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Everything posted by Jeux

  1. Hello all. Currently working on a fairly large mod of my own called Radiant Flux. I plan for it to feature many new worldspaces for the player to traverse. The mod's environmental designs and essential gameplay elements are heavily influenced by the likes of Borderlands and the Final Fantasy series. In those respects you'll be finding LOTS of weapon variants with unique funtionalities as well as...say....at least two companions with assignable "roles" such as medic, warrior, guardian, etc. Also expect large-scale monsters and a unique way of getting these weapons/buffs. These are not empty promises. I am quite capable of making this happen, rest assured. I just finished the Jungle worldspaces, but I need ideas for other worldspaces to construct. My original list was: Plains (definite yes, just started) Jungle (done) Beach (maybe?) Forest (maybe...most likely yes) Snowy Mountains (definite yes) If you have any REALISTIC ideal locations, post them here. I'd post screens of the Jungle worldspaces to credit my design qualities, but I'd rather wait a little while before doing so. Message me if interested, I suppose. Though off topic, I also would need assistance in the retexturing departement for weapons and creatures. I am quite proficient in scripting as well as worldspace/interior creation. I just lack the modeling/texturing skills to make unique assets of my own.
  2. I have dialogue that I created with a super mutant. When the player initiates dialogue with this super mutant, it "speeds through" the text. Not the prompts, for the replies coming from the super mutant. What could be causing this? I have conditions set for both the mutant's AI package and dialogue, if that helps. And while I am here: I have a child companion I wish to make non-essential, making it possible for the child to die. How can I go about doing this? I only want this particular child to be non essential.
  3. Oh wow. I can't believe I forgot that you pass out in the Dead Money DLC too. :sweat: Sorry guys. Well the latter question still remains. Any other cool or creative ways to create some scripted sequences, imagespace modifier or not?
  4. For fallout 3, there was a package that one could use scripting-wise to create a cutscene and have the player "fall down" in first person, along with adding imagespace modifiers to make the screen fade and whatnot. specifically: MQ08PlayerFallsDownPackage (In vault 87 I believe, when you get ambushed after getting the GECK). Is there an equivalent for Fallout New Vegas in the GECK? Are there any other nifty cutscene effects one could look into for nice scripted sequences?
  5. Are you trying to get banned? Especially with a name like that? Cmon man. Why? Was it worth the effort?
  6. I used to hate seeing them. But every player is entitled to his/her own fantasy. Plus, a lot of them tend to be high quality work....I'm just big on immersion, I guess. Same logic applies to skimpy armors for female characters. Walking around the wasteland with half your (sexy) body showing is simply stupid, no matter how much of a badass you may be or how well you may handle yourself in a wasteland.
  7. ^ Though it didn't necessarily "solve" the problem, it got rid of the barrier between me and the end result. The navmeshes are gone, and I can now proceed. Thanks so much!
  8. Thanks for your response. I've tried those prior to posting this. I do believe its deeper than that...this looks like a technical problem.
  9. Here's my scenario I have a worldspace that had auto-generated navmeshing. (I'm not sure if it was finalized) I didn't like the end result after the 20-min generation, so I deleted as much of the navmeshes from as many worldcells as I could with the intent of doing the navmeshing manually. The issue is, now, that I can't see OR apply navmeshes anymore! I can't lay down vertices anymore, I can't see existing navmeshes no matter what view I'm in.... In the object box it still clearly states that there are navmesh triangles in some cells, but when I'm in navmesh mode I still can't see then. The strangest thing is, there's only ONE particular worldcell that I can actually go into navmesh mode and properly apply navmeshing. I can also see triangles in other worldcells that are within view. What could be happening here? I've done extensive research but could not nail anything that fits my current situation. I'm also working in an esp, if that helps.
  10. Though I'm not entirely sure, I think he meant the Eve companion, not the EVE mod that enhances visuals.
  11. Like most other large applications you download, I can honestly just say its plain trial and error. Practice. Really, just mess with it. Create a couple of practice interiors, then populate, clutter, and navmesh them. Then graduate to worldspaces and the climate/weather/LOD/etc. that comes with it. Then, learn about all the possible entries for things like factions, NPCs, items, weapons, static and non-static objects, how to reference objects....trial and error. I'm telling you, if you take about a week or two to just simply mess with the GECK, you'll understand every aspect of it, as well as it's faults and ways to work around them.
  12. If I read your process right....yep. Should do fine. Drag it into the Object Window though. Then find it in the subcategory you placed it in, or use the filter to find it by keyword.
  13. I would just like to say that I uninstalled every single mod I had about 20 minutes ago...I just got sick of it. I'm currently developing a fairly large mod, and its a hassle to have to deal with low performance just so I can have these mods that I honestly don't NEED but PREFER. Perhaps I'll get about half of them back in the future, but for now, all I have installed is Darnified UI. And I'm content, the game still looks ok! (its not an ugly game, guys. Not at all.) Just thought I'd throw this in here.
  14. Adding meshes is as simple as dragging the nif files over into the GECK....in their correct subcategories. Statics shouldn't be dragged into effects, for instance. The nif files must also be in the "meshes" folder of your data folder so the game can find it.
  15. Wonderful correction. Thank you for that. Honest mistake. Very much appreciated. Good Job Sir! :thumbsup:
  16. *sigh* ....you clearly missed half my point. :huh: Good luck anyway.
  17. OP, I anticipate the day you finally build this supercomputer I KNOW you're plotting to build.
  18. If that's the case, why make 3d models? Ever thought of using custom models....like from a modders resource? Like you said, it takes a lot to make an object in a program like 3dsmax, then properly configure it in Nifskope, then drag it into the game.
  19. That video tells us VERY little of what's going on, let alone any reference problems. I don't even know what the subject of the matter is....can you elaborate on the issue at hand here? Companion problem? Terrain issue? Weapon issue? Some invisible object that is or isn't being activated upon onActivate? That kind of thing.
  20. ^ You aren't the only one, friend. I'm part of a development team, and the mod we're creating won't even see a release till around December/January.
  21. I used xpadder for the Project Nevada keyboard shortcuts. Also, since I'm using a PS3 controller (my ps3 came with a wired charger, my 360 didn't) I use a program called DS3 tool to get it recognized as a 360 controller, since most PC games support a 360 controller as game pad but not the PS3 controller.
  22. ... and why is that? All I can think of is... elitism? Uh oh. Anyway OP, I see where you're going with this. Instead of giving you the usual "I'm sorry to say, but only stating that you have writing skills is blah blah blah blah" that I'm sure every other person will surely point out, I'll give you some points that you can actually use to take initiative. I'm also very strong on narrative when it comes to mods. I view games as the ultimate media, a creative method of storytelling using music and video in one definite art. I excelled in almost ever literature class I ever took for some strange reason, and I find pleasure in writing papers to either make claims, support arguments or create example scenarios (hence my love for storytelling). Therefore, I honestly do respect any potential modder who finds importance in the narrative aspect of modding. Kudos. HOWEVER. You should definitely develop other strengths, particularly how to be a Jack-of-all-trades. I have moderate experience in Java and C/C++ programming, and once I'm "done" with modding I plan to move onto creating simple but unique 2d games on a raw, open source game engine (Lord help me). I started modding back when the Source engine was booming and Half Life 2 was hot like no other. I also have picked up a few modeling skills while working with GECK. I've come to understand how SDKs are typically structured in my years of modding as well, though that isn't saying much. The point I wish to make is, you may have a brilliant idea for a mod, an idea that may blow all of the stuck up, forum-lurking elitists out of the water and shut them up (hehe). But you must at least understand how modding works, particularly how the GECK works, so you can analyse what aspects of your grand "idea" is possible. You need a realistic standpoint. You're thinking like....err....like a bunch of 11 year old nerds got together at lunchtime and brainstormed the coolest idea for a video game. It might be a rad idea, but they don't have the slightest idea of what game development is like, or how the development process can hinder, if not kill, half of that creativity later down the road. I've seen this happen so many times: A group of potential modders get together in a development group/team to start work on an ambitious mod that would surely be fun to play. And sure, lets say that they have a slightly fair idea of how to make a mod for said game. But once the planning/brainstorming stages are complete, and its time to start producing, half of the members lose interest and flake. Why? Because they realized that actual work was involved to bring those grand ideas to life. I hope you take this little lecture of mine as both valid advice and a concerned warning. Please, here me out. Only wish you the best in your modding experience.
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