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Posts posted by x722ism

  1. I'm very happy about what I heard about the magic system in Skyrim. In Oblivion since it's not like Skyrims where you put a spell in one hand, I felt like magic was limited. Now in Skyrim I'll be able to enjoy being a wizard or mage.
  2. When they say animal companions do they mean just dogs or can u get wolves, maybe crabs or other such animals? Because like in fallout you would meet the random NPC's who have befriended other animals like the mole rat i think from New Vegas or i think rad roaches. Anyone know or think it might be in Skyrim??

    Maybe or not. If not you could probably summon like a wolf or crab to follow and help you. Otherwise why not be able to train an animal ( or buy ) to follow you. I don't know for sure, but that's what I think. :biggrin:

  3. Woah! Those look like little flying armless and legless dragons. XD


    Cool lookin arn't they! :D

    Hell yea, mate.

    I got a few questions if anybody knows please let me know as well.

    1. Remember how in Oblivion after you get to a certain level in either Acrobatics or Blocking you were able to hold block and when you press the jump button depending on the direction you could do a sumersault or a backflip, does anyone know if you'll be able to do that in Skyrim?

    2. Does anyone also know if you dual wield any weapon in Skyrim if both weapons will appear holstered on your body, or just one?

    Lemme know what you think.

  4. Im glad they do have enchanted bows. that bear is so screwed he dont even know it.

    Im so excited now and it makes me mad we still have a little less than 2 months

    Thinking that it comes out in 54 days and 3 hours makes it seems less far away. But still....It's so hard waiting. :ohdear:

  5. Fondling his "apples" and his daughter... It's not going to turn into incest is it? lol


    Na... doubt she'd be up for it lol i'm sure her old mad wouldn't say no. proably try and high five half you half way through :tongue:

    How do you know she's not "daddy's" little girl lol.


    Hahahaha Skyrim is said to be a strange land (full of wonderful things) :D


    Anyways before we all get a little too.. off topic have any of you seen the ice wraiths yet?



    It was in the gameplay trailer (not demo), I think?

    Woah! Those look like little flying armless and legless dragons. XD

  6. Ok, so I was just wondering who out there actually wanted Skyrim to be the next place we visit in Tamriel. Me and my best mate have been discussing (arguing) about where we wanted the next game to be, ever since we both finished Oblivion. I have always played as a Nord and naturally wanted the game to go to Skyrim, however my friend really wanted the next game to take place in Blackmarsh. SO i'm super happy about it and he.. well isnt :tongue:


    So my question is, Were you happy with it being Skyrim? if not where would you have liked it to be?

    I always played as the Nords, so tough and warriorlike. Loves to kill. I also liked their culture in the game. So when I heard it was Skyrim I literally screamed with joy and jumped around like a little girl. Needless to say I'm more excited about this game than anything else in the world. :thumbsup:

  7. On a mountain peak in the area where the Jerall Mountains meet the Valus Mountains is a mostly snow covered camp fire with a bottle of wine nearby. There is a rock beside the campfire and if hit or activated with Pounder equipped, the rock will open revealing a cave to explore, containing unique weapons and armor that cannot be obtained anywhere else in the game. (saw a youtube video on this)


    In a small pond in the vast area north of Kvatch, there is a chest containing a ring that provides 100% resistance to fire, frost and shock.


    There are 3 supposedly random notes with directions in the game. The notes are; "Go through the fields. Turn east for half a mile. It's just past the big rock on the right."; "It's three houses past the chapel. Look for the place with the flowers. She'll be waiting outside." and "Head north for a hour or so. You'll see a group of dead trees. Head northeast until you come to the water. Follow the shore upstream. His house is close by. Watch out for bears."

    You have to figure out which is the first note to follow, but if the directions in the notes are followed in the correct order they will lead to a chest or sack with a unique item inside.


    The last one I've heard is that if you go to Dive Rock and there is a Camonna Tong Thug there, if he walks off Dive Rock and kills himself, you can obtain the armor and weapon from his body at the bottom and they are amongst the most powerful to be found in the game.


    Have fun.

    Yea I heard that one about Dive Rock too.

  8. I don't see any reason not to: It does count as a two-handed item after all. I see no reason for it to be implemented differently.

    I was thinking the same, but watching the demo and he never blocked on all the times he used the bow it just made me doubt. It kind of also looks like he bashes an enemy with the butt of the blade. Maybe it's just be but it looked like it.

  9. Well I really hope they do decide to put lycanthropy in there. I wouldn't mind being either one vamp or wolf, but it's so fun to be werewolf ;)


    I wonder if they'l let us know before Skyrim's release....Anticipation, my worst enemy.

    Being a werewolf is so much more fun than being a vampire, you don't have as much downfalls such as sun damage.


    Being a wereboar is better because you are a fat pig.



    Lmao I never thought they were scarey looking. :psyduck:

  10. Yeah they are...i especially loved the 3rd part when he kills the first dragon and then comes the frost one...how he came down and sit on that tower to make a "rawr!" ...gave me the goosebumps...totaly epic.

    Their characters voice when he does the dragon shouts sounds low and deep. But then when he yelled Dovahkiin it sounded completley diffrent.

  11. Fallout 3 had a real feeling of survival, and it looked more sinister. Like it really was an apocolypse. In New Vegas the landscape is beautiful. It's more of exploring than just plain survival. You don't even really need to eat food that much, unlike in Fallout 3 where you did. Yet New Vegas's weapons and combat are a lot better. The thing that I liked the most is how they added "true" iron sights. :thumbsup:
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