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Everything posted by davethepak

  1. I know this is a bit old - but google is forever....so I wanted to add some additional useful info here. The amount of xp an action contributes to its specific skill is controlled by some actor values, most specfically - the SkillUseMult -iplier. So, to turn off a skill from progressing in the engine - you would set its specific skill use multipler to zero. For more details, see this page in the wiki; https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Leveling best of luck!
  2. Been struggling to get some perk conditions to work for a perk that adds an ability. First case ; - can't seem to figure out how to get a condition on a keyword on equipped weapon. The CK wiki implies wornhaskeyword works on weapons too, but I have not been able to get it to work. Second Case; Trying to get IsWeaponOut to work as a perk condition. Not working. I am even testing in game via console, and getting predictable values, and later have a script detecting it, but can't get it to work in a perk. (it is a perk that is adding an ability, if that is relevant, so I have to use the condition section on the main perk page, as there is no condition checks allowed on the perk entries when it is an ability. any help is gladly appreciated. (yes, I can do it later in scripting on the effects - but I want to control it at the perk level, as my assumption is that has better performance). thanks in advance.
  3. So, first of all, I share your enthusiasm for unarmed, and agree that base skyrim is quite lacking. I have been working on modding with unarmed for about a year, and I can say the options are quite dismal. Sadly, this is not easy - and there is a reason most of the unarmed mods have to add an unarmed weapon - as there is none. As you had pointed out, the changing the unarmed weapon (000001f4) skill and other effects does not seem to work. The reason is it is actually only used in brawls by the brawling script....so, it is NOT what you are equipped with when you are fighting unarmed. To demonstrate this you can modify the weapon by actually giving it a name, and using console commands to equip yourself with it but it still does not level 1H - so you can see when it is actually in use. player.additem 000001f4 1 to add it to your inventory. Yes, you can create your own 1H weapon - and do stuff with it ...but you are starting to duplicate some of the stuff in the other mods. Maybe look at one of them for inspiration. Or try this; Create a 1H weapon call it "Unamred" or "HandtoHand" or what ever. Make it like the native unarmed weapon, except attach it to the 1H skill. Add keywords like MagicDisallowEnchanting, and WeapTypeUnarmed. I am not sure about the racial damage - either attach some kind of script to magic effect to it that boosts damage if the players race is one of those....or honestly, skip it. The damage is trivial over time - and people should only be inspired to play those races if they actually like those races - not just to get a few extra points. (this decision is yours of course). I suspect adding the skill to the weapon will have it increase the skill when you use it, but I am not certain what you have to do so the 1H perks affect it (easy to test). I suspect you may have to add another keyword to the weapon - not sure. Regardless, best of luck - I completely feel your pain in working with the unarmed aspects of the game.
  4. Check this out, has sample scripts and a very basic tutorial. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/37808
  5. Yes the alternative is using scripts to do leveled list injecting. There are examples on nexus (and here is search for injecting to a leveled list) of scripts to do this. Most use the script function of addform.
  6. Thanks for the replies. I will just do something simple like unregister the scripts, and remove all the perks and magic effects - and let the players know there is only so much that can be done. At least my mod is really lightweight and I only ever use registerforsingleupdate. thanks for the comments - if anyone else has anything to add, would love to hear it.
  7. So I am putting some finishing touches on a mod I have been working on for a while, and want to add an "Un-install" feature. I could not find ANYTHING about to to approach such a task. My mod is fairly simple; A couple of quests to hold scripts and aliases A mcm script for options. Two perks Three spells Three magic effects about four total scripts. So, how do I write an uninstall to help for people who want to remove it? My guess is; An option that; * removes all perks, spells and other added effects to the player. * stops the quests What else do I do? All of my scripts already use register for single update, so I am hoping once their associated sources (quests or magic effects) are gone they are too. Any advice out there?
  8. Thank you for a quick response. Yes, I did so in XEdit, saved it and loaded again to validate. Also, when I load into creation kit, it recognizes MOD A as the master of MOD B (except of course, if I save it in the CK, then I have to reapply it again in Xedit- very annoying in xedit.....).
  9. I am working on a mod (call it MOD B) that is designed to work alongside another existing mod (call it MOD A). MOD A - adds a new keyworld to some existing weapons, and has a few new weapons with this keyword. In my mod, MOD B, I am trying to use some logic that detects when the player is equipped with a weapon (from MOD A, or not) that has the new keyword added by MOD B. I have tried, all of the following, and none work; * adding the new keyword as a property to my script * using get formfromfile to get the keyword * copying the records from MODA to MODB as overrides * making MODA a master file of MODB. I can't get my mod, MODB, to use the records from the other mod in my scripts (or my conditionals in spells - I would prefer spell conditionals, but those dont work). (I have tested replacing the new keyword with an existing keyword from the base game, to validate my logic and scripts - and they work). Any suggestions?
  10. Interesting question - and makes me wonder if there is indeed a much better way. I have a folder with links for easy navigation, and launch the creation kit directly from the skyrim folder, and xedit. Other than that, similar to your method. I do backup my esp's after major changes, but I am sure there are better ways to do this.
  11. Rasikko - THANK YOU VERY MUCH!! I was soooo close, but not quite there. Your input is greatly appreciated! :)
  12. Ok, tried more tests of this to attempt to figure it out on my own, but could not find any actual in script examples.... ActorValueInfo _myvariable = ActorValueInfo.GetActorValueInfobyName("OneHandedMod") I get garbage back. I should get the value for one handed. Can someone give a working example of this?
  13. Sorry, don't understand - what skill points? Can you give some examples of what you are referring to?
  14. Ok, so I am trying to determine when the player hits an opponent with a weapon. (I also want to check keywords on the weapon that is used, but that is kind of secondary). I had tried attaching a spell with an contact delivery magical effect with a type of Script, but could not get the on effect start script event to work. Any suggestions for detecting when a player hits someone with a weapon? (not a spell, and not a bow, specifically a close up weapon with specific keywords - I think I can use "haskeyword" for that). thank you for any suggestions.
  15. Thank you for the response - that now makes sense. however, I am having challenges using the functions - type mismatces etc . For example, I am trying to the value of OneHandedMod to a variable. ActorValueInfo _myvariable = ActorValueInfo.GetActorValueInfobyName("OneHandedMod") Debug.MessageBox("One Handed Mod: " + _myvariable)I get back a weird value for _myvariable... " ActorvalueInfo <(000000607)>" I am expecting 6.3 If there are any suggestions.....
  16. Get general stores, most specifically the cloud storage version. This does what you want. (its on the nexus, for both oldrim and se).
  17. lofgren, Thanks, but I was struggling to even figure out how to use that. For example, what would be the value to determine the skill use multiplier for one handed? Is it 96 OneHandedMod ? I guess I could try a bunch of them, and see what I get, but was hoping that it would be a bit more direct. regardless of my lack of comprehension, thank you for trying to give info.
  18. Working on a script that needs to read some of the current experience values for some skills. I am not hardcoding in the default values, as the player may have changed some of them with one of the various XP mods. I am trying to read the current Skill Use Mult for the Light Armor skill. There is a SKSE function, Float GetSkillUseMult() Here is my code; _myfloatvar = Game.GetSkillUseMult("LightArmor")I get the following compiler errors... GetSkillUseMult is not a function or does not exist cannot call the member function GetSkillUseMult alone or on a type, must call it on a variable I have installed the skse scripts and source, and have other SKSE functions working ok. Any suggestions?
  19. My only thought is that placeatme creates a copy of the object, not placing the actual base thing. maybe try moving him to you? prid (his ref id) moveto player or move yourself to him. player.moveto (refid) best of luck, sorry don't have a better answer.
  20. The selection dialogue? do you mean when you try to pick your data file? I am a bit of a noob - but have some experience, so not sure if I understood the question. Can you expand on that a bit.
  21. As I have got not replies to this - I am going to post my own follow ups, in case anyone in the future finds it with a search. Since I can't find a way to activate the real level progress bar (unless someone more experienced than me posts something) I am going to try this route; When I detect a skill or level should go up; - I am creating a dummy quest - that will show a "complete" custom message when a level goes up. - I will play the level up sound (found it.....not sure yet how to play it) - I will if I can, display a meter.swf using some code from SKUUI to maybe show a level bar of my own (I have no idea if I can do this yet). I will post progress here for posterity, or if someone has better ideas. thanks in advance to anyone with better ideas.
  22. Thanks again for Thanks again for your response. I have played with those, but am not sure about a report back mechanism. I will look into it. I think the checking for damage periodically may be the best method - but I have concerns about something that fires every second or so. I don't want to slow the game down, or cause any performance issues - and I am very new to modding (learning as fast as I can!) so not sure about the best way. I went ahead and created a separate topic for in the forums for tracking incoming player hits - as to not get his one too far off track. thanks again for ideas.
  23. I have some scripts where I need to track when the player is hit. I understand about using the Onhit event, but am trying to figure out the best way to use it. As far as I can see, there are a few ways to do this; I am looking for advice on which way may be better (performance wise - or just best practice?) from more experienced modders. 1 - attach script directly to player. (this seems simple - so I suspect it is not a good way....lol). 2 - create a placeholder quest, create a player alias, and attach the script to that (I understand the concept, but have not done it yet). 3 - Create an ability (constant magical effect) which has a script extended from it, then attach that affect to the player (but I have to worry about the brawling bug?). 4 - another way? I am a bit new to modding, but trying to learn as much as I can. thanks in advance for any insights.
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