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Status Updates posted by midhras

  1. Hey, thanks for thanking me for that little comment. I DID very much like the image. Hope you'll share a bit more. I see you're quite the Oblivion fanatic Oo
  2. So many friendly comments, thoughtful and well spoken. Sporting you as a friend is like a bonus to my sex-appeal. Accept?
  3. Hey SydneyB. I just wanted to come here to say thanks for your recent friendly comments on my images. Much appreciated! And especially coming from someone whose mod I have installed (even though I didn't shoot any pictures with it yet). So thanks for doing that as well!
  4. Hi zzjay. Yeah I saw those, but as of now, I'm painting them on the textures myself :D
  5. Ah, good support here!
  6. Your friends list seems bugged. I'm not on it :'(
  7. I notice you are toying with ENB... it seems you're posting fewer images now. Can't wait till you get up to speed again.
    1. solsikke737


      Love the colours in this...and the sentiment...but colours are to die for :)
    2. midhras
    3. BlueDanube


      awesome, nicely captured. i can feel the emotion in it.
  8. A confident avatar Willow. I love it. Still: it needs face paint and big tusks. -,...,-
  9. I've gone and added you as a friend if you don't mind. You're always very encouraging and positive in your comments. Thanks for that. I've totally ignored your shots it seems. Going to remedy that now.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. solsikke737


      Love what you've achieved with the texture...well done!
    3. bison1967


      Jeanne is a very interesting character. Brilliant work, Midhras! :D
    4. mackty747


      Shes's so beautiful
  10. On how to place images in your imageshare description: simply use bbcode. Example: *****, where ***** is the URL of the image you want to embed. Take care: no autoresize! Thanks for your kind comments. You're not so bad yourself :D
  11. Hi solsikke737. I wanted to thank you for the frequent nice comments you've made on my images. They're sure not going unnoticed or unappreciated. Thanks, you!
  12. Hey amnis! Thanks for taking the time to plough through my collection and I'm very much flattered that you thought them worthwhile. They're of course nowhere near as creative as what you manage. I share your sentiments: keep posting incredible stuff and let's try to uplift the Nexus imageshare beyond mediocrity. Your work is one of the pearls betwixt the dregs.
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