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Posts posted by ZainHallows

  1. im not rushing though! I played the game at a normal pace (for me) and finished really quickly. I was sure there was more, but I guess not D:!


    >.>.......<.< anybody know anything about the armours?!


    Well, as the edit above, but none of TES games were really focused on the main quest line, it was always rather minor part of the game... Finishing that and saying "I finished the game" is like doing beginner quest in MMO and then quitting because "it's finished" :D


    As for the armors, craft them or wait for higher levels, you are rather low leveled to see on Deadric or similar :P


    what would be the level that I would start seeing these things?

  2. Well, I think rushing trough quests is not ideal but... TES games are about exploring and freedom, I don't know about you, but I have 120+ hours on my current character and I have completed only the main story and Companions...and it still feels like there is more things to explore than I actually explored. Random dungeons, unmarked ruins, forrests, caves... A hell lot of sidequests.


    ...You just have to learn to ingore the shortcommings and bugs along the way :biggrin:


    im not rushing though! I played the game at a normal pace (for me) and finished really quickly. I was sure there was more, but I guess not D:!


    >.>.......<.< anybody know anything about the armours?!

  3. Well, I kind of think most of the normal people figured right at the start that you kill Alduin at the end. I'm a bit confused now tho. Why is asking about end of the game in spoiler category wrong? :biggrin:

    Which answers your question too.


    beacuse im stupid xD ignore my rambleings.


    so where do I go after this? i've done the Dark brotherhood/Thives guild/Mages guild/nightengales....now what? XD im only lvl 27, and I dont even have any epic gear D:! no dadric armour, or ebony, or glass, or dragon armour! maybe somebody can point me in the right direction for these things?

  4. okay sorry everybody! just got back from thanks giving vacation! was fun, and im full! but onto topic! thanks for all the comments! I will adress them all below!


    @Pyrothraxus MoonStar

    Yah its all up for grabs really,but the main will be the sha'ka I will think about doing an orca/porpus race...tho what about the air breathing?




    Awesome ideas!




    well, argonians are really cool! but thats not the aim of the mod, its really to add a new underwater world. open ocean, huge amount of content, 3 or 4 races. and a bunch of other stuff. (there will be one or two argonians tho :thumbsup: )




    I really wish I had played morrowind! but maybe if you could do some research?

  5. Hm, its possible. While people would say its not lore friendly, there are many ways to fit such things into lore. There is nothing in Elder Scrolls lore talking about deep sea stuff, so its possible. At least, that's what I think.


    well I rather dont care about lore much XD but if people want some lore connections, then fine I will make a few.

  6. UPDATE!


    sup guys! here is a few pictuers for the mod ;D!



    there will be two types of dragon. one deep sea, the other open ocean, names are...in the air (not decided)


    here is a deep sea one!




    Sha'ka (weresharks)

    shark people, little is know about them, there will be 3 races in this mod, the thrid is unknown the two are sha'ka and a dolphin kinda race....

    below we have the greatwhite veriation, there will be atleast 4 veraitions (so far I have two done, great white, and hammerhead)




    more comeing soon! going to show you guys my models I made of the sha'ka haed xP stay tuned!

  7. @Vaktus


    ;D thats exalty how I envisioned it :D! very cool, and I will be making a HUGE mod, all underwater ofcorse with tons of areas and quests, 3 new races and a ton more weapons and armour :3 and creatures, npcs, citys....animations....ect xP

    Omg sounds amazing, Skyrims oceans do feel a little empty at the moment so this would be perfect :thumbsup:


    if ya wanna talk about it come here http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/458758-deep-sea-adventure/page__p__3793087#entry3793087 im going to update it soon.


    now to get back onto topic xP

  8. @Vaktus


    ;D thats exalty how I envisioned it :D! very cool, and I will be making a HUGE mod, all underwater ofcorse with tons of areas and quests, 3 new races and a ton more weapons and armour :3 and creatures, npcs, citys....animations....ect xP

  9. just a friendly bump in to say I admire what you guys are doing ,sounds awesome xD




    speeking of changing dragons, does anybody know the best way to go about making a water dragon? XD


    unless you just want to change colors its only textures, if you want an new model weeeell thats rather a different hassle.


    Although I think we could work on any vannila dragon and have its wings resemble flippers while still using the same rig, and not fly. That would be a vurnable type of dragon tho: /


    Possibly some new animations for the water dragon. Maybe make them more dangerous when in the water then out, much like a shark or something.


    well I mean....pure water. no fleash :3


    Ah. I guess it would require a retexture, possibly make them look more water looking.


    It would be amazing to have both. A retextured water wervyrn, shooting off like bubble beam, Surf and WaterGun.

    It would also be awesome to have like a Plethiosaur? Nessies. Flippers, no flight, Fast swimming with bite attack and some suitable shout (im level 14 and haven't seen more than 4-5 dragons.) This would be great (of course no dragon soul for nessy unless... Unless she was super tough to get to.


    well I was thinking, a deep sea, and open ocean one, deep see one would have like, dots of light along its back and stuff...


    Deep sea...now that would be creepy to see.


    It will be in my new mod...hopefully XD!

  10. just a friendly bump in to say I admire what you guys are doing ,sounds awesome xD




    speeking of changing dragons, does anybody know the best way to go about making a water dragon? XD


    unless you just want to change colors its only textures, if you want an new model weeeell thats rather a different hassle.


    Although I think we could work on any vannila dragon and have its wings resemble flippers while still using the same rig, and not fly. That would be a vurnable type of dragon tho: /


    Possibly some new animations for the water dragon. Maybe make them more dangerous when in the water then out, much like a shark or something.


    well I mean....pure water. no fleash :3


    Ah. I guess it would require a retexture, possibly make them look more water looking.


    It would be amazing to have both. A retextured water wervyrn, shooting off like bubble beam, Surf and WaterGun.

    It would also be awesome to have like a Plethiosaur? Nessies. Flippers, no flight, Fast swimming with bite attack and some suitable shout (im level 14 and haven't seen more than 4-5 dragons.) This would be great (of course no dragon soul for nessy unless... Unless she was super tough to get to.


    well I was thinking, a deep sea, and open ocean one, deep see one would have like, dots of light along its back and stuff...

  11. just a friendly bump in to say I admire what you guys are doing ,sounds awesome xD




    speeking of changing dragons, does anybody know the best way to go about making a water dragon? XD


    unless you just want to change colors its only textures, if you want an new model weeeell thats rather a different hassle.


    Although I think we could work on any vannila dragon and have its wings resemble flippers while still using the same rig, and not fly. That would be a vurnable type of dragon tho: /


    Possibly some new animations for the water dragon. Maybe make them more dangerous when in the water then out, much like a shark or something.


    well I mean....pure water. no fleash :3

  12. @Neo Hikato


    Just a heads up, you should probably wait until the Creation Kit comes out (Should be very soon) before you ask around for help with a mod project, as everyone is pretty much just twiddling their thumbs, waiting for Bethesda. There's really no way to help make a big mod until the Creation Kit is released I'm afraid.


    do you have a date for that!? D:!?

  13. Well, from what I've been able to observe, a dragon has the following physical attacks: Both claws, tail slam, and biting. Now, each of the claws can be attributed to each mouse button, and the biting and tail slam can be utilized as power attacks, specifically, biting is Forward-Power Attack, and the tail slam is Back-Power Attack (on account of the fact that it bashes everything behind the dragon). Aspects like breathing fire and stuff are obviously cases of Shout abilities.


    Now, in terms of flying.. that's where I'm genuinely curious as to how this works. I can't tell if the way a dragon flies around is a pre-scripted animation, or simply a unique form of movement ala swimming/riding on horseback. The reason I say this is because of the way a dragon can glide and swerve in a very natural-looking manner. The question therein is: Are they scripted to manouver like that, meaning that if you slowly turn your mouse button during flight you will also swerve like that, or is this just a unique animation?


    I'm inclined towards believing it might be the former, in which case what we really need to figure out is what the activation aspect for dragon flight is, i.e. what's the specific trigger that activates that free-roaming movement in the air along with the animations (similar to the triggers that activate swimming when one lands in water).


    the shout reuse time would have to be...very fast! seeing as they use them all the time :o!

  14. so I checked out the command to change your race....and it works! :D! so I want on a rampage, killing skeviers and wolves...and while I was doing so, I found something intresting! I was playing around with the shouts....and they worked! perfectly! the mouth and everything opens. so that was for fire breath, but when I changed to "icefrom" and used it ...he said the worlds :D!!!! I was freaking out when I heard it! :wub: dragons <3


    Oh my. Wow! =o How'd you get the attacks to work? I was using the the left and right mouse buttons to attack, but nothing would happen if I was using the "player.changerace dragon" command I was thinking their specific attacks or shouts had to be added to the game through the command line as well.


    just use the button that you set to use shouts! it works amazingly <3~! so happy!

  15. so I checked out the command to change your race....and it works! :D! so I want on a rampage, killing skeviers and wolves...and while I was doing so, I found something intresting! I was playing around with the shouts....and they worked! perfectly! the mouth and everything opens. so that was for fire breath, but when I changed to "icefrom" and used it ...he said the worlds :D!!!! I was freaking out when I heard it! :wub: dragons <3
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