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  1. We could become vampires in Morrowind as well... I would think vampirism will be possible in Skyrim. Why wouldn't it be? It's almost an Elder Scrolls 'tradition'. And being Skyrim, I think its highly likely we'll get werewolves. After all, their previous appearance wasn't in Morrowind as such, but rather Solsteim - the closest we've had to the province of Skyrim in culture and lore.
  2. You mean the Fan Q&A? I'm guessing next week - but don't get your hopes too high. If you look back to the Oblivion Fan Q&A you'll see many bland questions and answers that either stated the obvious or dodged answering the question at all.
  3. We need a mix Long involved quests with layered choices and moral dilemmas are great for in-depth play and approaching in different ways with different characters But quickfire quests - 'go and clear out this cave' etc - are also good for a short blast when you don't have much time to play. It makes it feel like you've done something worthwhile in that short play session. I'm hopeful that the Radiant Story quests will cater for that second need. An infinite supply of reasonably generic (hopefully with occasional twists) quests available for any kind of character. That should leave the 'proper' side quests and guild quests to be something with more storyline, depth and choices in them.
  4. At some point or another I'll be having a go with EVERY race. Doesn't everyone try every race at least once, or is it just me? :blush:
  5. Todd Howard has confirmed that all ten races make a return, so Argonians are definitely in the game In fact he mentioned it again in the Gamespot interview at E3 today
  6. Well, we don't know for sure I'd imagine that we can use our fists, but it just won't increase as a skill. It would be pretty silly if our weapon broke and we just stood there unable to use our fists
  7. Sadly it is now confirmed in the latest info in the Official Playstation Mag that H2H will NOT be a skill in Skyrim :sad:
  8. It would be cool if there was an illegal moonshine operation in Skyrim. I'm picturing an illegal still, out in the woods, where a family are making high-alcohol booze which is then sold on the black market. Ir could factor into quests - you could be given a quest to stamp it out, or maybe you could do the quest another way and end up selling the stuff yourself! People keep going on about how they want skooma in Skyrim, but I think moonshine is much more likely and culturally correct for Skyrim
  9. H2H was done much better in Fallout 3 and New Vegas. Firstly there were unarmed 'weapons' like brass knuckles and power fist that you can use to mete out some serious punishment. Then there were kicks of various types, not just using hands. And there was a viable way to upgrade via the perks that suited H2H. With a bit of work, focusing on H2H could make you pretty awesome as an unarmed character. The question is whether the Devs will carry over what they managed with Fallout into Skyrim. I hope and believe that they will.
  10. I hope we'll see the Imperial Legion in a different light in Skyrim, as distinct from Cyrodiil In other words, instead of very much being at the centre of the crime and punishment system, I hope they'll be portrayed as unwelcome and somewhat hated interlopers. I think the main 'law' in Skyrim should be based around local Nord clans, with the Civil War leading to a much more localised and 'ad hoc' justice system. I'd like to see justice being summarily meted out by local village chiefs or bands of locally appointed militia. And it needs to be brutal - with crime being punishable by death, public executions being used to 'teach people a lesson'. In such a context, the Legion would be struggling to maintain a system of control, but being disliked as an unwanted outside influence. Quests could have us siding with the locals or the Legion, with different outcomes possible depending on how we play things out.
  11. Yeah, I don't think its been confirmed as such, but the commonly held assumption is that its Duke Patricks Combat Archery. I certainly hope so, its a cool mod that really helps archery in Oblivion
  12. It will like every game on PC.... rock-solid stable on some systems, but constantly crashing on others. That's the downside of modular PC systems - the combination of parts is almost infinite, and no matter how much testing they do, there'll be some combination that causes problems. Hence the inevitable patches within a week or two of release.. All we can hope is that the large amount new coding will help create greater stability. But to guarantee 100% stability is impossible.
  13. Very unlikely. In fact I'd suggest close to zero chance There'll be a trade demo, of course, shown to selected game hacks at E3. But they won't be releasing anything to the masses...
  14. I work for myself, from home, so I guess I can pretty much take it easy the week following 11.11.11 :thumbsup:
  15. It's hard to say when we don't really know much about what is there... But I have high hopes for the northern coastal region, which I imagine will be extremely icy and cold, with freezing fog, icebergs, frozen wastes and (hopefully) sea monster. As for creatures, it is going to have to be dragons isn't it :thumbsup:
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