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Everything posted by NeuroticPixels

  1. It's come to my attention that using the console command "fw 2b52a" causes the lights to work again. (In case that helps anyone out with a fix.) Of course, the console command doesn't last long, so we still need a real fix.
  2. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/19603/? <-- Has been created. Thanks to the author! Haven't tested it yet, but it should work fine. :happy:
  3. There are several lights in the vanilla lights category in the workshop that don't properly illuminate for some/most people. (See attached screenshot.) There was ONE mod created to fix the hanging lightbulb... http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/8709/? ... and maybe a couple to fix the spotlight, but I believe that's another issue. I have this problem with at least 5 of the lights. They appear to be lit, but don't give off any light. I've tried several lighting mods that are supposed to make lights brighter... nothing has worked. This is one nasty bug. If anyone could please take this project on, I'd be eternally grateful, as I'm sure so many other people would be, too! If you also have this issue, are willing to work on creating a mod/patch/fix for this, or find a mod that already fixes this (that I've somehow missed?!), please comment and let me know! I know there's SO many players out there with this problem. I've seen it all over forums. :down: Thank you!
  4. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/6249/? <-- I really dig this mod. I haven't used it yet due to the warnings on the description page, but I NEED something like this and the author hasn't updated it since December of 2015! And I can't find another like it! I'd like a mod to mark radiant quests in my pip-boy. Preferably something that doesn't conflict with DEF_UI... http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10654/? (if that would even be an issue. I don't know! I don't mod!) Thank you. If you're interested in creating this, already created this, find a new mod like this, or just like the idea, please post a comment! :laugh:
  5. If you're like me and have already played Nuka World through at least once, you don't want to go searching for the Star Cores again. I'm requesting a mod to bypass all that and that instantly give us all of the Star Cores that we need for the quest, in order to get the Power Armor... without using console commands. I'm aware you could probably use the "TCL" command to grab the Power Armor (untested by me, plus you wouldn't complete the quest) or you could use the "player.placeatme 0601F0E5" command for all that you need. But I'd rather just have a mod do all the work for me. I'm lazy like that, and I'm sure other people are, too. Something that works along the lines of this mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/12490/? would be fantastic. He deleted all of the bobbleheads and magazines out of the world and placed them in Vault 111. While you still have to take the magazines out of the container, drop them, and pick them back up again to get the perks to work correctly (supposedly, because I've never tested it otherwise and just do as I'm told), that's fine by me!! Placing a container or table or whatever you fancy to hold the Star Cores for us to loot next to the Power Armor would be great. It would be amazing if the Star Cores already laying around Nuka World could also be deleted, like I mentioned. Please respond to this post if you'll work on this, if you created this, know of a new mod like this, or if you think it's a great idea!
  6. I just went searching for about half an hour for a mod like this and came up empty... I'm looking for a mod that allows creating multiple things at once from a crafting station. Whether it be for armor, chems, weapons, etc. For example, let's say I wanted to craft a Stimpak from the chem station. I could only create one at a time!! And this saddens/frustrates me. I'm wanting the option to create as many as I want at one time (instant, or over time), no matter the crafting station I'm using. I'd like to just set the parameters and sit back while my character works. Anyone willing to take this on? If something like this already exists, please let me know!
  7. That would be awesome then... Have you gotten around to doing anything like that?
  8. I look forward to seeing what you can do! :)
  9. I'm really interested in having a visual notifier/alert that shows me I have entered combat, something is coming after me, etc. Whether it's a glow around the screen, a message in the corner, or something else along those lines. I find myself using stealth a lot in areas I'm unfamiliar with in order to know whether or not I've entered combat (gotten "aggro" on something), or in hopes that I see the bad guys before they see me. It sometimes feels like a restriction... I'd rather run around freely without stealth and not worry about almost pissing myself when something sneaks up behind me and bashes the hell out of me. I've yet to find a mod that does something like this, besides some that change the audio combat music, which I'd rather not do. Sometimes I may not have the game's audio on. Thank you to anyone that takes on this request! I'm really not as picky as I may sound! Any kind of visual alert should work, as long as it doesn't pause/interfere with gameplay.
  10. I imagine a possibly easier way to do it would be to somehow use the already implemented stealth combat notifier. Just make it able to be seen while not sneaking. Maybe change the words. Unnoticed, discovered, caution, danger. Something along those lines.
  11. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/6750/? That's the only one I use so far. You can get the hats easily yourself by using console commands, but the hats also have a chance to spawn on settlers and in containers through out the world.
  12. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/13228/? This mod is about to expand to "CWSS Redux - Craftable Working Showers Baths Toilets and Sinks". Bookmark the page and keep up to date with the description page and post tab. I think it'll be quite a great mod.
  13. I'm really wanting a mod that'll somehow notify me that I've entered combat. Whether it be a glow around the edges of the screen, or a message popping up and fading... Anything, really. I like to play stealthy, but I don't like to be sneaking constantly. And I find myself pressing Ctrl to go in and out of sneak to check if I've gained aggro on some baddies while I'm out exploring. I'd rather just be automatically notified somehow.
  14. You can also just use the TGM console command and you have unlimited building materials while in TGM ("toggle God mode"). When you're done building, just use TGM again to turn it off.
  15. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/5118/? I believe that mod has walls with windows in them.
  16. Ahhh, you mentioned it 1 minute before I did. :P
  17. The mod "Homemaker" has some items for super mutant type items. Those gorey gut bags and such. But yeah, your idea would be cool. Morbid, but cool. Haha
  18. I agree about needing to know what a settler is assigned to. Especially when you start getting 10+ settlers, it can be hard to keep up with. While hovering over an NPC will highlight the objects they're assigned to, sometimes you can't always see those objects if you're not facing the right way, or a building is blocking your view! I started giving my settlers specific clothing after assigning them to things, that way I knew whether or not they had a job. But I'd much rather just be able to select the settler and it tell me what they take care of.
  19. Sounds like something that will probably require the GECK. But I agree, that's a fantastic idea. Hopefully a modder takes notice!
  20. I've only found 1 long johns retexture ("Juicy Long Johns"). Not something that fits my tastes. I see raiders in long johns [iD: 19568] so often, I'm surprised someone hasn't already come out with more retextures for them. How about some red ones? Some blue? Some plaid? Getting rid of that duct-tape looking stuff across the chest? A clean and dirty version of each new color? With an option for them to be stand-alone or a retexture?
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