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Posts posted by ZainHallows

  1. basically I want to have somebody make a race that is an argonian with a small dragon head inplcae of the regular argonian one :3 thats all.
  2. omg this would be awesome, if you make it when it's all set you can count with me for....spanish translations rofl!!!


    anyways this is great, keep the good work! you'll make it possible!


    you also have to think about humans, how would they go in there without drowning? they maybe need to complete a quest? Something like: "You need to find a way to not drown. go back to "backreach" and find something useful" some kind of item or magic? or blessing? ?? I know there is a enchant and magic spell ( I think) to make you breath underwater but a quest like that could be awesome for human races.


    Argonians are lucky now lol!


    this has already been figured out! but will be keept secret :thumbsup: I dont wanna spoil anything!

  3. im willing to make this mod for two years if I have to :3.


    But is that enough to get 12 others to do so?

    I am not sure if you've ever tried to model something, but if a model takes just a second longer than your patient, you scrap it for a month. Most artist got more unfinshed projects than there are nails in a wooden house.


    As I tell others: Start of yourself. Get reference, get concept art. Plan out what you want, why you want it and how you want it.

    The get ONE artist with you, start working. Get back after a month and show us the product. Now you got something that shows your dedication! Now you might peek the interest of a few more. Keep this up, and you'll have a team in the end.

    Nobody have ever "Looking for modding team for HUGE mod!" and gotten a team. They have started out, and slowly gotten casual modders to help them out. In the end there sits a modding team there.


    Also, animations are tough. Key-by-key animations takes forever, and I doubt most people got a multi-million motio capture device to get animations to keyframes.


    But I will give you some help, breaking up the artist you'd need:


    3 new races

    1-2 character artists. Also a third to make sure armor fits well.


    tons of new npcs, quests, armour, dungeons and weapons!

    1 Hard surface/Weapon modeller, 1-2 scripters, the 2 character artist will make the armor, 1 guy to make NPCs and write dialougs. Also about 6 to voice act.


    new main quest.

    Could use some of the others, but another 1-2 scripters/deigners to plan this out.


    new models (ie; buldings, furiture, ect.)


    About 1-3 enviroment artist. One for tileable floors and grounds, one for architectures and one for game props.


    tons of new creatures.

    Another character artist, with the help of the ones above.


    5 new cites

    Models are allready made, so 1-2 level designers. 1 is enough, but with 2 it goes twice as fast ;)


    4 new regions (openocean, the deep, coral reefs, and the graveyard)

    Could use the same 2 level designers as in the cities, but I'd say you'd need a few more to do this faster. There is a lot of stuff that neds to be done for 4 regions!



    1-2 animators.

    Seems like a good estimate!


    1-2 textures.

    1 modeler.

    Slightly off. You need: 2-3 organic, 2-3 enviroment and 1-2 hard surface/weapon. Perhaps even 1 specilaized in armor. They can all texture, or they woudn't be here.


    1-2 coders.

    Another good estimate! More coders would be a mess.


    You forgot:


    2-3 level designers: You can't expect anybody else to do the CK work, since they are all busy with other things.

    X ammount of Voice Actors: Depends how many voiced you want, and the quality. Could get away with 4 multi-voicable voiced and some maniplating.

    So, to do this project is a organized way, you need:


    - Somebody to lead, I.E 1-2 people.

    - 5-8 modellers than can texture.

    - 1-2 coders.

    - 1-2 animators.

    - 2-3 level designers.

    - 3-6 Voice Actors



    = 13 - 23 people. Which is about right, as every huge project need about 15 people or more. The more modellers, and voice actors, the better. More animators and coder is a mess. More Level Designers is OK, but can become a mess since you'd need to merge ESPs quite often and what-not.



    So, as you see, this is quite a lot of work. And to get 20 people, you will need to start off with 1 and move forward. The more you can show is done, the more people will join. Experienced modders want a new project, and new modders want experience within a modding team. But neither wants to join something that could fall apart by next sunday, due to nobody is in charge.


    I hope I managed to be informative, and not sound like a big douche :)

    I wish you the best, and hope this idea manages to grow!





    wow that was extreamly helpfull and imfomitive! thanks so much, I will update the main page!

  4. I don't think you realize the complexity of this mod.. If you just be modelling and level design, you're going to find it tough to find animators for instance.


    I suggest starting off small. IE can you make the new races? If you can't then this project won't get off the ground, especially if you've never made a mod before.


    I can't speak for modelling/texturing, nor animation (which is next to impossible to come by), but the scripts, quests, and object placement will take you about 4 months minimum.


    as I said before, I full well know the complexity. im willing to make this mod for two years if I have to :3.

    as for the race making, nobody knows right now. because we dont know how anything works yet. but if it's like oblivion, then I will lurn, or I can find somebody who does make them, and ask for help.

    I started this thead to talk about getting a modding team started, not to talk about the mod :3 if you would like to talk about the mod, go here: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/458758-deep-sea-adventure/page__p__3793087#entry3793087

  5. That's really a lot of work.

    You would need a huge amount of time, commitment and talented modders to make this work. And I can see a problem in requiting people when you're talking about weresharks.

    Anyways, what are you going to contribute on this mod if you manage to start it?

    I don't really think you realize how much work something like this would be.


    I do realize how much work it is...a lot. and I need help to make it real! therefore I made this topic, for help!

    and talking about the weresharks is important, they are the main race, and the only connection to the original lore of skyrim. but whats more important is the level design/codeing/ect.

    I will be co modeling and I will also do the level design. and of corse give many ideas to my team aswell.

  6. @ kosmerm, check here: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/471428-modding-faq-how-to


    (MajinCry was replying to ZainHallow, not to you, I think :P)


    @ZainHallow sounds ambitious, good luck. I'd suggest starting with just one deep ocean area e.g. a small dungeon comprised of a series of underground chambers with a few NPCs and one boss. That way you could probably do most of the work with one or two people. And if it gets completed and is a success, you can then start expanding it to additional areas.


    I also think it should be more like the dwemer...more steam punky and gothic than modern.



    It is quite ambitious! xD but It is something that I want very much, and weresharks are going to be in. and for starting off, it will be the size of....skyrim. all ocean....maybe an island somewhere. I will also need animations for walking on the floor underwater. your imput is quite helpfull, but I think I will start huge, but move along in small....squares.


    as for the steampunk, yes it will be very steampunk. but white. and mostly smooth.

  7. hey guys, Im here to ask anybody who is willing to help me! so heres what I need!


    - Somebody to lead, I.E 1-2 people. (both taken)

    - 5-8 modellers than can texture. (1 taken)

    - 1-2 coders. (none)

    - 1-2 animators. (1 taken)

    - 2-3 level designers. (1 takne)

    - 3-6 Voice Actors (3 taken)



    the mod:


    basicly, its a mod that adds a TON of new stuff to the world of skyrim, namely the oceans, where you go out onto a ship, and you are takein by a sea captian out to open ocean. but you boat crashed and you end up skinking down into the ocean. but you see a strage shadow move across your screen just before you black out. then you wake up and a white modern sterile looking room.


    you've entered a new underwater world! a huge vast ocean for one to explore.


    what I want form this mod and what is needed:


    3 new races

    tons of new npcs, quests, armour, dungeons and weapons!

    new main quest.

    new models (ie; buldings, furiture, ect.)

    tons of new creatures.

    5 new cites

    4 new regions (openocean, the deep, coral reefs, and the graveyard)


    and before you ask, the new races are these, wereshark, some form of porpus (whale/dolphin) and something elce (still undecied)


    anyhow if your intrested, comment, or note me! thanks!

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