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Everything posted by GrayWolf04

  1. Still no one? Not even a script? Or a "No you can't do that"?
  2. Anybody? I'm thinking along the lines of some scripting work and mesh changes, but that's out of my league.
  3. Does anyone know how to have more than one weapon visible at any given time? For example, If I was using a rifle and wanted to switch to my side arm, I would put the rifle on my back and then take out my sidearm while still having my rifle visible on my back, and vice versa. Is this possible?
  4. This is for just the regular game with no mods installed. It even does this on the Xbox 360 version as well.
  5. I know that there are custom radio station mods out there, but I was wondering if there was a way to have a radio station on the pipboy that was linked to an actual radio station that let's you listen over the internet. Any ideas?
  6. From what I can tell, you need to have a gun with iron sights on the model. Open the model in Nifscope and then just adjust the position of the gun based on how it would look in the game. You can also contact the author Rouge Hollow. I'm sure he will respond to your question and be more than happy to point you in the right direction.
  7. That sounds like a pretty good idea. You might want to try developing a plot line to it. Like what would the player get in return for finishing the quest?
  8. Very good reference work. That would seem like enough for a person to do an accurate Wolf race for the game. I sure as hell would love to have a wolf race, especially one with facial features like the first image. And your English is very good. A little broken, but other than that, you have almost perfect grammar in your sentences. Tip: You typed: I hope that some one begins or works on this, skyrim has to many human like races. and here are some reference pictures for a Wolf race. Proper/Better Way (See bolded areas): I hope that someone begins or works working on this. Skyrim has too many human-like races. and Also, here are some reference pictures for a Wolf race. I hope this helps. Respectfully, Gray Wolf
  9. I think this warrents a revival. I gave it plenty of time and I know that it can be fixed according to this thread here: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/299104-gun-follows-crosshair-endorsements/. Unfortunately, the creator was banned and his mods removed, so if anyone has any idea of how he fixed this issue, it would be greatly appreciated.
  10. Without mods installed, my character starts a new game with all the items in his inventory as seen in the creation kit. In other words, the script that is supposed to remove these items and replace them with the prisoner clothes is not working. I uninstalled all my mods, redownloaded from steam, and still not working. Any ideas?
  11. Ok, now I know that some or all of these have been posted somewhere on the forums already, but this is a condensed list of all of those mods. Updates will be made now and then as needed, and anyone who has information on one of the listed mods can post here as well. 1. Mounted Combat - Fight from atop your horse (or sabertooth cat, or dog, or frog, or whatever mod floats your boat). 2. Knight Armor - Credit to Oldboy for this idea: http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee87/Konane117/user2213_pic25335_1252807786.jpg More coming soon.
  12. Although old, and most likely reposted by someone else, I would give this my support. It sounds like something that would fit into the Skyrim world, regardless of whether or not it's game based. Anyone else? EDIT: Also, the Creation Kit has been released now, so it should make something like this much easier.
  13. That's what I was thinking. I don't know what mod you are talking about, as I have not been able to find any, but If someone could do this, that would be great. I can't because I can't use blender, I can't make textures, and I can't used any advanced features of the Creation Kit at all. All I'm good for is ideas! XD
  14. To try and link this to a similar thread, what are your opinions on hybrid anthro races (for example, Human/Khajiit, Human/Argonian, Imperial/Khajiit, etc.)?
  15. Sounds like a pretty cool idea to me. Almost like Borderlands: Fallout Edition. I would assume that you would just lower the detail on the texures, make some bolded, black lines along the edges of the texture's items, and then save them. That would be very basic of course.
  16. Same as my other thread but worse: 70 views and 0 responses. Once again: "...Seriously? Am I like an anti-posting illness? Have I driven people away because of the mod requests I make? Or do you all think that I don't have any good ideas? Come on, be honest. Please. " And if you think this is considered to be a bump, I don't care. You can go ahead and lock it and the others. It's not like anyone else other than me is going to be interested in them and decide on posting something.
  17. 43 views and no one is interested? Seriously? Am I like an anti-posting illness? Have I driven people away because of the mod requests I make? Or do you all think that I don't have any good ideas? Come on, be honest. Please.
  18. Isn't anyone else interested in a partially historical mod?
  19. Hey, can you send me a message? I need to ask you a question about something.
  20. I searched and could not find this gun anywhere, so if someone knows where it is, please let me know, otherwise, it would be nice for someone to create it. The S&W 500 is powerful enough to take down a charging bear in a single shot, and has the same kick as a 12 gauge shotgun. It fires 500 Magnum rounds, and has a 5 chamber cylinder right behind it's 8 3/4 inch barrel. Anyone up for the challenge? Link with complete stats: http://www.smith-wesson.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product4_750001_750051_764947_-1_757771_757767_757751_ProductDisplayErrorView_Y Also, it is able to be fitted with a scope, so if you want to go the extra mile, you can create a scope to add as a mod. However, for realistic purposes, I would ask that you make the scope sights transparent, as having the gun checked as a scoped weapon would mean that wou are putting the scope up to your eye. Doing so with a gun like this in real life you lodge the scope half way into your skull. Cartrige is in the middle: http://www.shootingtimes.com/files/2010/09/stmonster_1103a.jpg Scoped Version: http://i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq119/mrppse/SW%20500%20magnum/sw500magside.jpg This gun should be able to take down a Deathclaw in one shot. Thanks, good luck and let me know what you think!
  21. I was thinking about how there were a couple of WWII mods for Fallout 3, and figured why not have the same for Fallout New Vegas? The NCR could have armor replaced to be US forces and the Legion could be German troops (or just left alone altogether). Also, a retexture of the M1 Garand could be made and then have leveled lists that allow the NCR to spawn with the M1 Garand, Thompson, M1903 Springfield, or M1 Carbine. Anyone else interested in this idea? There is alreaded a WWII Helmets mod, so all we would need to do is get permission from the author to include it and then create the uniforms. Let me know what you think?
  22. Hey,

    I sent you message regarding a post you made a while ago. I had a question to ask you.

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