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Everything posted by SeraVerte

  1. You have to have completed a certain main quest in Whiterun for the dragons to appear.
  2. Having not played Skyrim in awhile, I updated to 1.8 (along with SKSE and script dragon) and installed about half a dozen new mods. I discovered that upon entering a cell with females (I updated CBBE from 3.1 to 3.2, along with a new body skeleton) or attempting to make a new character from character creation, the game would sometimes crash. I tried uninstalling all the new mods and I'm still having the same problem, so I suspect it may be conflict with 1.8. Any suggestions?
  3. I had the exact same problem awhile back. Try setting your Skyrim.ini and skyrimprefs to default (move them out of the folder so that the game regenerates a default ini)
  4. I'm currently using uGridsToLoad=5 uExterior Cell Buffer=72 iPreloadSizeLimit=268435456 which is works fine. (I was told increasing the cell buffer from 36 to 72 would reduce the stuttering) @Georgiegril: Yes, I am using a lot of spawn mods: Monster mod and Deadly Dragons. For some reason Warzones will crash no matter what settings I use too. I'm wondering if that might be related to the ugrids problem.
  5. I'm having a problem of where my game runs perfectly smooth (60 fps nearly everywhere) on ugrids 5, but when I change it to 7 it will always crash upon walking a certain distance. I'm assuming there is an issue with a zone being unable to load or whatnot, but I have seen numerous others have no problems with ugrids 7, in fact the nvidia guide even recommends it. Is there something I'm missing that must be done to run the game at ugrids 7? I'm currently running a: 3570K @ 4.4 670OC @ 1202/3742 8gb ram
  6. Sometimes the game bugs out and the disintegrate effect only affects the armor (and not the body and armour). I'm just trying to do this intentionally.
  7. My intent is to have an armor use the disintegrate effect when the actor dies, leaving only the body. (kind of like Bound armor in Oblivion) Could someone help me with the script?
  8. Let's say I have two mods: Mod A adds a hair into the game Mod B adds a specific npc into the game Without making a third mod that uses A and B as parents, how would I get the hair on the npc? I remember in Oblivion, the construction kit was uncooperative and you had to manually switch one of the .esp into a .esm and use that as a resource, while you set the other mod as an active; however, this doesn't seem to be working for the creation kit. What can I do?
  9. Thanks, but I'm trying to find a way to apply the shader only on the armor. I know it can be done, as on numerous occasions, I've seen an effect shader (disintegrate) that was supposed to be applied on the whole body bugged out and only played on the armor (effectively making the armor fade away, leaving the body). In fact, that bug was how I came up with the idea, in the first place.
  10. Or is there a way to make an effectshader apply only to an armor and not the body?
  11. Disclaimer: While a specific solution to my problem would be nice, I'm more interested in learning what is causing my problem. I've been playing a mod that adds a difficult room of enemies. I've loaded the cell many times but died many times to the mobs. Normally the game would just reload and I would try again. However, after about 20 or so tries, the game loaded and then froze. I thought it was no big deal and decided to lad up the save file again, except as soon as the load screen was done, the game would freeze again. So now, I try loading up a previous save file and try to re enter the cell...except now I'm greeted with an infinite load screen. I've encountered infinite load screens before in Whiterun and especially in Solitude. Except what I'm confused about is how the game was able to successfully load that particular cell many times then all of a sudden failed to. I made no alterations or changed any settings. It just all of a sudden stopped being able to load a particular cell. What is the problem?
  12. A sandbox package. (you can add packages to npcs through the creation kit). If there is nothing for them to do, they interact with whatever is near them, within a certain radius.
  13. I'm planning on purchasing Dawnguard soon, and just wanted to ask if there are any specific problems with the 1.7 patch. I ask this because upgrading to 1.6 from 1.5 was a pain, with animation problems, and what appeared to be numerous mod conflicts
  14. Is there a way to make an actor respawn at a specific location?
  15. Go to creation kit, and set her default outfit to NONE.
  16. I tried adding a "go to" location package, but it didn't work, either.
  17. you could create a script that "placeatme" an explosion at the target reference. That's how the flame attronach does it.
  18. I made a follower mod where the followers respawn when they die. I used the defaultsandboxeditorlocation512 package, but the problem is the followers respawn where they died rather than at the inn where they started at (what I want). How can I make it so they respawn at the inn?
  19. I'm trying to create a follower mod where the follower's default armor is an armor added from another esp. The problem is, if I load my custom follower mod as active and tick the armor mod as a resource, it won't work in game So I converted the armor mod to an .esm. The problem is my followers also use Apachii hair, and therefore Apachii.esm; and the creation kit only allows me to use one master file. What can I do?
  20. That just revives them with default equipment. I'm looking to revive them with the equipment that I gave them.
  21. Is there a reliable way to resurrect actors that also lets them keep their equipment? Whenever I use the console command "resurrect 1" all it does is revive them and give them default equipment. Is there another command or Mod that does this?
  22. could someone tell me what [ (000ED644)].CritterSpawn.OnCellAttach() the Id and name don't seem to match up with anything
  23. I had freezes with Sounds of Skyrim, even with the patches the mod author recommended. Try disabling SoS.
  24. I've been using a few mods, that summon swords out of thin air and fire them, that involve complicated scripts The problem is I'm experiencing a huge delay in between the time I activate the spell and when the spell actually activates. I'm assuming it's because my system is taking a long time to read the spell script. Is this a problem related to the CPU or Hard drive? And would there be a way for me to optimize my system without having to get new components?
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