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Status Updates posted by Jleone

  1. what was your favorite gift this year? :) mine was being with my family
    1. Druuler


      I cannot say I had a favourite gift, as I do not celebrate any of the holidays at this time of year. I did spend the Christmas weekend with my Dad. He now lives quite a distance from me, so I try to spend most holidays/long weekends with him.
    2. Jleone


      thats quite nice :)
  2. So tell me people :), Whats your favorite mod, real or in your mind :) Peronally mine is the Fallout 4 mod to up your size limit absolute life saver. If you like you can PM me a question and it may be the next one i do. Bye for now my lovlies <3
    1. VisseNekku5746


      I haven't got the game yet, but the first mod I'll get is the one that changes the dialogue system. :)


  3. Let's kick off my Return with another stupid question xD Whats your Favorite thing about Fallout 4?
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Deleted54170User


      Welcome back! I see you were Peeking. I was wondering about restoring Sanctuary too. I found a complete set of T-60 Power Armor. I wondered why I kept finding dead raiders and scavvers in a building. Then I got to the top floor and found out why they all were there. All the exploring while I was on a quest to find a mans sister to get her back home.
    3. Deleted54170User


      It's the exploring I get a kick out of.
    4. Jleone


      that's awesome :) exploring is very very fun but I wish more places had character. I realise it would have stumpt the release by a fair bit and add too much lore, but this is what the nexus is for xD bringing everything you ever need.
  4. <3
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Jleone


      Doubtful but ill try. currently working 16+ hour shifts
    3. Druuler


      O.O Holy cow!!! I hope you remember to "come up for air" once in a while! The government must just love you at this point as well. o.O Be safe and be well! *hugs*
    4. Jleone


      its for my customers haha i dont care about taxes and all that nonesense. My regulars are my priorities
  5. i must say Fallout 4 is impressive. Keep meaning to visit the nexus but now theres NMM FO4 Compatability guess ill be annoying people with feed again xD
  6. hi everyone :D
    1. VisseNekku5746


      Hello again :D It's been a while.

      Are you here to stay?

    2. Deleted54170User
    3. Jleone


      as much as I can yes :)
  7. sorry i havnt been active, been going through a real lot and i cant cope with it on myself
  8. stay blonde and pink or go full pink?????
    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. VisseNekku5746


      ^ Coming from 2cooldays, how could someone disagree?


      Btw Paga, that is a great quote!

    3. Deleted54170User


      @5746 Wow! Give thanks to Tim Burton! I picked it up again when I found it at Ithildin profile too.
    4. Deleted54170User


      I just figured out that blonds have it so much easier to change hair color. They don't have to bleach their old color out first. :- D How you doing Jleone? Long time, no peek!
  9. might change hair colour i dont know :/
    1. Flintlockecole


      Flip a Coin. For better or worse.
    2. Deleted54170User


      I can't imagine what you want, but I can imagine what I want. I want to get to know the real you first so then I can fathom the interesting ways of what you choose to become. ;- )

      O.O I am going to go play a video game if I don't run out of time before bedtime looking in to see whose birthday it is today. (*-*)

      Can I visit the real you in my dreams if I don't make it through the day before I fall asleep again? Hmm?

    3. LostCelestialGod


      God that comment ^ was very.. creepy indeed...
  10. when your sister see's your upset slaps down the stero and puts our song on and does the dance :') never laughed so muched in my life haha, gotta share it with you beautiful people
    1. Deleted54170User


      Ah! Thanks for the wonderful thought. Someone caring has you in their space, thank goodness for goodness from the human race. :- )
  11. i knew this was going to happen! :'( my life is over, you will forever be in my heart a never dying flame, ill always look up to you and follow all the advice my big brother gave me :'( you will never be forgotten, may you rest in peace :'(
    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. ssanderson12345


      Sorry Jessie :( I...know how you feel...stay strong for me and everyone else yes? Don't do anything stupid like me..
    3. AliasTheory


      Sorry to hear that. You have my apologies.
    4. Jleone


      ill get over it in time but for now i not be online as much but can i ask you to set off any firework in your choice in memory of my brother, thankyou all
  12. minecraft charactor dooone :D
  13. the morning after halloween hmmm its quiet
    1. Deleted54170User


      *O^O* Some spirited verses lay in wait here and on a page there before. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/295793-day-dreams-of-a-spaced-out-old-man/page__st__120 I hope your Samhain celebrations were fun, and a Happy Halloween if you and yours celebrate it for the very young.
  14. i just want you to say one word!!!!:(((
  15. massive hangover :(
    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. VisseNekku5746


      So, is your hangover over yet? Or did you follow Flint's advice with a bit too much gusto? :)
    3. SilverDNA


      In my language we call it also a" tomcat" (Translated into English) XD
    4. Jleone


      yes i took the advice and carried on drinking haha its not like im needed at work :p itll be fiiiine hehe
  16. So im having a halloween party but i have no costume :( any ideas? :3
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Deleted54170User


      Dorothy from the wizard of Oz
    3. Jleone


      how did you know i went as dorothy haha
    4. Deleted54170User


      Ha Ha I have the mask of the scarecrow without a brain, mask ready to surprise anyone who comes to my house to Trick or Treat. If isn't real cold I am going to be standingg in the front yard until nine to suprise them and hand out candy. That's what the trick part of Halloween is! Then we're supposed to hand out the candy after we scare them back to Kansas.
  17. feels good to be back :)
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jleone


      its a long story haha
    3. VisseNekku5746


      Is there any other kind? x)

      Well I bet it was just a "misunderstanding"

    4. Druuler


      Welcome back! :)
  18. why is minecraft so addicting :(
    1. gameguru02
    2. brokenergy


      You can use your IMAGINATION *cue rainbows and sunshine*
  19. OMG DOOM 3 BFG, why is so many scary games coming outtt!!! :( i have to play them and im soo jumpy, i dont think ill recover from amnesia haha
    1. frakle


      Doom? scary? what?
    2. Jleone


      i find everything scary haha
    3. XxLunaMothxX


      nnnnnngh look! killer knomes!


  20. hehehe if u read my status updates ull know my current affairs
  21. i have a new picture but i dont wanna put it on haha its a bit flashy
    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. SilverDNA


      ... so you might heed my critics or not or ask us with a selection of colours you find fitting.
    3. Deleted54170User


      I have a new picture too. But it isn't going to be displayed on account of that Miss B. Havior is not allowed on this web site.
    4. Jleone


      @Mythincdawmaster you have an eyebrow fetish :L

      @SilverDNA i have no idea what youve said haha too many big words

      @pagafyr NAUGHTYY :O ;)

  22. for my hair should i go full on pink, full on blonde or red :)
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Druuler


      Brighter? o.O Well, that should be interesting. I await the "new you" :)
    3. SilverDNA


      Depends on the red you are about to uses the pink and blond does look well but as long as I have not any idea of the red in question I would say (pink) and it helps if you are making squeezing noises and hinder someone brainy on overtaking the world ;-)
    4. Druuler
  23. my birthday soonish :DDD!!!!!!!!!!
    1. Alkser


      December 25th is soon? xD
    2. Jleone


      soonish :P
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