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Everything posted by TeamBacon

  1. Adjust your TV/Monitor then... The pale skin is plenty pale in my game. My character is definitely more pale than the Princess Leia you want to make. I also used some of the nice features like 'sunburn' and 'red nose' subtly to actually give a realistic feel to the pale skin. It turned out better than any character generator I have used in the past.
  2. I wonder why no one has made a 'stickied' thread explaining to people that we are really just in 'pre-modding' phase and that most of the real modding won't start till the tools are available... Anyways, part of being a mod artist or any other kind of artist in the real world is accepting that ideas are a dime a dozen and that there is always someone out there with the same idea. It is implementation of an idea that gives it any sort of value at all. Pretty much everyone out there has enough ideas that they do not have any interest in stealing yours. You act like we are a bunch of criminals looking to steal your wallet when you aren't looking...
  3. That's what I planned on doing. I'm just trying to pass on a little knowledge from my experience putting together my team. People want to see content, and proof of your commitment before they join you. I don't say this to judge this mod idea, but I say this because I have gone through the process you are going through and can maybe help make the things I learned the hard way a bit easier for you. I am willing to show you what I did that worked if you are really serious about putting together a detailed design document. I truly want to help people succeed, because I love playing quest mods.
  4. I want to help out my fellow modders as much as possible, but I don't want to build a mod for someone. It has to be a collaborative effort, and not a 'director' doing 1% of the work and having his team do 25% of the work and then the other 74% not ever getting done. I'm giving him the chance to inspire me to join, I will not make a snap judgment right now since it is still really early. I'm just saying I expect more to be done if you want to convince me.
  5. It is writing every last piece of dialogue to make the story actually come alive that takes a long time. Writing a storyline is quick in comparison.
  6. The next step would be to sit back and wait for the GECK. You might want to write all your dialogue while you are waiting.
  7. Also note that the plugins might not work with the program of your choice. Last I read the Nif scrips stop at MAX 2012, and I haven't kept up with Blender but fingers crossed they won't make us wait for years again like what happened to Skyrim. Unless you don't mind using a Blender version from the stone age. But yeah I should follow your example and start making stuff anyway if I could only pry myself away from the darn game ... You just make stuff in a real program, and then transfer the file over to Blender. It is one more step in the conversion process, but it beats using an antiquated version of Blender.
  8. Sounds more like a wish list than a plan to me. Have you actually been writing the dialogue at least? I am a 3d modeler who is willing to share the stuff I make once the Nifskope beta is released, but you have to show me you are serious about the work.
  9. Well, historically speaking, I don't think any mod has ever been made that is even 1/4th the size of this. It is debatable whether Fallout 4 has a bigger modding community than Skyrim, but it is definitely not a big enough jump to be able to tackle a project of this size. My friendly advice is to make something smaller that is actually possible to finish, because I would like to play your mod.
  10. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3530515-tuthow-to-divideremove-components-from-modelstextures/
  11. Deathclaw scare me enough as is... I don't think they need to be faster... I only have 2 endurance even though I am on level 52... They can easily kill me in one swipe of their claw.
  12. I am strongly considering making the Fallout 3 Enclave armor and the Tesla variant. But it would all have to be made from scratch on an existing power armor frame. Even if it was legal to port it over, it would only function as an outfit and not a real power armor, because it is all built as one piece in Fallout 3. It would end up looking like a guy cosplaying power armor.
  13. My favorite outfit for my female player character is the clean black suit...
  14. I didn't exactly mean proofreading of this particular post... but thank you I guess...
  15. There are also the authors the critics are critiquing...
  16. You are forgetting the power aspect of power armor... It is bulky because their are engines underneath those plates, power armor isn't just simple plate armor.
  17. Sounds like a fun idea. I don't exactly have a lot of time on my hands at the moment, with about 10 things I need to get finished for my mod, but if you can't figure out the whole texture thing feel free to contact me. Just don't expect it to be overly fast.
  18. If you can create a mod that makes mod requests disappear, you will be my hero forever!
  19. It is posts like this that make me ashamed to call myself a modder...
  20. I want the ability to wear both a left and right eye patch at the same time.
  21. I personally love the system they use in Fallout 4 for the dialogue, though I have so many ideas running through my head on how I can implement it in a better way. It just seems like a solid base that wasn't ever pushed past level one. I want to add interrupt features where you can use your intelligence to stop someone mid sentence and correct their false logic. I want to add features where you can subtly signal your companion to take up a tactical position when you see a conversation is going south, and then maybe using charisma to distract the enemy while your companion gets into place. But I also want to have instances when it is a bad idea to use a speech check. I don't like that you pretty much don't have to think when you see a check come onto the screen, because you know that is the best possible options. I want there to be instances where the player chooses to use a 'SPECIAL' check at the wrong time and it has negative consequences. Though, I guess I should put the disclaimer that I am more of a Bioware/Mass Effect fan than I am of either Bethesda or Black Isles/Obsidian. Any step the franchise takes away from Fallout 1 and 2 and toward more of a Mass Effect 2 and 3 look is progress in my personal opinion. So hate me if you must. But anyways, this is all far beyond the scope of an overhaul mod, and I agree that it isn't something I would like to see changed in the vanilla game. Just figured I would respond by letting you know that I liked you initial idea and that it has helped me think of some new stuff to add to the way I write dialogue inside my mod. But, I will shut up now since I am getting off topic. Thanks for helping me with my mod.
  22. That... doesn't feel like the right definition of agility to me. Agility is sense of balance, coordination, manual dexterity. It's purely physical. Dumb-as-bricks professional footballers have buckets of agility and endurance, but intellect was clearly their dump-stat. What you've described is intelligence. Climbing a rock-face would be Agility and Strength. Agility would define your flexibility - the range of weird poses you can pull to reach hand-holds, and how well you hold onto those hand-holds. Strength is what is needed to actually lift yourself using those holds, and carry a backpack with food and water. People could be thick as porridge and think like a slug, but still have high Agility. They're really, REALLY good at the fine stuff they do... they just can't really learn or improvise. You do have a point, though I think you might be going to the opposite extreme as what I was saying. I should not reward players with high perception and agility if they are below a certain level of intelligence. So I think I should have the check be more along the lines of 'If Intelligence is greater than 5 and Agility is greater than 6' or 'If Charisma is greater than 4 and Perception is greater than 7'. Having every 'SPECIAL' check capped by a certain value of either Charisma or Intelligence totally makes sense to me. Don't want to reward players for making dumb characters, do we? They get their rewards when it comes to combat, not dialogue. But I still think that agility has to do with more than just physical quickness, and that there is a difference between someone who is smart and someone who is both smart and fast. If someone has a smart character who is also a quick ninja, why shouldn't I reward them from time to time for their quickness. I personally think endurance is the only SPECIAL trait worth throwing out of dialogue checks. I only use things like Strength for when the character needs to free an npc from below a heavy pile a rubble. I guess I could use a combination of strength with a charisma cap to allow them to convince someone they are strong enough to protect them and keep them safe. I will have to play with that idea a bit in my writing.
  23. I'm not talking about that. What about animations? Some suits will properly make some animations look odd, yes? Mods? And don't forget pain jobs, you need to make them for the armor. I doubt any of that will be an issue as long as the modeler stays withing the confines of the original collision boxes for each piece. It looks to me like each modular piece is just assigned a location on top of the frame, and the frame is actually what animates. Proof of this being that the frame without any armor is still fully animated. As far as paint jobs, if you want to make a different texture for 'titanium' plating as opposed to 'military paint'... well... there is a button in Photoshop for that, takes 15 to 20 seconds maybe, a few minutes if you are really a stickler for tweaking the values. But, like I said, all speculation until I get my hands on this stuff to start making my own. But from what I have seen so far, it seems easier than trying to skin the entire power armor as one mesh like in New Vegas or Fallout 3.
  24. Actually, pretty much nothing in the video is part of the vanilla game. I am assuming most of those battles were spawned from console commands and the like. But nothing in that is the actual plot of Fallout 4. I think he did a good job of capturing the mood but not actually doing anything to spoil the vanilla game.
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