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Posts posted by x722ism

  1. Here

    Please come by my youtube channel and subscribe.

    As i have many skyrim videos for you guys up there and there are more on the way. :D

    My intention isn't to be rude, but just direct... you most likely don't have any "new" good info on there that we don't already find on the forums, and also you're whoring your youtube channel...and you thought it was cool to make a new thread about this? :/ Maybe it's just too late and I need to sleep, but I'm a little annoyed by your asking for subscriptions and views.

    Maybe it was a little too late, that was a little too harsh, mate. But I do have a YouTube channel and would love people to see it, but I DO NOT go on game forums and post stuff about my channel, telling people to check it out.

  2. When i normally pre-order games of the internet they normally come the day before the game is actually released, so hope that this happens with Skyrim i no its only a day but it makes a difference to me :P.


    Does this normally happen when other people pre-order over the internet?

    I pre-orderd CE off of GameStop, but when I pre-orderd Portal 2 it came 5 days before release date! I sure hope that happens with Skyrim! XD

  3. That's why I am glad they aren't done yet, they still got some issues to fix. Like I saw a picture of somebody in-game holding a battle axe and his hand goes through the handle. I'm sure all those little problems will be fixed by the time it releases. (:
  4. Nord- Dual wielding sword based warrior.

    Khajjit- Dual wielding dagger based assassin.

    Breton-Dual wielding spells or spellsword mage.

    Very much so, mate (: In Morrowind I didn't mind but in Oblivion I really would have wanted too. I read though that using the shield and bashing foes off of like a mountain is pretty fun, so I'll have a light fur shield for that. I could spend hours doing that XD

  5. I'm a huge fan and I always got the CE. I think it IS worth it if you're as big as a fan as I am. The Alduin statue will look great by my bed. The Art book will be great to look at when you're not playing. I'm VERY interesting in the Making of Skyrim. And I do wanna support my favorite game company. Besides it's not my money that's buying it, it's me mums. I also had my dad by my the offical game guide. Not that I like to cheat but simply because I like to read whats in it. :thumbsup:
  6. My character, Juryk Valyndorf, was born in Windhelm, Skyrim. Him and some childhood friends started a little adventurer 'gang' so-to-speak. And they would go around and explore dungeons and caves and all sorts of places and get all the loot and treasure they could and make fortouns (misspelled.). Well one day they heard of an ancient Nordic gravesite with a magical staff call the Curl of Burls. It was heard to be priceless. So they went to this gravesite and started to look around. Well sure enough it was controlled by some Imperial Legion. They didn't know why the Legion had set up a site there but they came to get their staff. So going in and killing all the Legion is what they did. For they all really didn't like the Legion anyway, they didn't care. Eventually more came and killed all but Juryk. And thats how he ends up in prison.

    I know it might not be good, I came up with it on the spot. Besides my name. :biggrin:

  7. I probably will roam around the forest in search of a pack of wolves and look for a bandit. Then walk to the nearest cave or dungeon and explore that picking everything I find up. Then head the the nearest town and sell all my loot. Then settle down in the local tavern and drink mead and listen to the bard while chatting with the locales about rumors. Ahhh sounds nice (:
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