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Status Updates posted by midhras

  1. Thanks for the nice comment vvk78. Much appreciated!
  2. Thanks for that link! Man, o man. If nicotine is used to push cigarettes, then games are hardware's nicotine.
  3. Dead Space! I loooooooove Dead Space. 2 was such a blast. That got me into heavy screenshooting. Dead Space was previously my biggest contribution to my Flickr account.
  4. Thank you for suggesting :D

    I'm such a bad friend, though.

  5. You weren't in my friends list, already? What an oversight...
  6. Whoops! You mean you painted those reflections in yourself? If so, I've said nothing. I thought these were the regular Beth reflections that aren't reflections 'cause they're not reflecting what's there to be reflected. Yeah.
  7. Your kind remarks always make me blush, sunsi!
  8. I love all the ENB demonstrations you've done on youtube. Great stuff!
  9. Thanks Rayek. Appreciated!
  10. Thanks bison. Mighty friendly!
  11. I try to look good by the friends I keep. Come adorn me.
  12. Ouch, birch allergy. I'm a hayfeverian myself, but strangely, this is the first year since I turned eightteen in which I am not incapacitated by bouts of sneezing and watery eyes that itch so much I want to scratch them out of their sockets. Knock on wood. Hope you all get over that fast (and nice to learn that your a dad as well - who knew?).
  13. You've grown so suddenly quiet... bored with the Skyrim?
    1. solsikke737


      I can see why...WOW!
    2. AurianaValoria1


      That's awesome!
    3. vvk78


      I landed here thru' a common friend, and am I glad I did!


      Your latest screenie is awesome, indeed!


      Though your post with all that thumbnail gallery and FX is even better. Lot of effort into the post and the screencap, I appreciate it.


      Well done.

  14. Swill? Swell!
  15. Thanks bison, for all the thoughtful comments on my images. They don't go unnoticed! You're making me swill with pride though. I'll need some humble pie soon if this keeps up.
  16. I see you're playing Planescape: Torment. Good on you! Have fun with the Nameless One. By the way, there's a mod online that allows you to play it in widescreen with better resolution. I'm sure you've already found that, but if not: worth checking out.
  17. Er... you dropped some kudos (but I'm not giving them back: you've already got mine, and I like these so much!).
  18. JP, I've been spying for new pictures of yours, but nothing... Too busy? Computer break-down? Bored with Skyrim? Keep them coming I say.
  19. Ah... thanks for clearing that up. I admit, I could have seen that if I'd looked a little better. Won't make that mistake again: I'll study your shots from now on, 'kay?
  20. Thanks! You have mine since looong ago.
    1. BlueDanube


      very well posed, awesome work midhras.
    2. midhras


      Thanks! You're a great poser yourself, so that means something. Uh wait, that WAS a compliment...
  21. Nice new avatar! MUCH better.
  22. Anaphiel made me do it. http://viglads-saga.tumblr.com/
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. midhras


      Anaphiel thought of the idea to collect and bunch the more story oriented images on tumblr, which is something like blogger, only even easier to manage. It's an experiment for me, and not to replace the stuff at the nexus, but organize it for those that care for it.


      Oh joy. Another image site to keep checking. As if the nexus, dead end thrills, anaphiel's 3 tumblr stories and various flickr pages weren't enough.

      Seriously though, you did well. Anaphiel's right, the nexus imageshare doesn't offer support for this kind of story-driven image series that you two are doing. It was needed and it's functional so... keep it up.

    4. JakeProbe


      Gonna upload some new images soon, kinda busy at work lately
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