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Everything posted by radiumskull

  1. 3DS Max 2013, Bethesda NIF plugin installed. I may have unchecked a box someplace in the process, but my NIFs had geometry before, and now they have none. Even trying to export a simple Editable Poly box yields an empty NIF file. With or without Elrich applied. Anyone have any clues as to why?
  2. No problem, and that part is easy. Go find the Diffuse texture map of the object you want to recolor, pull it out and mess with it in Photoshop or Gimp till you get what you want. Then you need a new DDS saved from that, and a BGSM file for the material settings. What you're trying to do is really pretty easy, if you know what all the different files do.
  3. Your banned mod has a popular fanbase? :ermm: You know, since the RCW looks so much like the FO4 Submachine Gun, you could probably get away with someone just doing a re-texture.
  4. This guy knows his stuff. Character models are another territory entirely, but I do know that Power Armor is a Race, and a mod does exist here on Nexus that allows you to make Power Armor into a follower. Good luck.
  5. As an alternative, you can create Material Swaps with your new material, and use the menu in the map object's Extras tab, instead of creating new unique objects. You'll have to set each object's Material Swap in the map, but that also ensures that it doesn't affect any other objects.
  6. Bonus points if it does the 3-round burst. It would totally break my immersion, though.
  7. That's what concrete floor pieces are for. Doesn't break immersion.
  8. I thought I left that stuff behind when I got out of Second Life. :ermm:
  9. You mean, for them to jump in the air for five seconds, whenever you do?
  10. Such a lot of effort for a simple fade to black... :pinch:
  11. EDIT... @Wunderbot. Awsum. :devil:
  12. Seddon4494 and his Mancunian accent can help you better than I can. Apparently, the voice file gets its name assigned from the CK, not the other way around.
  13. Custom stuff will work in CK, but unless you've added the data paths in your Fallout_custom.ini, your custom stuff won't show up when you run Fallout.exe.
  14. I was going to suggest trying the Properties panel. If that's not it, I thought there was some sort of mass alteration function for References, but I can't remember where I saw it specified in the CK docs. http://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=New_Editor_Features#Properties_Panel
  15. My suggestion is, check out the entry for Lorenzo's Artifact Gun. It's a unique Legendary, just find whatever checkbox makes it Unique. Next, figure out how the Charisma 'Charm' effect works (Wasteland Whisperer, Intimidation), which lets you make enemies attack their allies. That's probably got some aspect of Faction changing going on.
  16. Yes I think that is how it supposed to work, but I am not sure how to do it. Follow the format of the other audio entries in the CK lists. Figure out where they're located, use Duplicate or New just like with anything else. Assuming I'm right, of course. Haven't been close to CK since that last reply in order to check.
  17. Okay, so if you can't select 'custom' audio, then you can select vanilla audio files? That means you need your audio to appear in that list. I haven't done holotapes myself but I suspect that, like everything else in the CK, you have to define the audio file as an entry within the CK files in order to get them to show up on the audio selection list. Like how with Armor pieces, you first need an Armor Add-On.
  18. Not sure exactly what you're trying to do, and what you're doing to try and accomplish it. Obviously something's conflicting with your changes, but it's not clear what just based on your abstract description. You are correct that the body slots only exist in the CK, not the NIF files. You could make a Brahmin NIF into a hat if you wanted to.
  19. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3760875-fallout-4-modding-tutorials/
  20. Not to split hairs, but 'polygon' is a generic term for any 'face' made of vertices/points. 4-vert faces are 'quads' (important in subsurface modeling) and 3-vert faces are 'tris', which are the final result in any game model. polycount.com is also my choice for the best place to find information about game art.
  21. Basically what it says. Export NIF from 3DS Max using the Bethesda plug-in, to a folder called 'meshes' inside Fallout4/Tools/Elric Start Elrich.exe Click 'Convert Files' button at bottom left File selection window appears. Select my file, hit OK The usual Windows CTD. "Elrich.exe has stopped working." Does the same thing when I try 'Convert Directory' Anyone know why this might happen?
  22. That's certainly a good enough video card. There's a menu that pops up in the preview window that may help with the quality settings.
  23. Can the NPC Furniture object be modded so that the NPC can start at the floor level, then pop up to the top bunk level?
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