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Everything posted by BarefootWarrior

  1. Just a small bit of advice before you start 'extracting' textures or meshes. Copy the texture or mesh compressed directory from your skyrim data folder and paste (make a copy) of it somewhere, example..in your documents folder and then extract from there. That way if you have an 'oops' (and it has happened *raises hand*) you won't screw up your game. As far as I can tell from what I read, you have to open the mesh up in NifSkope (the newest version) and prepare it for importing into Blender or 3DMax, and you have to have the plug in scripts for either to import a nif file. Or convert it to and obj file (convert nif to obj) and then import into Blender or 3D Max. You can convert a nif file to an obj file using NifSkope, but I am unclear on the process as of yet. I'm still trying to get this part figured out. As it is now, I can open a nif file (mesh) from skyrim into NifSkope, but I can't even assign a texture to it, damned if I know why, so I still have a ways to go. I'm used to an older version of NifSkope and am having some issues learning the new version, but I wasn't that hot on NifSkope to begin with. @KingChris20. I can open nif files from Oblivion into Blender or 3D max with out any problems, but the nif files from skyrim are a different version of the nif format. or so I have heard, that is why they have to be 'prepared' in NifSkope before you can import to either Blender or 3D max. I was a bit confused by this as well. There is a tutorial file explaining this on the Nexus site, and it has been a big help explaining this. Here it is... http://skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3790 For texture work (and if you have Photoshop) you will need the Nvidia plug-ins for Photoshop to open up DDS files (textures). You can also get the scripts needed for Gimp to open DDS files too, and Gimp is a free application. I am very surprised at how powerful and useful Gimp is and for DDS (texture) work, it will work just fine. But don't give up, it is a never ending learning process. Good luck...to all of us.
  2. I'm no expert at NifSkope and I still have lots to learn as to how to use it, but...from what you are describing, I do not believe that you can 'edit' the mesh using NifSkope. You will need to use a modeling application to do that. I could be wrong on this, so I hope someone who really knows will step in here.
  3. I am now busy learning how to import mesh's from Skyrim into Blender, without a whole lot of luck. From what I have read, I have all of the right scripts. Still working on it. I am also creating a new texture for the 'ragged pants' and clean them up a bit as a first project for Skyrim. I discovered the 'ragged boots' and now call them my mummy boots, great fun.
  4. lol..too funny. No issues here, swing that sword, get em' with the bow, I don't care...get em' down and fill that gem! :thumbsup:
  5. Here we are at the start of a new year, and from what I hear, our last...heh. I for one won't loose any sleep over it. To my friends and everyone else, wishing you all a 'Happy New year!' Have fun during your festivities and be safe.
  6. yeah, well...I fought a bunnie and lost. I don't feel so Dovahkiin anymore. Long story and I ain't gonna go there. :rolleyes: The only good bunnie is a DEAD bunnie! :devil:
  7. I'm afraid they lost me with DA2, even if there is another DA it would be a long while before I would consider getting it after release. They need to step back and take a good look at Origins again (in my opinion) and just forget DA2 completely then build up from that. Unfortunately, as many have already said here, the new games are produced as 'de-tuned' games for the out dated consoles (of any format) and not taking full advantage of the technology available for PC, this is why I like TW2 so much, it was made for the PC and it shows. Does it not make sense to create a game for the PC and then De-tune it for the consoles? I guess I must have missed something somewhere. BioWare has a talented staff and if they would/could take the time to re-build the Dragons Age world and come up with something fresh, they could turn this thing around. I would hate to see them mimic Skyrim as I feel the Dragons Age could loose it's individuality as a game in it's own right. None the less, even if another DA is announced, I for one will not even be remotely excited. Skyrim (even with some of the issues) took many years to produce, and we have a high quality game to enjoy and get lost in. The suits at EA will not allow BioWare the time to make it right, that bottom line is far more important.
  8. Wow, don't know what happened. I will use this one for the profile for now until I can find the other, thanks for letting me know.
  9. I am actually starting to like Riften, despite the Thieves Guild...LOL. :rolleyes:
  10. Nicely done! Good work and thanks for posting this. :thumbsup:
  11. LOL...I prefer a more organic look, that's just me. And I don't use any armor, so...I wear the ragged pants, no shoes ( I just ignore the look of the feet) bare chested and sometimes wear a hood. It's hard work with out armor, but I enjoy the challenge and the natural rugged look of my Nord character. I think until the CK comes out, it will be a while before we see armor separates, that is, armor pants, shirts...that kind of thing.
  12. Very nice, liked the video. I do have a question: In one scene, your female warrior is shown from the front with weapons drawn going up a hill...how did you do this? I would like to get some good shots of my warrior in action from the front view and the camera won't do that. I'm playing on PC by the way.
  13. uh huh, I know all about the falling mammoth thing...heh :biggrin:
  14. hmmm..interesting. I do a lot of composite work and this just reeks of a composite picture(s). A very good one to be sure, but my eye tells me this is a composite picture. I also zoomed in on some of the fine details and in some areas, the lines are 'cut in' a bit to far. I say this because in all of the pictures except one, the lighting on the subject is wrong, highlights and contrast both don't match the back ground image. Some one did a lot of work on these pictures. I don't know about the mods, but interesting pictures to be sure. Just sayin...
  15. Same here, I went in and checked and it is a mesh alignment issue. Exactly the same as the pictures posted. As I noted in my earlier comment, I have seen several of these in the game, in one case I found a tree floating just above ground out in the wilds. As complex as this game is, this is not a big surprise to me. Just letting ya know.
  16. Got my Skyrim sound track today..whooHOOO! Beautiful music to get creative by.
  17. They are working now...interesting. I don't have any high res textures installed, still the vanilla game, but I have seen some mis-aligned textures on many items so far. Not to be entirely unexpected, but why this would show with a different texture (high res?) doesn't make any sense to me. For myself, and looking at some of the issues I have noticed, it just looked like part of the model wasn't aligned right so you would see 'alpha' on one side or the other. Now that I have seen this I'm going to go to that location in game and take a look and see if I see an alignment issue, I'll post what I find later. Got me curious now...
  18. I too have been having issues with smithing and enchanting, and still trying to get the hang of it. I need to get about 20 more points in smithing to be able to get the right perks to improve enchanted weapons, but it is taking a long time. But I do have my dual Katana's and am having no issues with them as they seem to be quite deadly while dual wielding. I improved both to 'Fine' and enchanted one with a shock enchantment, but I would like to go further with them. One Katana is at 34 damage and the other is now at 28. Other then the giants, nothing seems to stand in my way, but then again...I really haven't had any luck bringing down a giant yet, even with my bow...LOL. :thumbsup:
  19. I'd like to see this, but the links don't seem to be working, for me anyway...might want to check them just to be sure. :biggrin:
  20. Maybe so, but....so far, I have had a mammoth fall out of the clear blue sky and kill me, had my own arrow come down and get me, got some stupid assassins after me, now add the Thalmor to the list, been kicked of a cliff by a bunnie (seriously, those are big bunnies), RAN off a cliff in a snow storm....I'm a little PARANOID! :wacko: I've heard of immersion, but this is rediculous. LMAO! Oh well, off we go to the embassy.... film at eleven (maybe) :dance: ( I love this game )
  21. I'm on my second game and just like the first, I don't like the Thalmor...sooooo...I just say 'Hi' and kill them. Running around out in the wilds I came across two groups of Thalmors with a prisoner. I killed both groups and let the prisoner escape. Maybe not the smart thing to do I'm wondering. later on, a Thalmor Justicar and his two Thalmor minions attacked me, I didn't even see them and caught me off guard. it was a good fight, but Lydia and I got them down. When I searched the Thalmor Justicar, he had an 'execution order' for me. Seems, someone told them and now I am on their most wanted list. I have not taken sides with either the Stromcloaks or the Imperials, I'm a free agent as it were. Now, between the assassins and the Thalmor, life could get very interesting. I still have no idea why the assassins are after me and I have not had any to do with the Thieves Guild. Seems no body loves me.... :rolleyes: Anyway, this could get complicated, because as it turns out, I was on the way to Solitude to meet with an agent as part of the Diplomatic Immunity quest. Guess where I am supposed to go...the Thalmor Embassy of course. So, before I do this and get into all kinds of trouble, what do you folks think? Has this happened to anyone else? Just curious. :whistling: How I get myself into these messes is beyond me, but there you have it. :tongue:
  22. It really depends on you, I have some disappointments with this game to be sure, but, storyline aside, I can get totally lost in this game just running around and being killed by falling mammoths and such. Any game that I can get lost in is worth it to me, and I don't regret buying Skyrim at all, I'm having fun just exploring the world. But I am not a hard core player and this could make a difference on what some folks really want out of a game. Anyway, to each their own, I am having a great time. :thumbsup:
  23. I would really be happy to see the 'Roberts' male and female bodies brought into Skyrim, but I have to agree with the Matth85's post above. Until the authors give permission to use their work and we have access to the creation kit. I'd rather wait until it is done right rather then try to 'fit' bits and pieces to the current mesh. So don't get me wrong, I agree with the OP, but let's be patient and wait for the good stuff, I think it will be worth it. By the way, I have to say that I admire the folks who have managed to bring in their own modified meshes and such into this game without the CK. Good work, thanks!
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