terms of scope, it's honestly a way better expansion than something like Automatron; I would put it on the same level as Nuka World, maybe even past it.
  3. If you do decide to add a CETME, I personally own a model C and would be very willing to supply you with any photo references you might need. It's definitely one of my most desired weapons in Fallout 4. On the topic of future considerations, have you thought about replacing the double barrel shotgun? It's one of the less offensive vanilla game weapons, but it's still comically large and proportionately exaggerated to the point of being "cartoony," for lack of a better term. Not to mention the horribly stiff animations that it uses. It's one of those weapons that I want to use, but there are just too many things I dislike about it. This isn't a request, just a suggestion in case you start thinking about other potential additions & replacements once the current plans are finished.
  4. It's worth noting that if you want to change the viewmodel FOV to make the Pipboy closer, you're going to have to do it every time you launch the game. Even if you change your normal 1st person FOV to a different value in your config, it will still use the default viewmodel FOV (70) every time. Personally, I fixed this by setting up an autoexec config that changes the FOV to 90, then runs the "refreshini" command, so that both my regular and viewmodel FOV values are at 90 (I've tried doing "fov 90 90" instead, but it just acts like using "fov 90" would and requires me to manually refresh the config settings), but I think that still counts as console commands which block achievements. You could achieve the same thing using 60 instead of 90, I suppose, but keep in mind that it will also move all weapons closer to your screen as well (which is why I increased mine).
  5. If you're running an ENB config, try renaming the two .dll files or moving them to a different directory before opening the CK. I was occasionally crashing when using it normally and always crashing if I tried to directly open .nif files in it, and after a little bit of searching I learned that the CK really does not play nicely with ENB series. I haven't had any crashes since I started disabling my ENB prior to using it.
  6. Alright, apparently there's something about the Handmade Rifle that I don't understand because I did the same and encountered the same issue. Let me try reverse engineering the mod you linked for the Assault Rifle, maybe there's a step in the process that I forgot. Edit: actually, I went to download that mod and noticed something in the description that applies here: Sure enough, if you're looking at a Handmade Rifle that existed before you made your .esp (ie one that's in a vendor's inventory, or your own inventory, or even laying on the ground next to a dead raider) it will still be named "Handmade Rifle," but if you spawn a new one or apply a different weapon mod to it, it will have the new name you gave it. For example, here's one I spawned through the console, running my own version of the plugin: http://i.imgur.com/wwlmzHu.jpg Here's one that existed in a vendor's inventory before I created the renaming plugin: http://i.imgur.com/t17J4qY.jpg And here it is just hovering over a new mod without even applying it. That might be enough to update the name on its own; I'm not sure because I pretty much immediately Alt+F4'd after taking this screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/jwYrDO8.jpg
  7. 1. Load Nuka World's .esm file in FO4Edit 2. Go to Weapon and search for the Handmade Rifle (make sure you don't select the companion version) 3. Right click and select "Copy as override into..." 4. Select "<new file>" and hit OK 5. Name it whatever you want (example: HandmadeRifleRenamed) and hit OK. It will ask if you want to add Fallout 4 and Nuka World as masters - hit OK. 6. The values on the right should now be green, with the original record (Nuka World's .esm) on the left and your new file (whatever-you-named-it.esp) on the right 7. Look for "FULL - Name," and on the side with your new file, right click and choose "Edit." Change it to whatever you want. 8. Hit Ctrl+S to save (the only file it should ask you to save is your new .esp), then close FO4Edit. Note that if you have any other mods that alter the Handmade Rifle (increased/decreased damage/rate of fire/etc) they will conflict with your new file. If this is the case, simply open the .esp for the other mod in FO4Edit and start from step 7. http://i.imgur.com/VNLyuyd.jpg http://i.imgur.com/7HImo36.jpg
  8. You might be able to fix that by using PipboyRemover in conjunction with Pip-Boy Remover (kind of confusing considering the similarities in the names, I know) and only using the meshes and textures from the latter whilst using the plugin from the former. I'm currently running the former, but it keeps the PipBoy equipped in first person, so I plan on doing what I just described to hopefully remove it in both third and first person. Basically, PipboyRemover deals with the third person issues, and Pip-Boy Remover deals with the first person issues, leading to pretty much the next best thing to a Readius that we can currently achieve. Obviously it's a lot of extra effort to go through just to fix a small issue, but it's food for thought I suppose.
  9. If you're merging weapon mods with scripted leveled lists rather than the old overwrite method, you shouldn't need to do anything special with them. I used Merge Plugins to merge most of the weapon mods I have installed that use scripts for their leveled lists, and so far they've been working without any issues (besides needing to spawn weapons that I had before merging due to the form IDs changing, obviously, but that will happen regardless of how you merge them). For anything that uses the old overwrite method, I would definitely do it manually.
  10. Like Moraelin pointed out, you would need to modify the animation itself. There is no config value for viewmodel FOV in Fallout 4, which is unfortunate considering both Fallout 3 and New Vegas did in fact have config values for viewmodel FOV. Also note that if you change it ingame through the console, you need to use "refreshini" to restore the FOV you have set in your config, otherwise it will default you to 75. Editing the animation wouldn't be too hard - as far as I know, it would just require repositioning the camera closer on the vanilla animation - but it would still take at least a little experience with 3DS Max. Ideally, I'd like to see someone make a mod that enables the power armor HUD at all times. It would be a good (and significantly more simple) equivalent to the Readius mods for 3/NV, but I think people looked into it in the past and couldn't figure out a way to do it. It's one of those "maybe F4SE will allow it in the future" type of deals.
  11. 1. Open SCAR-L.esp in FO4Edit. 2. Open the "Object Modification" list, and pick the magazine you want to increase the capacity for. "Medium Magazine" is the default mag; "Medium Quick Eject Mag" is self-explanatory. 3. Right click in the empty space next to "Properties" and click "Add." 4. Change the values of the newly added property to the following: Value Type: Int Function Type: Set Weapon Property: AmmoCapacity Value 1 - Int: the amount of rounds you want the magazine to hold (ie 30 if you want it to be a 30 round magazine) Leave the other two values at 0. If you did everything correctly, this should be the end result: http://i.imgur.com/jGw1AWJl.jpg
  12. The "wall" looks like a case of artifacting, which can be caused by a variety of issues with your GPU, the most common of which I believe are that it's not receiving enough power or it's overheating. There are other causes, but I'd check for both of those first. As for the walls & ceilings missing textures, that's usually caused by conflicting cell edits in my experience, but as far as I know the only mod in your list that should be editing interior cells is Fr4nnson's Light Tweaks, which definitely wouldn't be causing that by itself. UseCombinedObjects shouldn't have any affect on that, and I wouldn't recommend disabling it unless you install a mod that requires you to since disabling it has a pretty hefty performance impact. Edit: actually, Fr4nnson's doesn't even edit any cells, so I'm not sure what's causing that. Is it happening in all interiors, or only specific examples? If the latter, which ones?
  13. You can edit object modifications in FO4Edit as well, and I'd say it's a fair bit easier than doing it in the CK (though I have a lot more experience with the former, so I'm biased). Load the .esp for the weapon, open the "Object Modification" category, and select the magazine you're trying to edit. If you tell us the specific weapon mod you're trying to edit, we can show you exactly where to find the value.
  14. I've never heard of what tool was used to make a mod being a factor in load times. That implies the CK is just outright better than FO4Edit, but as someone that's used both, I wouldn't consider one better than the other - I consider them two separate tools that serve different purposes. It's like comparing a wrench to a hammer.
  15. The only pre-CK mod files that make a difference are plugins, i.e. esp and esm files. As far as those are concerned, anything made with FO4Edit is safe, but anything made with FalloutSnip can corrupt your save. One example of a mod that used the latter was SSEx, but only in the early versions. There might be others, but people realized pretty quickly that it wasn't safe to use. As for texture/sound/etc replacers ( "overrides," basically), those are completely independent from the CK and other such tools. Doesn't matter when those were made, it makes absolutely no difference. Pretty much all you need to worry about is FalloutSnip, and it should be enough of a relic at this point that nothing made with it is still floating around.
  16. I'm pretty sure you're mixing up idlesheep with the Resurrection developer; idlesheep wasn't permanently banned and as far as I'm aware didn't reupload Modern Firearms here of his own volition. Your post pretty much describes the Resurrection dev to a T: stole assets knowingly (and not for the first time), got permanently banned, and now keeps making new accounts just to advertise his mod. This isn't the first time I've seen people mix the two up, but I really don't understand why it keeps happening; one is a decent guy that made a mistake, and the other is a scumbag that knew exactly what he was doing and still believes he did nothing wrong. The fact that both mods contained assets used without permission at one point is the only similarity, but the circumstances were completely different.
  17. Do you have any mods installed that require adding bUseCombinedObjects=0 to your config? Disabling combined objects causes severe framerate impacts for me, with drops as big as 30-40FPS in areas like Lexington, Goodneighbor and others, and it would go hand in hand with your hypothesis that it happens when the game is loading meshes.
  18. Did you run the default launcher before trying Fallout4.exe? Running the launcher is what generates new config files, not the game itself (that's my bad for not mentioning that before). It doesn't matter now, but it's worth knowing for the future. I never even considered the fact that it was looking for Fallout4Custom; I thought NMM generated that file on its own, but I guess I was wrong. Anyway, I'm glad you figured it out, even though I wasn't able to offer much help. I'll keep this thread in mind in case I see anyone else suffer from this issue.
  19. If you've done a lot of config tweaks (both of mine are like Frankenstein monsters at this point) you could also just move them somewhere else, and if NMM still isn't able to detect completely fresh unmodified config files you could just move them back. If that's the case, I'd say it's a problem with NMM itself and not Fallout 4, and I would suggest reinstalling NMM.
  20. There are other files involved in pirated versions, but I would rather not continue discussing piracy, if for no other reason than to avoid going further off topic than we already have. As for scaring people, that's why I clarified myself; I didn't want to scare him, I just wanted to answer his question. I apologize if I did in fact scare you, OP, because it wasn't my intent. Getting back on track, check your Fallout 4 directory and make sure you have the reference config files. If you don't, reinstall the game, delete the config files in Documents\My Games\Fallout 4, and launch the game once to generate new, unmodified files. NMM should have no trouble finding them after that. If you do have the files in your directory, however, skip the reinstallation and go straight to generating new config files. You should have them if you were able to launch the game, unless you didn't delete the config files after your first time reinstalling. Even then, I can't imagine why Steam wouldn't install the reference files with everything else; I've had to reinstall a couple times myself, and it definitely never left those out. Sidenote: do yourself a favor and don't modify those files, because the only time they're used is when the game has to generate new ones. That's actually why I had to reinstall one of those times.
  21. There's also GoG... so hold your horses amigo... Fallout 4 isn't offered on GoG, it's exclusively a Steamworks game on PC. You might want to double check before you try to contradict someone next time. Also, note that I'm not making any accusation here, I'm just referring to his question of whether that could be a factor - the answer being that it could only be a factor if he's using a pirated copy.
  22. There should be two configuration files in the Fallout 4 directory - "Fallout4_Default" in the main folder, and "Fallout4Prefs" in the "Fallout4" folder. These files are used by the game as references when generating your actual config files, and those are located in Documents\My Games\Fallout 4. If those two reference files aren't in your directory, something went wrong with the installation and you need to reinstall again. As far as non-Steam versions of Fallout 4, the only version that does not use Steam is the pirated version, which I hope for your sake you aren't using because it's against the rules here (for very obvious reasons) and I'm pretty sure it's grounds for a ban.
  23. ^I think you've got MF mixed up with Resurrection; idlesheep was only warned, and chose not to reupload on the Nexus. I made and uploaded a different compatibility patch for it myself (with permission from both mod authors, of course) without any issues or reprimand. As for the request at hand, I'll look into it. Most likely what I would end up doing is make the New Calibers versions completely overwrite the MF versions.
  24. Check out Regrowth Overhaul. It's similar to Resurrection, but I've tried both and I would consider Regrowth to be the superior mod even if Resurrection wasn't full of stolen content and rightfully banned from the Nexus.
  25. If this were the case, there wouldn't already be custom animation mods available (Grab The Damn Mag) or in development (cedaie's HK416). Pretty much every mod author that has access to the Havok content tools is willing to share them with anyone that asks, but the real problem is that making animations is a significantly rarer skillset than making things like models, textures or scripts - most likely because making animations requires a lot more work. What we need is someone talented at making animations (like Hyper or Arby26), but none of them seem to have any interest in Fallout 4 (or are busy with real life/other projects/etc) and you can't expect people to develop for a game they aren't interested in playing themselves. Anyway, this is all pretty off topic but the point is: it's completely possible to make new animations for Fallout 4, it's just a very uncommon skillset.
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