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Everything posted by SeraVerte

  1. Is there a way to modify a weapon so that it can only be used by certain npcs? Or does not allow other npcs to pick up said weapon? On a related note, is there a way to disallow a certain type of arrow to appear in an npc's inventory after it has struck them?
  2. I'm experiencing a problem where after a npc is hit by a spell that sends them flying (unrelenting force or a dragon landing (dragon combat overhaul)), the npc will stay suspended about a foot off the ground lying horizontally and face up. They are still alive and they still talk and blink, but it seems like they are stuck in that position until they are killed. Does anyone know what could be causing this problem?
  3. Could it possibly have something to do with detect life? Also, there's a console command that turns off AI detection. Would it be possible to modify that?
  4. I was trying to do a playthrough where the player character did zero fighting, instead I would bring along a small squad of followers to do all the combat. I made a spell in creation kit that makes me invisible, +100 stealth, and muffle. While it worked against typical bandits and guards, there were other npcs that would always be able to detect me. Is there something I'm missing to make my character fully undetectable?
  5. deleting the facetint folder under textures didn't work, all it did was make the entire face dark.
  6. The colour discrepancy also shows up in the creation kit. This is Jordis the Sword Maiden with vanilla hair.
  7. I'm having a problem where my characters are plagued by the "dark face bug" but only affects the top portion of the face. In game where there is a straight line between the top of an npc's head (slightly below the hairline) and the rest of their head. The upper part is always darker. Does anyone know how to fix this? I believe this may be related to the "dark face bug" but exporting face gen data didn't seem to fix it. I also tried changing face textures but that didn't help either. The issue plagues custom npcs and vanilla ones. Although it seems only females are affected. using console command "snpcw" makes the entire face darker but uniform in colour. SOLVED: set every interpolation value to 0. For some reason, lips were set to 0.37.
  8. Or would it be feasible to do something like the animated enchantment mod?
  9. You could make him immune to shock damage. Or just create another copy of the assassin.
  10. In the creation kit, you can edit shaders to affect only the skin. But is there a way to make it affect everything but the skin? (Like in the case of glowing armor). I have seen an in game bug where the disintegration effect plays and affects only the armor; I am trying to replicate this effect.
  11. Hi, Is anyone aware of a nif file with the Healing Altar that has the actor, sleeping on it, doing the animation of sleeping in a horizontal vampire coffin instead of the usual sleeping animation? If not, would anyone care to make me one?
  12. Not sure why I held off so long on getting life time premium, considering I use this site for multiple games, nearly every week. Thanks for maintaining such a great site.
  13. Interesting idea. Never thought I'd see the concept of lego robots in Skyrim, and the models look great. I wish your team success and good luck.
  14. Already uninstalled the mod. Using a save file that never saved, with the mod. In fact, started a new game and the problem persists. The Mod itself has only an esp and bsa. Already tried verifying the file integrity.
  15. I'm having problems with ranged kill cams, whenever one plays the camera is always focusing on my character rather than the spell/arrow/enemy. I noticed this started happening after installing a spinning arrow mod (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/29086/?). I'm not sure if this mod is directly involved but it was the only mod between encountering these problems. Also, other users also reported having similar problems as well; however, that mod didn't contain any scripts, only an esp and bsa file. Could anyone help me get to the bottom of this?
  16. 314.22, the latest one. Newest drivers are always the best, with some exceptions. And what do you mean not working?
  17. I still occasionally get this problem. Go to an isolated part of Solstheim where there isn't much around you and fast travel from there.
  18. to clarify these don't simply belong to the Harkon npc (4 versions, one normal and three in vampire lord form). The effects seem to be tied to the quest that involves killing Harkon.
  19. Is it possible, through the creation kit, to be able to set special death animations such as Harkon or Miraak's on an actor of your choosing?
  20. Looks like a distant star is about to go supernova.
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