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Everything posted by BlueBeard1983

  1. So what does the "Shopping List" mod do exactly? From what I can tell, Blueprint Tracker may be a viable alternative for it.
  2. It's been done, look up "Transfer Settlements" There are lots of blueprints of people that have uploaded their prebuilt settlements for others to use.
  3. Just a heads up, but it appears that you reuploaded 1.9.3. I downloaded 1.9.3, added it to NMM, version still says 1.9.3 and I didn't see any more options when installing than I did with 1.9.3 EDIT: Also, looking at the .7z files for 1.9.3 and 1.9.4, both have the exact same file size
  4. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/21986/?
  5. If that is the case then a bug fix patch sounds more like what's needed. I didn't know they don't do the settler jobs, as I always just use them as provisioners, and they do that job just fine.
  6. I think there is an ini setting that you can use that does this. its something about disabling the pipboy effects. Downside to this is no matter what color you choose for the pipboy, it will always be white, the color change will only affect the light when you turn the flashlight on. Also, I'm not 100% sure this setting affects the item preview you are talking about...
  7. One thing that annoys me is that you can't get a full set of unique PA for each type of PA (except for the Overboss PA of course). So I was thinking that there must be a way to create the unique PA for each type. For example, Raider PA. There's Already Tessa's Fist, but that leaves 5 pieces without unique versions. Well, there are at least 5 Raider Bosses that are either already wearing PA, or can be placed in PA with a unique piece. THe Raider Bosses I was thinking are Red Tourette, Tower Tom, Ack-Ack, Boomer, and Slag (Boomer and Slag already wearing PA) Giving each of these, or even other Raider Bosses, unique PA pieces would make the most sense to me. As far as T-45, T-51, I'm not sure how to implement these, and T-60 already has most the set you can get from doing BoS Quests, just need to add the rest in. X-01 is another that I would have no clue how to implement the uniques.
  8. Ok, so I'm trying to find the easiest and most reliable way for me to merge mods together. So far I've used the Mod Merging tool on the Nexus, and xEdit, but now I'm wanting to use the Creation Kit. I followed the instructions on the creation kit website for enabling version control, but I am not able to get it to work. I used the setup guide here: http://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=Version_Control_and_Multiple_Contributor_Collaboration The first issue I run into is: [01/02/2017 - 10:09:50PM] Perforce log opened (PC-64) [01/02/2017 - 10:09:50PM] Unable to initialize perforce connection - failed to obtain COM object[01/02/2017 - 10:09:59PM] Log closed I click ok, and go to set up the CK for first time merging, I highlight Fallout4.esm and select details, and it takes several minutes to load the file details. However, according to the walkthrough I used, when I click details it was suppose to give me a prompt "Do you want to use an empty list to save memory?" I never received this prompt. Also, nothing showed up when I press "ctrl+shift+b" to update the bit array files. Going forward, figuring it may work, I load up the esp file I want to use as the base for merging, and the CK refuses to connect to the directories that I set up for this process. To make matters worse, when I close and reopen the CK, the esp file I was going to use doesn't show up anymore. I checked the Data folder and NMM and the file shows up in both of those places. Now on to my questions: Am I, or is the site I used for the set up guide, missing a set or two for Windows 10? Do the mods I wish to merge need to have the same name as the esm that they will be merged into? Can I use xEdit to remove the ESM flag and then rename the file with the esp extension without worries once I am finished merging? To solve the missing esp issue, I am installing FO4 and the CK on my laptop to use for modding purposes, so I'm not TOO worried about that. Thank you in advance and I apologize for the somewhat wall of text. If any more info is needed to help with this, let me know and I'll try to provide it.
  9. This is already included as an option in the fomod installer. Also I can confirm that the autopatcher for hudframework works. Next update will have a patch for ease of use though. The autopatcher is working for me. I haven't seen any issues so far.
  10. Thanks! I'm glad that you are enjoying the mod. Sadly no ETA on the Perk Tree. I will post about it if/when there is eventually any progress on that. I haven't checked this mod out yet, but it looks really interesting and there is already some interesting stuff for it. The description says that it has an autopatcher to make the hudmenu compatible. I don't think it would change anything for me since this focuses on the hudmenu and I've already finished that. It looks like a mod worth checking out though. So how do I get this mod and the HUDFramework to play nicely together? Mainly I want to know what order to install Vault Girl UI, HUD Framework, and DEF_UI.
  11. There's at least 3 out there,I've linked them here, maybe one will fit your needs? http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/20093/? http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/522/? http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/6364/?
  12. Ok, so with FO4, the T-60 was introduced. This has caused a lot of uproar in the community lore-wise. Well, I think I have an end-all be-all way of fixing this. 1st, replace the prewar soldier's power armor with T-45 or T-51, this fixes the T-60 being in prewar Boston. 2nd, Replace the Atom Cats PA with T-51, and make their custom paint job available to all PA. 3rd, Replace the loading screen text for the T-60 to read something along the lines of the T-60 being developed by the Brotherhood of Steel by using the Enclave's PA research and development to enhance the T-45 (the PA that was used by them in FO3). This explains the similarities between them nicely. Also make the T-60 exclusive to the BoS, where the player has to either join them or kill them to get the T-60. 4th, For the X-01, add in some postwar terminal entries that either imply or outright state that the locations are/were an Enclave stronghold/outpost. This would work nicely with the mod Location Based Power Armor, with some tweaks. There are still a couple of unanswered issues that this approach leaves though, such as the Quantum X-01 in Nuke-World and maybe why the Enclave would be in Boston (though this could be answered by the fact they would want to expand and what better place than an area seen by some as the birthplace of the USA). Also, one thing that annoys me and would help with this is that PA paints should be available to all makes and models. And, yes, there are mods out there that do this part already.
  13. Awesome! thank you, this is exactly what I was looking for. And I'm glad you didn't post pristine scripts, gives me a chance to tweak them and learn more scripting :D EDIT: Almost got it working. only problem is the companion returns immediately...
  14. Apologies for the necorposting, but just wanted to let people who are following this topic that this is still on my to-do list. I fell out of modding for a while due to RL things going on, but I'm starting to get back into it, thanks to Fallout 4.
  15. I'm revisiting one my New Vegas mods, trying to get it to work as intended. The issue I'm running into now is that I'm not sure what scripting I need to get a certain function to work. What I want to do is once the Hologram Companion's HP reaches 0 and the companion dies I want the body to move to a different cell (such as the developers room or one I can make for this purpose) and resurrect. After 2 in game days I want the companion to be moved back to the player and become an active companion again. I also understand that this may be messed up if the player takes another companion while the holo companion is recharging, so I may make the time limit go to when combat ends. Simply put: Holo Companion Dies Gets moved to death cell Get resurrected Gets moved back to player after a set period of time Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  16. I doubt that just loading the mods into the new CK and then saving them will work. Also, any mods that have any of the DLCs as a master won't be able to be loaded into the new CK as Bethesda is merging all the DLC into the Skyrim SE ESM, so you won't have a Hearthfire.esm, dragonborn.esm, or dawngaurd.esm, it will all be in skyrim.esm (or whatever they are going to name the esm that comes with the SE).
  17. EDIT: Sorry, didn't read your entire post before replying, my bad.. I was recommending Settlement Attacks Beyond.
  18. That would be cool, and If someone that knows how to add the power line attach point wants to do it, I see at being relatively simple. There can also be 2 versions, one that uses the scrap you get from scrapping the batteries in game, and one that just uses the in game battery as the "scrap" required to make it. and I can see each battery providing 1 or 2 power tops, to help keep the balance. Only thing about if the battery drains over time is that it would need to be "repaired" to continue providing power, but that would just be a massive pain in the ass, especially if you use a lot of the batteries to power the turrets and what not.
  19. No, I didn't... I have no clue how I missed that either. You good sir are a godsend!
  20. I did add it to the formlist, Made it exactly like the others as far as keywords, but it still doesn't work :/ Maybe study this mod to see how they added their new recipe. I did, it justreplaces one of the vanilla recipes. All they did was rename a recipe, and change what ice cold drink it's tied to and I do appreciate the replies :)
  21. I did add it to the formlist, Made it exactly like the others as far as keywords, but it still doesn't work :/
  22. Hello, I'm trying to add Nuka Cola Dark to the list of recipes that Drinkin' Buddy can brew. I've made the Holotape, placed it. The PC can pick it up and it gives the option to give it to Buddy, but the holotape never leaves the PC's inventory and Buddy won't craft the Ice Cold Nuka Cola Dark. I know it has something to do with a script, but I've been digging through all scripts that I can find that pertain to Buddy and can't find where to add the Nuka Cola Dark in them. Anyone know what script handles the brewing recipes?
  23. Possible spoiler... doesn't the ride become active after power to the park is turned on?
  24. I know I've requested this before, but it now seems like Bethesda has given us the framework for it. What I'm talking about is Faction based settlements. The way Nuka World handles the raider settlements could be a good starting point for figuring this out. And it does add all the faction flags on flag poles (or I have a mod that does that, not 100% sure). Anyway, without further ado, here's my idea: After you meet a faction and are able to "join" it (i.e. you haven't pissed them off to the point they are hostile) you are able to claim a settlement for that faction by placing the faction flag. Once a flag is placed, that settlement belongs to that faction, but continues to act like a regular settlement with 2 small exceptions: 1) a Faction related item is added to the Special menu, after you get to a certain part through that factions main quest line (artillery for MM as normal, Power Armor Frame for BoS after becoming a Paladin, still don't know about the institute or RR) 2) Settlements can only have supply lines with other settlements allied to the same faction, or to a hub settlement that is made by planting the US flag. Hub settlements are neutral and you can't build any of the special faction related items. This is for balance reasons. Like I said, I believe that the raider settlement system could make a good framework for this, since you can plant flags that tell what raider gang owns it.
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