I hope we'll see the Imperial Legion in a different light in Skyrim, as distinct from Cyrodiil In other words, instead of very much being at the centre of the crime and punishment system, I hope they'll be portrayed as unwelcome and somewhat hated interlopers. I think the main 'law' in Skyrim should be based around local Nord clans, with the Civil War leading to a much more localised and 'ad hoc' justice system. I'd like to see justice being summarily meted out by local village chiefs or bands of locally appointed militia. And it needs to be brutal - with crime being punishable by death, public executions being used to 'teach people a lesson'. In such a context, the Legion would be struggling to maintain a system of control, but being disliked as an unwanted outside influence. Quests could have us siding with the locals or the Legion, with different outcomes possible depending on how we play things out.