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Everything posted by BarefootWarrior

  1. OK, I seriously hate you! :tongue: I have a 50 inch plasma, but it is in my living room, not in my office. I just have to be satisfied with my little 28 inch wide screen. *sigh oh well.... :thumbsup: (oohhh..but I do have an network connection to it..hmmmm...the mind boggles) I am very busy so I only get to play maybe a few hours a day, usually in the evening. There really isn't anything worth watching on TV anymore, so I'd rather get some stress relief.
  2. I guess the question is, CAN you stay neutral. I'm at a point in the game that I may have to make a choice and I don't want to. I don't like either side. I intend to stay neutral as long as I can. At least in this game.
  3. nah! after a certain age you are to cynical to be scared! TAKE THIS TIP! and be lazy as much as you can, because when you get older your bladder wont let you :). (I am kidding, dont be lazy) ---------------------- Damn, reading through your posts I feel young again. I thought with 35 you were considered a Dinosaur in Computerbusiness but it seems there is still hope. Keep on rocking guys! If I may paraphrase advise from a great writer, "...use plenty of sunscreen. The other advice may not be the best, but trust me on the sunscreen..." For three days out of the work-week I spend 2 hours "gaming" after work. (usually 8:00p-10:00p) On the weekend I will spend Sun morning, sometimes the day, intermittently. How so, you ask? I will do house work throughout the day. The Pause key is well used. Now, that all goes out the door the first week a game like Skyrim comes out. Call me crazy but I think I sleep better when I wind down with gaming. Uh huh, sunscreen is a good thing, trust me...I know. I love this thread, and I think we do have the 'Old Warriors' Club going. I did not pay attention to playing games until about six years ago. Long story, suffice it to say, I can get rid of soooooooo much stress by playing. Do I get frustrated by playing? you bet, but at least I can go back and try again. If nothing else, it is a great way to get rid of stress of the day to day issues. I was back into college at the age of 51...if one particular instructor knew how many times he died in a game....well...you get the idea. LOL! :thumbsup: ( and I graduated a very stressful and fast paced graphic design / web design program with a 3.5 average...not bad for an old guy.) As far as difficulty, I have noticed something. I am now at level 25 and I now seem to be able to 'shout' much faster then before. Has anyone else noticed this? Also, my fights seem to be longer and tougher, so I am guessing that the opponents are getting stronger too as you go? But getting points in any of my skills seems to have slowed way down, having a heck of a time getting my skills to advance.
  4. I am there now. They all are a bunch of idiots...my opinion. I did enjoy kicking the Thalmor out. I was not expecting the Blades to show up, this caught me a bit off guard. Nor did I care for the arrogance of Delhine towards the Grey beards. That told me a lot about her and other possible motives later on. But afterwards when she told me that I was to kill Paarthurnax, it was more like an order. What! I don't remember becoming part of the Blades. I don't care about Esborn, Blade or not, he is just to busy with his curiosity and I don't regard him as a threat. I look at this way, the Blades are done, accept it and get over it. I have already decided not to kill Paarthurnax. Blades be damned. I think the Grey Beards have their issues, but at least they are trying to stay neutral and I may need their help again. I have spoken. :tongue:
  5. Well thank you for bursting my little bubble. I will never again look at 'Elder' scrolls the same again. *sniff I think my first real introduction with a game on PC was 'Myst' many years ago. Then gave gaming up for quite a while. How I got back into playing games is a funny story, but too long to tell here (and no one would believe me anyway.)
  6. LOL...thanks for that, least now I know. I'll get along without it.
  7. Interesting. I was there but didn't any any attention to the jump. It was a great view, but I moved on. I had a knock down drag out fight there with the Hagravens, but did not get the word. I reloaded that part and tried again, never did get the word, and I tried four time. so I figured it was a dud. Guess I'll never know now..oh well.
  8. WAIT! WHAT!...this is happening on the Xbox too???? Now that is funny! :biggrin:
  9. My god, I LOVED dark sun. What an absolutely brilliant game! I would love to see that or like Balders Gate redone but in the open world sandbox sort of setting that elder scrolls is doing. I think it would be full of win. Also, Champions of Krynn (seriously old school) and the first Might and Magic. Remember when Hero's Quest first came out (so you want to be a hero)..around the same time era as the first leisure suit larry and such (omg, boobah's!) ok, yep, going back in time here You bring up another interesting point and again, going a bit off topic. I think there are a lot of older games that would do well for the younger generation if they were remade and brought up today's standards. I have to think that this could be a mini goldmine for some of the game producers. Yes, it would take a lot of time, but I would guess that it would pay off in the long run. I wonder if any of the game producers have ever thought of this. I just recently got Halo Anniversary and it is pretty good, I was genuinely surprised. Just a thought.
  10. I'm glad you posted this topic, been fun and interesting. We wandered off topic a few times, but sharing some history (cough)..never hurts. :tongue:
  11. I guess so. Funny thing is, I'm the one that likes minimal clothing. But the environment is so well done in this game, it literally makes me cold just to look at it. My dumpster warrior is in furs...thank you. :thumbsup: brrrrrrrrrr!
  12. I saw him again out in the wilds by Riften, he ran by me on the road and didn't stop. He was in his loin cloth again. He sure is busy...LOL! For something that is random, it sure is crazy.
  13. I'm not sure what you would call my class, Rogue, Scout...I am an archer, duel wielding swords, a bit of magic. I use little or no armor, light on my feet, travel lite, get in and get out. http://www.wizards.com/magic/images/whatcolor_iswhite.jpgTake the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.
  14. Oh yeah, I was way too weak the first time I did this, I got toasted every time. Think I was at level 6 or something like that. The second time I was at level 20, and got things turned around real fast. Damn that felt good! LOL! :tongue:
  15. One day, before you know it, you shall be old and wonder "How did all those years just fly by?" That should scare you more than anything. Tip from an "older" person. Do something with your life before you get too old to be able to do it. :thumbsup: Ok that did scare me. Stop saying those things >< I still feel like it was yesterday I was 18. I remember 18 very well. I also know how fast twenty years go by. bwhahahahahaha....... :biggrin:
  16. I'm young at heart. Does that count? :tongue: That makes two of us, it's the body that has other ideas. :tongue:
  17. LOL, I think you hit on something here. For myself anyway, and that is a feeling of accomplishment. Now I haven't played Morrowind, but I have gotten as far as loading it and getting off the ship, but as soon as I saw the puppet mouth thing I busted out laughing and stopped, so I will have to mod the hell out of this before I can really get started. But, character individuality and the feeling of accomplishment, knowing that I got through the game and felt good about it are very important to me. I can refer (once again) to Origins, I felt real bad about finishing that game, but I also had a huge feeling of accomplishment. I had a similar feeling with oblivion, but as you said, no one cared, or even knew. Oh well, guess I can blend in with the crowd now, eh? A bit of a let down, but still felt good about getting through it. I felt good ending TW2, I knew I had accomplished something and felt good. On the other hand, there is one memorable moment where I actually got mad at the end of a game, and that is Fable 2. Give me break here, I'm using as a reference only folks...you go through the whole story, and you beat the game. What happens at the end, that *itch Theresa has her little say and then says..'Be gone!'. WHAT! Are you serious! What were you people thinking? It is now collecting dust somewhere. Then there is the infamous DA2 ending...nuff said. So I think giving the player a feeling of accomplishment has something to do with it. I don't know about to many other games, but I have to wonder if any other games leave you with a good feeling.
  18. I have to agree with this. While I am enjoying the game, I could not figure out what was missing. I don't have that connection with my character. I'm not sure how to say it, I guess he is not a unique (?) character? But to be frank, there are only a few games where I really had a connection to my character. One where I got attached to him and I was with him in the story. I dunno, that's about the only way I can say it. I did get attached to my character in Oblivion despite the story line and I really felt good about my character in DA Origins. In Origins, he had a history depending on what storyline you played at the start of the game, and you could become a unique personality to a degree. Origins is the only game I felt bad about finishing. I like to mix it up a bit and try to make a unique individual. So far, I don't think I have done that in this game, not yet anyway. I don't want to be locked into being just a Mage, or a warrior, what ever. At least the storyline in this game isn't linear other then you become the Dragon Born. You don't have to touch the story line if you don't want, I still haven't and I like that. Other then some posts, I'm still not entirely clear what the story line is and that is fine with me too. My dumpster warrior and I will carry on.
  19. Heh, don't feel bad, I am not good at stealth either and I have tried many times. I just go for the direct approach now. But usually when no one else is around if possible.
  20. Heh...yep, same here. I remember my first one transistor radio, it was a Tonex. While I was in broadcast, I had to learn how make the transition to digital technology, we had to make digital technology work with linear..I mean tubes, we called it hybrid technology. I still have my old Atari 2600, it still works, and my TI-994A computer. Yes, we old farts are much more computer literate then some younger folks give us credit for. Sometimes, I wish i didn't know...LOL! I have worked with computers for twenty years too. The first system I learned on was Wang system that had eight inch floppies to boot up on, the disk drive sounded like a machine gun going off. Now I build my own systems and work in Graphic Design and learning 3D modeling. got a bit off topic here, sorry, but it made me laugh. But I appreciate the sentiment anyway. :tongue:
  21. You have to wonder about this. In any business, money is the bottom line, and along with that, time. These games are UN-godly expensive to produce as we all know, but, there seems to be 'quantity, not quality' thing going on for most of the producers anymore. I can cite the DA2 debacle as an example. I used to get excited about a new release, especially for games of this genre, but not anymore. Will this change? I seriously doubt it. Can it change? Yes, I think it could, but the money will dictate how things will happen. Today's game player (of any age) is much more sophisticated now days. All we can hope is that sooner or later the producers will catch on to that fact and start taking the time to bring the quality back into the equation. If a game was not as ready as it should be on a scheduled release date, and the producer announced that they need to set back the release date because they need extra time to polish it up for release, I'm all for it. I'd rather wait to spend the money on a game that is ready (as possible) rather then one that needs a ton of updates later. That's just me, but I don't mind waiting. You bring up some god points here, good post.
  22. OK, then it is not just me. That happened to me too. He showed up just in his loin cloth and gave me a message, then ran off. I really don't mind, but I was very surprised. This has happened to me twice. Once out in the wilds and once in a village. Too funny. If nothing else, he sure is dedicated. :biggrin:
  23. hmmm...maybe we should start the 'Old Warriors' Club, eh? LMAO! ( RUNS ! ) :tongue:
  24. I have a follower / companion and I find it quite interesting. I just wish we could give them commands like 'Stay behind me!'...LOL. Oddly, unlike Lydia, he seems to have learned my fight style and for the most part, will stay out of line of fire...most of the time. Lydia is one tough lady, but she was always getting in my way and I don't know how many times I shot her with my bow or blaster her with a shout. :rolleyes: I think if we had the feature of issuing some basic commands would be a nice feature.
  25. I too am a mid-fifties player and I like the diversity that a game like this can offer. I enjoy having to think my strategy, learn by my mistakes and rely on my skills / talents rather then armor or some super enchanted weapon. I do not wear armor unless I really have to and then it is lite armor. I do learn from this game, and sometimes it is quite funny how things happen. I became a dragon snack one time, great fun...got a bit over confident on that one. I do have issues with this game, Steam being a big one for me, but even so, I am enjoying getting lost in the game and it is worth what I paid for it. The modders will come out (and already have) with many great mods that will improve this game. I'm sure they will add something that will make the game more challenging for the serious hard core players. For myself, I am quite content.
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