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Status Updates posted by Jleone

  1. heres a new one ill let YOU ask me a question, everyone gets only 1 question time starts now ;) leave your daft/serious questions belooow <3
    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. VisseNekku5746


      @Jess I've got two more of those for the whole set :]

      All of them are pretty darn freaky, and the "correct" answers are even worse.


      Alright, a simple one.

      Lake or sea?

    3. Deleted54170User


      Ah once again the children weep for the rules they give us to keep someone comes that thinks they are the difference which allows them to think they are an exception to the rule and make another quest and that rule they break. I asked no question for the signs were all clear, to my one question was to too much and not enough either. I found another building to set up my laboratory in their basement. They are the kindest of all the mad Scientist I have met yet. They are attracted and buyin...
    4. Deleted54170User


      ...g so many of the equipment I need. They have hundreds of Alembic's, Mortar's and Pestle's, etc. and an electronic Microscope that can see into a molecule. O.O Now I can visit friends without having to shrink myself.
  2. hmm i see your a modder, im looking to make my charactor actually look like me, could u help with that?:)<3
  3. yes this is recent :) thanks for all the compliements haha everyone loves my hair for some reason :) <3
  4. oh jesus too many notifications haha
  5. poke in eye* nipple twist* pinch* ;) itis on
  6. the sky is up muahaha only joking im good thankyou and thankyou <3 how are you?
  7. hi everyone thankyou for taking the time to review my profile :) reccomend me to you friends please :) i will be starting my fallout questions again so get commenting !!! have a nice day/night <3
  8. thankyou for the compliments <3 thinking about dying it to black again soon
  9. helloooo first comment yay
  10. poke poke poke :D <3
  11. ill do this one a day early, FO3 setting, your the new head of security in rivet city, you step up the guards and firepower but you heard a rumour of all raiders joining together to create their city in yours, whats you stratergy? leave your creative answers below :) goodluck
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Jleone


      @5746 congrats you survived :) your turrets brought down the first 3 waves and scared away the raiders

      @humannatre66 you unfortunatley died, the raiders used coverage and grenades to destroy the turrets and they shot you there and then, the worst part is they cant fit in the skinny wear :O noes

      @frakle you definatley survived, chuck norris sneezed and killed every hostile man/monster in the D.C area and now its safe to walk the streets

    3. VisseNekku5746


      Hellz yeah

      @frakle *high five*

    4. frakle


      The power of Chuck never fails!!
  12. back with the questions of the week ahaa so tell me people if you was in a zombie apocolipse based in fallout new vegas, what would u do and where?:) leave your creative answers bellow
    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Jleone


      ok results time: @parajavik your successfully rocketed to the moon, you slowly died of starvation and insanity of being alone and shot yourself,

      @Naktis while you was curled up you got eated alive :L

      @raorpony your plan is good but flawed you were eaten during the random jobs eventhough jacobstown was nothing but rubble after the nightkin zombies took it down

      @flintlockecole you successfully sneaked by hordes of zombies but you was seen, all the infected in the area drove its...

    3. Jleone


      attention towarads you and you was killed

      @5746 your plan worked you have defences underground and the radio broadcast brought in plenty of survivours, your underground civilisation was fullproof and virtually inderstructable while you restart the civilisation underground while the surface was unsurvivable

    4. VisseNekku5746


      Yay! :D Too bad for everyone else though. I wish I could do something for you guys.. I'll name some of my children after you. Eventually they'll probably kill me as a tyrant, and be considered as heroes. Be proud of your namesake!
  13. thanks for the comment kinda <3
  14. guess whos back ;)
    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. VisseNekku5746


      Handle with caution and reason, as with everything.
    3. Flintlockecole


      Indeed chap, although you can never have enough alkoholi, so many uses for it.
    4. VisseNekku5746


      That's where the sugar and yeast comes in. Of course, some idiot could always go and screw it up for all of us. Nobody likes that. Though idiots are idiots, no changing that.
  15. pagafyr will u marry me xD
  16. updated picture change time, not sure about the red hair tho, comments?
    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Druuler


      So you're saying that you are "Back in Black"?
    3. vvk78


      She's saying that her hair is mutating.


      It is getting possessed with that black alien Venom thingy, and soon she'll be having hair like Medusa (all creepy-crawly, multi-colored snake tentacles instead of hair strands).


      Isn't that right, Jleone?


      Is that the secret recipe you are trying to get those killer looks?

    4. Jleone


      its blonde and pink now haha


  17. @frakle gimme a link noww!!!!1 xD
  18. anybody play runescape?:) i find it quite addicting
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. frakle


      I used to, years ago. I think I got to level 30, and that marketplace thing got put in, and a month later I just got bored and stopped playing.
    3. XxLunaMothxX


      I tried to but couldn't do anything and quit in an hour.
    4. Khylian


      I may try it sometime....Too busy with all the Dragons around.
  19. on steam was JessicaLeonexx but my uncle has the account now
  20. youve been asked to make a gun, so tell me what would u make it like? would u invent new bullets or go for classics with your on mods?
    1. Jleone
    2. frakle


      I don't know. I like the guns the world has well enough, but if I had to create one, I'd base it off the MP5 with the a4 stock, and I'd have it shoot 7.62s.
  21. youve been stranded in the mojavie miles from civilisation or any signs of human life, you only have 100 ammo and 5 supplies, whats the 5 items you would have and what would u do?:)<3
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Flintlockecole


      1. Plymouth Gin

      2. Sailor Jerry's Spiced Rum

      3. My Survival Kit.

      4. My Fatigues.

      5. Lee-Enfield Mk 3 with the Long Range Volley Sights.

    3. Nadin


      1. Insulin

      2. Car

      3. Gasoline

      4. Oil

      5. Led Zep CD

    4. vvk78


      1. My starship cruiser hovering above the planet.

      2. My porta communicator, which is broken (hence I am stranded).

      3. Kirk (or better still, Picard) at the bridge's helm on the starship, resolving a crisis to save Earth.

      4. Scotty and Bones trying to locate me, and protecting the starship from the aliens.

      5. Uhura, Sulu and crew doing what they do best.


      I am down here in Mojave desert to find and turn on the Fifth Element.


      My name is Spock.

  22. @tokyobleach thankyouuu :) only picture where im not a mess ahaa
  23. nope :) i win dance battles and get money for it :D about $1000+ each win, depends on the stakes and bets
  24. nice to know who you would choose to pick for 2 people but before you was informed before the bombs fell and you had to come up with a team to restore order to the mojavie after the bombs fell, you can have a maximum of 5 meembers and you gota say their specialty an why :) go!<3
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. frakle


      Over 1000 miles under the earth the temperature is 6550 or so degrees Fahrenheit.


      I'm really shooting you down here aren't I :p

    3. Jleone
    4. Xahstur


      frakle@ Accually its around 3500,the core is 7000 degress :D presure around 300 Gpa. :P
  25. so tell me people if you could have anyone by your side from the nexus forums to battle with you in a real life fallout 3/nv who would it be? and once u have chosen you cannot change o:) so whos your apocoliptic bezzie?
    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Druuler


      So you're saying we should make sure that we have been working out/training before the bombs fall and we all try picking you for our team? Not a bad idea, even without the bombs ;)
    3. Flintlockecole


      Somewhat, being pure muscle is bad because when the food become scarce the muscle is eaten, always good to have a real slight gut.
    4. Druuler


      That makes sense. Unfortunately, all I seem to be good for on the long haul is zombie bait. Age and permanent injuries seem to be double-teaming me right now. But hey, leave me with a few frag grenades and I'll take as many of them with me as I can.
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