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Everything posted by SeraVerte

  1. Recently, I've been experiencing occasional freeze ups when either my character or a dragon shouts. I believe the issue is connected to noise or sound, as the freezes always occur mid dragon shout(when the dragon causes it) or just as my character says the final word of a loud shout (I've experienced the freeze only with Fire Breath and Unrelenting Force), as the shock wave is projected. Here's the error report:
  2. I wanted to buff Odahviing so I created a new spell by duplicating voicedragonfire05 and renaming it to voicedragonfire06. I then increased the magnitude of the spell and made a new shout by duplicating dragonfirebreathshout05 and renamed it to dragonfirebreathshout06. Finally, I made it so the shout matched the spell and dragged the new shout into Odahviing's spell list. I then loaded up the game. The damage increase worked just as planned, except a bug arose. Whenever Odahviing shouts, there is no longer the distinct "Toor Shul" that usually goes along with his fire breath. Any ideas how to fix this?
  3. Removing the 3 levels of mage armor using console didn't work either, my armor just stays at 500
  4. Hi, I used sushisquid's Better Magic Mod, http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4374, and installed everything. One of the components of the mod was that it changed the mage armor perk so that it would add 150 armor if I was not wearing any type of armor. The mod has worked fine until today when I wanted to tweak the mod myself using Skyedit. I used skyrim.esm and better magic as the parent files and made some changes of my own. Then, after playing the game for awhile, I noticed I had an unusually high amount of armor, I checked my stats and I had 500 armor instead of the regular 200. (150 mage armor + 50 from lord stone) Turns out that on my active effects page, somehow mage armor has been applied three times. I tried disabling my custom mod then the Better Magic mod, but my armor remained at 500, so I assume it's a problem with my character. I know I can use the console command "force AV" but then my armor takes a 450point drop when i equip armor, which is irritating. Long story short, is there a way to remove active effects?
  5. My character is having an odd problem with her jump animation. I'm using the Pretty Woman BBB Mod, and the jump is replaced with a flip. Standing still, it is fine, it always works. Walking jumps as well as sneak jumps are fine too. But I have this odd problem where if I'm running and press the jump key, my character will move up in elevation but the animation is sometimes delayed for a few seconds. It looks like I'm running in the air for about a second until it finally shows the flip animation. I've played with this mod, among others, fine for about 5 months. Until I finally stopped playing Oblivion for Skyrim. After returning to Oblivion, I installed numerous additional mods and fixes, and this problem arose. Could this be a bad script/missing file? Thanks for the help.
  6. I followed the tutorial on the CS site (http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/Scripting_Tutorial:_Summoned_Creatures) to make a custom summon npc spell (I just changed it from creature) the spell works fine, except for when the timer runs out, my npc doesn't slowly fall over, die, and fade away; it just simply disappears. It's odd because if it is killed in battle, it would properly fade away. Not sure what I'm missing but how do I make my npc fade away properly when the timer runs out?
  7. Is there a script or command that makes an actor never sheath his/her weapon? I gave my followers lightsabers but the script that makes the lightsabers turn into lightsaber hilts only applies to my character, and it looks ugly when part of the saber clips their armor/body. So I'd like to simply add a script to them that makes them never sheath their weapons, is there a way?
  8. Also, are there any other mods that add a special death animation like StarX's Vampire Deaths? And is there a way to script a npc to unequip or drop all weapons/clothes upon death? (npcs drop their swords and shield sometimes, so I'm wondering if there's a way they could basically "strip" themselves.)
  9. The battle between two forts sound interesting but how does the mod author make only certain npcs respawn faster?
  10. Having a castle full of guards is fun and all, but it seems like a shame if they can never be put to the test. Are there any mods where an opposing faction or army would invade invade the castle of your choice? If not, how would I go about making this on CS. Also, what would be the ideal location to stage a large scale army of 20 vs 20 or so battle?
  11. So I was experiencing the bug where the weather would change every few seconds. I used Ryu Doppler's Simplified HDR fix and that solved the fast weather problem...but it also seemed to have completely removed the weather types installed by natural weather. Is there a way to fix the fast weather bug without removing natural weather? I like the "cosmic-like" nights and unique day time weather.
  12. I don't want to jynx it, but my Oblivion has been running for a day w/o any crashes, I think the problem has been fixed, thanks to everyone who helped.
  13. After turning off autosave, I havn't experienced any appcrashes. I'm still getting Bex errors though. And I've only gotten bex errors after recently installing the klite codec pack. Could that be the cause of those problems? I've already put Oblivion.exe under exceptions for data execution prevention.
  14. My Stutter Remover is version 4.1. And should I have master/bReplaceHeap on or off?
  15. Alright, thanks I'll try getting rid of autosave and see if the problems continue.
  16. No, autosave is enabled...should I disable b/c I have streamline?
  17. the only things in OBSE are: fastexit2.dll OBGEv2.dll Obse_Elys_uncapper.dll Obse_Elys_uncapper (config) open_cities.dll sr_Oblivion_stutter_remover.dll sr_Oblivion_stutter_remover (text doc) sr_Oblivion_stutter_remover (config) weOCPS.dll And in Component DLLs: BorlndMM.dll debugMM.dll And the app crash errors usually don't (usually but not always) occur until at least 30 minutes or so of playing. The odds of crashing seem to increase thereafter.
  18. Enough is enough, I've persisted through playing Oblivion for the past few months or so with a CTD every hour or so, but I think it's time I draw the line and find a solution. The Oblivion.exe appcrashes usually occur when I wait/sleep or move into a new cell. Bex errors i didn't get until recently (after installing the klite codec pack and now even construction set is acting wierd). I have already gone to computer, performance, execution prevention and put Oblivion on the list...made no difference. Mod List: dxdiag: App crash report Bex error report: I offer my eternal gratitude to whomever solves this problem.
  19. looking at the list there are close to 50 things that the klite pack installed, how do I know what to disable (the freeze happens after a fair amount of playing time too) Oddly enough, the freeze only started to happen when I decided to try playing on window mode. But freezes also continued after i switched back.
  20. and mp3 files are already associated with windows media.
  21. It's a common glitch, the one where after awhile the mouse and keyboard become unresponsive and you have to exit Oblivion. I had it on my older system and getting the Klite full codec pack seems to have solved the problem. I've played for 3 months on my new system without ever experiencing the mouse/keyboard freeze, so when I finally experienced it today, I got the klite full codec pack again, except this time, the problems persist and I'm still getting problems. What should I do?
  22. Ok, so I used the esp mastering method and it worked out fine. The problem is, the esp which i switched is xeo.esp (which must always be loaded last in the load order or some NPCs have wierd eyes.)
  23. the CS extender doesn't seem to be working for my steam version
  24. say I want to create a character using the Construction Set but want it to wear a costume from another mod made by someone else. (permission given) When I loaded construction set I checked Oblivion.esm and the esp file of where the costume came from. I created my character and saw it in the preview screen with the costume on it. I save the file and add it to my load order, but I can never get it to work. For some reason, I can only get mods to work that only use Oblivion.esm. I can't get any of my own made mods that rely on other esp files to work. Any tips? On a related note, I was also trying to change the hair of NPCs in mod "A" using meshes from mod "B." but somehow, the npcs always show up with the default blindfolded hair. Any help with this would be appreciated too, thanks.
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