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Status Updates posted by midhras

  1. Feel free to delete that botched comment after pulling the link out of there, and then also delete this maybe :D
  2. http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8447/7859460648_cf0bec4323_o.jpg
  3. I've actually gone back a notch (to 4.40 Ghz) as the fan on my Scythe Mugen 2 Rev.B died, and my replacement has a reduced airflow. I could have kept it at 4.5 Ghz as it never gets hotter than 60 degrees Celsius (you're in Fahrenheit land right? That's 140F then) unless I put it through a real stress test.

    I've a very good airflow in my case (8 case, 4GPU and one CPU...

  4. Ah... a fellow i2500k user I see now. And a 580 should equate somewhat to my 2 560ti's. Now all I need is your sense of style and flair and I'm set.
  5. Just bumped into your shots. My word!
  6. Strange... you're not in my friends list any more, and I don't show up in yours either. Have you been checking your friendship approvals?
  7. Damn friend approval feature. It's on auto-accept and still it hid this somewhere where I had to approve. Sorry for that.
  8. And excuse me for not seeing your friend request. I didn't even know there was something like that on the forum. Approved of course.
  9. Hells and damnation! Only by reading on sPINELESSjELLY's profile that there was such a thing as friendship approval (yuck!), I discover that I had 3 pages of requests that I've been ignoring (I plead ignorance!). Of course I've approved everyone that I could even vaguely recollect. So silly...
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. 83Willow


      Yep, same here > 53 requests!!! And I had the setting on "accept without approval", since the beginning! I think those are the people that tried to add us/you from the Skyrim-Profile and not directly here in the Forum... ?!
    3. midhras


      That's possible, because people have been adding me for a loooong time without me ever having to approve.
    4. trillville


      I have no idea how this site works, lol. I thought this stuff was all automatic.
  10. I'm renovating in my new house (BIG job), trying to get it ready so we can move in. My presence here will be quite limited, and my desires to get Midhrastic in order will greatly reduce my presence in the Imageshare, especially commenting your pictures, my friends. But I will be back, and I will take care of my incurred backlog, over time.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more


      One thing I know: when this is over, your new house shall be in mint condition, call it a hunch. Have fun with the job in hand and keep in touch, if only to say hello.
    3. bison1967


      I hope everything goes well in your renovation, my friend. Stay safe, and we shall see you when you return. :D
    4. kevkas


      Just wanted to say 'good luck' with your new moving (or should I say modding) project: your house xD
  11. Thanks for the nice picture on my mod page! Looks great. Kudos!
  12. Thanks for adding me hodilton. And thanks again for the vid. I'll let you know when I update.
  13. It would have to be an older picture then (if applicable) because I can't take any new ones where I'm at. I'll look in the thread later.
  14. Well, I finally released this thing. Check it out if you like: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/20429/
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. 83Willow




      now the only missing thing is "Vig the Companion" ;)

    3. midhras


      That would have to be a private release then. I'd like to keep the Vig exclusive for a while. Still want to finish his story...
    4. 83Willow


      Thanks Mid, and it was rather a joke, I wouln't even dare to ask you if you want to release Vig officially! Oh and yes please! You know we are all waiting longingly for the continuation of your fantastic saga! :D
  15. Thanks for adding me as a friend schmoops. I'll go check out a couple of your images right now.
    1. midhras


      ... because I can't, and judging from screenshots, it shows a lot of potential. Hope to be able to work this into my setup, although it seems it will possibly clash with the way some ENB's are set up.
    2. solsikke737


      Just tried it for a couple of hours with 2.7. So far it can look very good and can have some weirdness. Blinking window lights during thunder storm was quite a sight (but kind of cool) and very luminescent Deathbells. Some weathers make the days too dark, but others again are just beautiful. Will need some adjustments I think, but has potential I'd say.
    3. bison1967


      Thank you for the link, Midhras, I'll have to check it out! =D
  16. I just discovered I never added you as a friend. O.o

    Do you mind?

  17. You're on a trip right? Hope it's not work-related but fun-times-filled. But don't be gone too long or the Nexus will dry up.
  18. Thanks for the nice comments on my older pictures, jlgc! Much appreciated, and I'm happy that you like some of them.
  19. Okay, well that's too bad. Enjoy your break nonetheless. I'll miss your images and presence though :(
  20. Vacation trip time! I'll be going away from next tuesday and I won't be back for two weeks and a couple days. I'll miss this place and its denizens, for sure.
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Jorundr


      Have a great time!
    3. bison1967


      Enjoy your vacation, Mid! You will be missed. :D
    4. 83Willow


      Oh Mid - we will miss you too! I wish you a fantastic and refreshing vacation and lots of fun with your family! :D
  21. Still playing feenix? Been a while since I've seen new stuff by you. Well, I'll be going on a holiday for a couple weeks. See some more of you when I get back, hopefully.
  22. Un peu trop tard, n'est-ce pas?
  23. Heya! Time for a new gorgeous shot of Morgan I'd say. High time!
  24. Yup, you are on my list. Nexus acting up I guess.
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