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Everything posted by LX6R

  1. Currently testing this mod and I have a very good feeling about it. It's super easy (though a little bit time consuming) to make your own patches, but definitely worth it to save up on esp files.
  2. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/26811 SKK scrapper is a much better scrapping mod imo.
  3. Level = experience. You could explain it like "I never used this weapon before and I have to learn it" I know it's hard to argument that, but the good thing is that it makes you use more stuff you would usually ignore.
  4. I like the way FO76 does it - that you cannot use every weapon or armor from the start. In FO4, you have only restriction by armor modifcations (level and perks needed) and levelled list (spawn at certain level) But weapons and armor that are lying around the world can be used from the get go. That means a lot of armor weapons will never be used - while FO76 forces you to start with basic stuff and stuff you find. I like that.
  5. I tried several of the damage overhaul mods on the nexus, and none can really fulfill my idea of how damage should work. Thought I'd post about it here and maybe with some help I can make it myself (or maybe someone else if it's too complicated for a noob like me). What I basically want is this: NPCs levelling with the player Caliber-based headshot damage helmet protection Dismemberment Better locational damage seemed like a good idea at first, but the mod is a feature creep. Looking at the description I feel forced to change aspects of my game in the way the author wants on top of the changes I expected from the mod.
  6. I use vertibird pchela. In this mod, to change the landing zone for a settlement, you have to place a quick travel mat at the point where you want it to land.
  7. Many 3rd person games have a higher fov on your character when your weapon is holstered vs when you weapon is drawn. Is there an ini setting to make this happen in FO4, too?
  8. Is there or can somebody make a mod that only lets animals respawn faster?
  9. I am on my fifth or sixth character in FO4 and never got to Nuka World - NWR is tracked for when I finally reach it, let's see what happens first - your new release or me reaching NW :D
  10. Hey guys, recently I discussed with some friends about how disconnected the main story is from the open world exploration and questing in FO4. I personally always try to roleplay like "I have to gather information to find my son" - but how about if this was a real thing? After certain main quests, the game wouldn't continue but you'd give a meter to fill - different stages would require different open world activities. This could be fixed or randomized. Some quests could even be cut. For example, the Dogmeat finds Kellogg quest (which is awful in itself): After you were in Kelloggs house, the game could tell you to do 10 quests or whatever in specific locations - fulfilling these would fill your information meter.
  11. Hello guys, a while back, I created a jetpack using the b90 jetpack from the mercenary pack. The problem is that this jetpack tends to become invisible. Equipped, but invisible. I have to drop it and pick it up again to make it visible again - but after some time or some actions it gets invisible again. It's a known bug but the solution given on the mod page isn't helpful at all for the jetpack. Anyone any idea what could cause this behavior and how to fix it in the CK?
  12. I just want to add that I am using Follower Revive System and Stop the Bleeding - are there any things these could've changed that make my edits not work?
  13. I did all this but when I create a weapon and give it the enchantment and add one ingame it doesn't have the enchantment... Or maybe it has? Idk, enchantment probably isn't the same as legendary effect? What I can definitely say it's not working...
  14. I don't understand how to do that? I am in the properties window now, what to do there?If you already saved the script with the property in it it should appear in the properties window undefined.Select it and click edit value and then using the drop down list select your spell. If it isn't in your script yet and doesn't exist then click add new property, select spell and then find and select it. https://imgur.com/a/RiGmJQR what do I choose here?
  15. I don't understand how to do that? I am in the properties window now, what to do there?
  16. I have normal companions. It would be amazing if you could provide sort of step by step tutorial.
  17. Good luck, doesn't seem like he is active at all... sadly, because he has some cool mods that desperately need updates.
  18. If I understood esl files right it's not possible to have an esp as a master for them (as they are always loaded first). https://www.reddit.com/r/FalloutMods/comments/74e892/fo4_psa_tutorial_for_converting_small_mods_to_the/
  19. So if I understand you right this will help up my companions/NPCs when they are downed? I'd probably need some more help to make a weapon out of your description. I assume that this will create a new legendary modification for weapons?
  20. I would upload the fixes and share the link in the comment section of the mod. If he doesn't want it he will tell you.
  21. :laugh: This sound like a fortune cookie. It does lol :D
  22. Would it be possible to assign the stimpak effect to a pistol? I tried to use the medic effect on a pistol. Problem is, when my companions are downed, I cannot pick them up by just healing them. Therefore I wonder if it would fix the problem if I had a pistol that has the stimpak effect.
  23. That would be really dope. Even better if it would come with MCM and hotkey support to toggle it.
  24. Do you know that feeling when you have three, four, five cool armor mods, but you can only wear one? Wouldn't it be cool if you could recruit a companion (or multiple, with mods like AFT) and switch to them, play as them?
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