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Status Updates posted by Jleone

  1. welcome to the nexus ;)<3
  2. i dnt have to work ;) haha
  3. OMG ive never been so angry in my life :@:@:@:@:@ hes going down into the ground !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Aenya


      Oh, right! Anything delicious hidden in there today?
    3. Druuler


      *steps in front of fridge* Err, no, nothing at all. Just my collection of S.T.A.R.S. ;)
    4. Jleone


      im better when im angryer ahaa, furiocity releases the dark soul whithin
  4. right people question of the day time, you have been asked to come up with ideas to put in the new fallout, what ideas would you put in?<3
    1. frakle


      i'd like to see more of a realistic combat system than magic targeter thingy (vats) gogogo, and oh I just shot that raider in the face with a sniper. he grabbed his head like he has a migraine im so boss!!!! I'd really like to see his head pop like a water balloon instead, you know simple touches like that
  5. might be having my braces took out soon :) <3
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jleone


      i quite like them tbh :) had them in for ages and there a part of me now <3
    3. Druuler


      I suddenly see Jleone sitting in the chair having the braces removed, and they start screaming "No! Don't make us go! We love her! Ahhhhh!" XD
    4. Jleone


      urghh i hate the dentist, only reason i have these braces is cos i got into a fight xD but i love the braces, got my two fav colours on them :) <3
  6. so your fallout nv life is your own but you can get killed in one shot so its more realistic, what would you do to survive?
    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Jleone


      @Druuler S.T.A.R.S hehehe <3
    3. Druuler


      That isn't going to get old any time soon, is it? Lol!
    4. Jleone
  7. might be interested ;)
  8. STARS....that is all <3
  9. @Druuler sorry but i have a passion for anything to do with resident evil ;) and frakle- yaay cookie i accept
  10. so people what part of newv vegas would you go if the strip was completley destroyed along with all your possesions?
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Jleone


      but plan B is to takeover the khans and terrorise the mojavie ;) depends how i feel hehe <3
    3. frakle


      Taking over the khans would be fun


      but I would stop the drug trade


      Because drugs are bad, mmkay

    4. Jleone


      ive decided to take over the khans and rule the mojavie :') ide make everyone fear me and keep the drug trade ;) girls gotta make her money
  11. new picture :) like it or die xD i hate photos so be honest, btw this was took right before a dance ;) keep/delete ppl?
    1. AurianaValoria1


      I'd say it's a keeper. :)
    2. Jleone


      thankyouuu :)<3<3
    3. Jleone


      i dont like it at all but i dont like any so i chose this one :')<3<3
  12. tried an impossible dance move today and broke my wrist -.- what joy
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. VisseNekku5746


      Damn, that's no bliss. I hope it ain't too bad, cause if so, it will be better than it used to once it heals
    3. Flintlockecole


      Least it isn't the knees or ankles. Bad knees suck.
    4. Jleone


      its incredibly painfull but i have loads of giggs booked so i put up with it and dance on :) cant let my crew and fans down
  13. ooooo me like cake xD especially anything from china, you have so much flavours and spices :)
  14. not the type of words for a 5 year realationship :L but thankyou<3
  15. just been dumped by my boyfriend :( how great do i feel :'(
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jleone


      not really i was with him for bout 5 years
    3. RubikNight


      I won't asked why or how but only good luck and play some video games, it helps...at least it did for me
    4. XxLunaMothxX
  16. reply to my message we need a catch up :) <3<3
  17. @everyone else thankyou all for the happy christmas/new years/and weirdly thanksgiving xD your all awesome and should have a medal js read my status if uve wondered where ive been much love <3<3
  18. heey im back sorry for being gone so long ive been on a world tour with my street dancing winning competitions and such hehe ill be more online now tht im back <3<3
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Jleone


      ive been around the world :) and now im a proffesional dancer :D best place has gotta be tokyo everyone is so friendly
    3. Deleted54170User


      How about that. Tokyo? Did you take in the sights touring their fine city? Professional? Can I have your autograph? :- )
    4. Jleone


      depemds where you live ill try to get a dance battle on, depends if you have a big hall or a arena <3
  19. @ahrimangame resident evil 5 has huuuuge mutated zombies an izz really scary and btw resident evil 6 is coming out in november
  20. sorry i didnt come back on last night its because we came first and we had a party to celebrate :) and i just got rid of my hangover hehe :)
    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. wesmoore35


      Thanks for da add
    3. Deleted54170User


      Hey! Where are you?! It's so lonely on your Profile Page. :- ( Pagafyr barely has gotten to know you... gaah!

      :- )

      Only 2 week's, "2 week's, 2 WEEK'S. y...agh?!" Leader, "It's him! Get him!" Goon, "Where?!" Leader, "The Fat woman! Over there! Can't you see him?! Don't you have Total Recall?" Skyrim will be here in 2 weeks... Woo Hoo!


    4. Jleone


      guess whos back ;)
  21. got my outfit on and where on in about an hour :) wish me luck ill be on nexus tonight to chat byee
  22. dance finals tumoro and im so tired :( ive rehearsed since 5 this morning untill about an hour ago :(
    1. VisseNekku5746


      What kind of dance are we talking about? There are quite a few options :)
    2. Jleone


      street dancing :)
    3. VisseNekku5746


      Ah, OK. I'm very unfamiliar with that :) But dancing is dancing
  23. i dont know what ill do if i loose him :'(!!!!
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jleone


      hes my uncle -.-
    3. Deleted54170User


      Oh! I see what frakle is saying. Read this: Why is he loose? Don't you keep a tight leash on him? Try not to lose him for now. :- )


      So, don't loosen him or tighten him. Just make sure he gets a good balance of the food triangle and he should live well enough while you are around. Someone may arrive to take you away so he will have to fend for himself on a couple of days a week.

    4. Jleone


      he's in hospital and the only family i have left exept for my sister
  24. my birthday is 3 months today :)!!!!
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Deleted54170User


      *O^O* *Looking around with binocular's that look like an owl flying upside down.* Hmm? Less then two month's to go. Your a Xmas Child. I had an acquaintance who hated that they were born than because they got all the Xmas present's at the same time as their Birthday present's. While everyone else he knew got present's 2 time's a year. lol
    3. Jleone


      yeah i dont get many presants at all only from friends cos i only have my uncle :(
    4. Deleted54170User


      Well keep hanging around here and we'll be more present's then you can shake a stick giving you cheer and bolstering your ego, and some time's not so good stuff, cause we're human, but you will get those annoying stuff as well as the good stuff, from us all, all year round. XD
  25. sorry ive been gone a while people work has been dragging and ive been none stop partying when ive finished haha i get back and im too drunk to type my username
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