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Posts posted by x722ism

  1. Well I really hope they do decide to put lycanthropy in there. I wouldn't mind being either one vamp or wolf, but it's so fun to be werewolf ;)


    I wonder if they'l let us know before Skyrim's release....Anticipation, my worst enemy.

    Being a werewolf is so much more fun than being a vampire, you don't have as much downfalls such as sun damage.

  2. Thank you Dave for giving us some insight on your experience with Skyrim! ;)


    Just reading what you wrote I am more impatient than ever, ugh darn it! 8 more weeks and I say weeks b/c it sounds shorter than saying 2 months :/

    Indeed it does. Although school, for me, makes the day go by.


    Yup same here, but still the whole time during class I think about it haha. Not so great when you're about to burn magnesium and realize you're looking straight at it when it's too late.... :wallbash:

    I know what you mean, thinking about it in school makes it go by EVEN slower. Hell, I've been writing short stories about my character that I always play with.

  3. I'd like to see all of the NV DLC on 1 disc, but if they put all the DLC on another disc, that's fine with me. I actually bought CE and it came with some pretty cool stuff. But like maybe a Fallout History booklet inside the game case, that would be nice. :psyduck:
  4. Getting attached to a companion? Bury an axe in the back of his/her skull... problem solved; no more attachment. Simples...

    My evil twin, you are right! :devil:


    Bwah hahahahahahaha!!!!! :devil:


    Once companion is afflicted with the worst of headaches, loot the corpse for full evil effect!

    That just might do it! XD

  5. I love reading and watching the next latest info on Skyrim, but too much IS too much. I don't want to read too many details on the game and then ruin the experience for me. And yes, I know that if I don't wanna read new info then don't. I'm just saying that maybe that's why they aren't putting out too much. Please no trolling. :thumbsup:
  6. ... Anyway what are AP and how do you get AP?

    A(ctivity)P(oints) are "earned" by contributing to the Nexus Community. Posting to the Forums (except in "The Lounge") gets you some, but at a rapidly decreasing rate (I forget what it is, exactly, but you might get say, 1AP for 10 posts, and by the time you hit 100 posts they aren't earning you anything at all... :biggrin: )


    Bigger contributions (e.g. uploading mods, adding a wiki article) earn at much higher rates.


    The award of AP is automatic by the coding in the site (and has had occasional spasms and fits of forgetfulness.)


    "AP" are totally separate from "Kudos", which are anonymous "Thank Yous" or "Good Jobs" from one member to another. :thumbsup:

    Thank you, Thandal. :biggrin:

  7. Do any you PC players find it hard to play with a mouse and keyboard? I'm just curious because I want to....but I'm too used to a controller.


    Depends which game really. Something like Assassin's Creed is easier to play with a controller than keyboard but games where you have to point and shoot (like ME or Dead Space, RE) those are better with keyboard and mouse. I prefer it that way I've only really used my controller for 3 games I have (Fable 3, AC, and DMC4), but I stick to keyboard and mouse the majority.

    Say Oblivion for imstance, was that easy or hard to play for you? And considering Skyrim as well.

  8. These videos are reuploads: It was just the reuploader.


    Anyway, there's not much really to note in either of these videos... except for that first bandit fought in the second video. I swear, if Bethesda gives the same horrible selection of female hairs that were in Fallout 3 (consisting almost entirely of buzzcuts and mohawks), so help me...

    It seems like from what I've seen for face pre-sets that the females look more masculine. Then before in Oblivion.

  9. I found this video on YouTube and thought it was awsome! Please, I'm sorry if this was already posted. I also do NOT own the rights to this video.

    Just thought I'd share with my Elder Scroll loving brothers. :thumbsup:

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