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Everything posted by Fantafaust

  1. If you need help with InstanceData you can PM me about it, I'll do what I can to answer your questions. Most of what you have to do is just make a new ammo, Hollow Point in this case, and then set the new ammo in the OMOD(receiver). There is a good example in the pipe weapon receivers for converting ammo types via the workbench. But unlike in actual New Vegas, you'll have to do that every time you want to change the ammo. In New Vegas you just had to press a button(the 2 key) to swap to another kind of ammo.
  2. You definitely won't get a reference in that way(console), but they should be in the nifs, sooomewherrre(no idea) lol
  3. Surely that was done in the CK, rather than in-game?
  4. I would check the first person skeleton and the weapon nif for any first person data, the node has to be somewhere since the weapon is rendered and bullets "come out of it" properly
  5. Tbh it would be easier to just swap the ammo type via script than making whole new receivers(omods) for every conceivable weapon and ammo type, which is how the mod you linked does it. If you're still interested in doing it even though there's scripting involved, look into InstanceData on the Fallout 4 Creation Kit Wiki, specifically the ammo functions. Otherwise I'll probably slap a quick proof of concept together tomorrow and let you test it out, it seems simple enough.
  6. I had a similar issue not that long ago, it was an ini setting with NV Tick Fix. bModifyDirectXBehavior needs to be set to 1
  7. Are you sure you're on the Fallout 4 wiki and not the Skyrim one? PlaceAtNode
  8. LarannKiar is right, I had forgotten that the InstanceData structs don't contain the loaded ObjectReference of the weapon, only the form ie the base data of the weapon. They're very useful but not for what you're doing. Back when I was attempting to work on a mod to make a power armor mounted turret, I was able to place it at a node that was loaded at the time on the player's skeleton(power armor skeleton). I didn't try it and don't know if it's possible but perhaps while you are holding the weapon, it counts as part of the skeleton for the purposes of weighting it to the hand bones, which SHOULD mean that you can just assume the weapon's nodes exist and are there to maybe be utilized by a PlaceAtNode call. You'll just need the name of the weapon's barrel node presumably. ie Self.GetActorRef().PlaceAtNode("BarrelNode", explosionInBarrel, 1, False, False, True, True)But again, this is theoretical.
  9. There is a mod that adds a lifesteal function in melee via a "cybernetic implant" consisting of nanobots, Cybernetic Implantation Laboratory, but it might not be exactly to your liking.
  10. Well that's odd. Can you force it by removing the Const and setting the property via script?
  11. Hopefully I can get an F4SE plugin compiled sometime so I can just add the extra ammo taken like in 3 and NV
  12. Hypothetically you could use the weapon's nodes? You just have to get the specific reference the player is holding. EDIT: I wrote that wrong, I'm very tired lol If you look at my Weapon Strength Requirements mod, you can Champollion the script and look at my functions, one of them gets the weapon the player is holding and I believe you could use that Owner, ThisInstance.
  13. I'm not at the pc to test but iirc, we use DamageValue rather than DamageAV now
  14. Mod Organizer 2 was made by the same person until he was hired onto the Nexus team to make Vortex. There's no issue using either and you can easily do literally everything MO2 can do with Vortex, there isn't a single feature to my knowledge that each one doesn't have. Vortex is easier to use in this scenario because there is no setup needed at all to use the Creation Kit with your mods, they're already in the folder. Same with any external tool, FO4Edit, etc It just depends on what you want to do. Do I want to have to open MO2 EVERY time I want to work on making my mods? no, I don't
  15. Why use a script to use a console command to change an actor value When you can just use a script to change an actor value? Also Fallout 4 was released in Nov 2015, there are no mods for it older than 8 years.
  16. Short answer is no. Long answer: For FO4Edit, that's a program so no dependency is possible. F4SE, if you're scripting then sure, you might add a dependency IF you use any F4SE functions in your code. But it's not a "crash the game" dependency, it's a "your code doesn't work" dependency, without F4SE anyways. Someone else will have to comment on the Bethnet stuff, idk about that.
  17. I'd be interested to learn what ammo types those are, Munitions and Caliber Complex are very extensive. Anyways, yes, you just make the ammo and the projectile the ammo uses in the Creation Kit. You can look in the Object Modifications section of the creation kit to look at other weapon's receivers to see how they change ammo type. If you want totally separate mods to use the same ammo, you would either have to require the mod that you first make your ammo in(good option), or you would have to remake it every time for each new mod(bad option).
  18. Are you doing this for your own practice, or do the ammo types you want to use not already exist on the nexus? In terms of ammo conversion, if the same base weapon is involved you can just use new receivers to change the ammo used via the workbench.
  19. Alright, added Power Armor only Heavy Weapons as an option in my mod. It will require MCM to enable it though. Wow how cool would that be! Would NPCs be affected as well? ( I think in well over 2000 hrs of gameplay I never observed any non PA sporting NPCs wield huge weapons, like flamers or miniguns, before unless they were SMs but...) Or you could set the strenght to ridiculously high. Like 20 (or whatever the typical SM strenght is, Strong is at 24, but he is said to be stronger than other SMs, in the fallout franchise SMs were always able to wield heavy weapons) That would preclude all humanoids from wielding oversize weapons w/o PA, except supermutants. PS: I would not consider missle launchers to be heavy weapons for the purose of this discussion, since real world and in-game, folks do use them w/o PA all the time. I didn't include NPCs in this since if they don't meet the requirements and also don't have another weapon, you'll have precluded them from engaging in any meaning combat with you. Which sounds ok until you realize that a bunch of these raiders might have hunting rifles but only 3 strength, which means they all have weapons they're terrible with and I don't find that logical.
  20. Did you figure out how to fill the alias with your actor? If not, then it won't have any effect in-game.
  21. You make it sound like it runs through all 1700 items, but if it's returning the closest item that matches a form in the formlist, it would then be done. I consider that extremely minor.
  22. Ok but why? What's the issue with having such a minor script run once every second, only while you're in workshop mode?
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