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Everything posted by Jeux

  1. Do NOT buy either for gaming. Alienware is a ripoff, everyone knows that. If you want a gaming computer BUILD IT YOURSELF Or get someone at a store to build it or someone on these forums to give you a recommended list of componenets. Just please, don't buy Alienware just for its flashy lights. Please. :ohdear: Macs are for "professional work" :rolleyes:
  2. That's was embarrassing. :sweat:
  3. O.O My apologies. The first point still applies, besides FNVEdit. I didn't realize this was for oblivion, was browsing under New Vegas Nexus. Sorry man. Best Weather Mod? If you want popular ones, just look under the Top 100 and browse.
  4. For compatibility, look on the creator's nexus page for each mod. There's usually a section for incompatibility issues, if any. Otherwise, use FNVEdit. For the best weather mod, in my opinion, check out Nevada Skies. http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=35998
  5. So you want something like assassins creed 2? It sounds nice, a simple, self-producing version of RTS. I'm sure that, with permission, one could alter the code to fit the criteria. It would run nicely alongside the main game. But how would the structures be auto-placed by G.E.C.K.? What if it's placement area is obstructed? Is the location of this town and it's objects predefined?
  6. Troubleshooting is all about running through a list of "possible options/solutions." Always was. Because there rarely is a sure solution to hardware problems. Like bben46 said, there are endless combinations and configurations of PC components, OS, drivers, etc. I get what you're saying, you're sick of there never being a REAL answer. But honestly, even life itself rarely gives us answers that are absolute.... Oh, and don't ever get into programming with that outlook on fixing problems. Debugging would be HELL for you.
  7. Haha yea I feel you. So do you think it's worth making into a side activity in the Mojave?
  8. Why don't you just START OVER? Uninstall everything and reinstall Fallout New Vegas. Then, watch Gopher's installation tutorials. (search) Very helpful videos, helped a lot of people new to modding.
  9. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813130583 I would like a board as close to the one listed above as far as features are concerned...mainly SLI and good BIOS. I'm also buying the i5 2500k, so when I bundle the listed board with it I get $20 off. SLI might not even be needed, considering I just bought the GTX 560 Ti. (Is there need to buy two? Don't think I need that much power, much as well just overclock it) So I just want a quality ASUS board for as little $$$ as possible. If it bundles with the i5 then even better. Can you recommend one?
  10. I was contemplating over what "simple" mod I should create before creating my "ideal" quest mod that would probably take a few months to make. I thought of making some kind of caravan mod, considering the fact that I always wanted the option of offering my services to merchants who travel with goods/pack brahmin. I remember following the likes of Crow and Lucky Harith in Fallout 3 just to see what they and their guards went through. (They usually got injured/killed, so I stopped following them) I'm surprised to find that there aren't many mods (if any) that alter much for the Crimson Caravan Company. Furthermore, why hasn't anyone thought of making a mod that would allow you to be a caravan guard? Or better yet, the next Alice Mclafferty and run your own caravan company? I'm not suggesting someone make it; I'd much rather make it myself or with a team. I was wondering if there were other mods like this or if it was even worth making. Couple of thoughts and ideas: 1.) Just for starters, I'd rather make a simple mod where you can be hired as a guard by caravan traders, stationed at various Crimson Caravan Company "mini stations" or "markets" in the Mojave. The main one will obviously be around the Crimson Caravan Company's HQ. Traders hire and pay you based on two things....your REP with the NCR and the length/difficulty of the route. So for instance, the first route available would be CCC>188 Trading Post. 2.) Variety. From simply relocating trading goods to delivering rumored fortunes, you can earn more devious jobs based on your "license grade" (that's all I got right now hehe). So if you complete the first job from CCC>188, the caravan trader will award you with the previously specified caps as well as a license/license upgrade. The higher your grade, the more jobs you can take. So then you could get jobs for 188 TP>Primm or Primm>Novac...or Novac to CCC. Some deliveries I thought of include common delivery (one pack brahmin), hefty delivery (two pack brahmin, one extra guard), ration delivery (three pack brahmin, two extra guards), V.I.P escort (one rich or important V.I.P. npc, 3 or 4 guards) etc. 3.) Being a guard might be boring...walking slow the whole time with little action. The only thing that can fix this is spawning preset enemies along the way...for each specified job. 4.) I wouldn't want the routes to conflict with mods....like, for example, Warzones: Misanthropy Pure. Guarding the caravan might prove difficult when your in the middle of a battlefield. NavMeshing may will be hard because of this. That's all I can think of right now. Hope this makes sense. Scripting and NavMeshing shouldn't be TOO hard. Maybe like two weeks worth of coding.
  11. Might I make one small suggestion? (depends on the size of your case and how much you wish to overclock) http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835103065
  12. Ulysses, all dead money characters, Decker, Fawkes. Cass and Veronica are cool too. Joshua Graham...almost. That little lamplight chief...Mcwhatshisname?
  13. Between Ryu Hayabusa and Tidus. I'm sure there are loads others, but meh.
  14. In that case, you might as well just save all your money till you got around $500-$600 for the i5 2500k, a decent mobo around $120, and the GTX 560 Ti. If you just purchase the video card, it will be held back by the limitations of your other components, and that wouldn't benefit you at all. If you want to make a purchase RIGHT NOW, purchase the i5 and 1155 socket mobo. Buy graphics card later. But thats just my opinion.
  15. There is an extra associated with Veronica based on your conversations with Elijah in Dead Money. Not sure if that's what "glitched" her though. Did you check the Lucky 38? Your map?
  16. Dual Wield Machine guns? There will be numbers flying all over my screen. EVERYWHERE.
  17. Mostly yes. http://www.hwcompare.com/8867/geforce-gtx-480-vs-geforce-gtx-560-ti/ Never judge by model numbers. Judge by performance and price range.
  18. This is every argument (mine included) about why fallout 3 is a much better experience the first time around. Only thing about Fallout 3 is it was a little detached from its predecessor's roots. And I'm not referring to location/design.
  19. If that doesn't work, not sure what will. my knowledge of FNVEdit is limited. Try reviewing this:
  20. There's a good bit of Assassin's Creed content, actually. There were members over there trying to make some kind of compilation of all the mods, like an overhaul some some sort that had all the weapons, hashashin armor, etc. Not sure if they did it or not.
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