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Everything posted by blackninja50

  1. Like most people I use 3rd person most of the time and first person whine using bows.
  2. @bjeet We do have robots that can walk/run on two feet like ASIMO and have had them for some time but thats the best they can do (They can't jump and stuff).
  3. I choose to see how the Forsworn are now as being the result of Ulfric's actions. Just like the Falmer fell into savagery after the Dwemer betrayed them, the Forsworn have fallen after their dream of a free kingdom was broken by the heel of Ulfric. The fact is that your hero of national liberation quashed a national liberation. Yeah, you choose being the operative phrase here. Besides, who cares about some stinking Daedra worshippers? So being Daedra worshipers means there lives are valueless? That no one should care if a few million of them are killed? And to answer your question who cares? I think there orphaned and homeless children and families care but thats about it.
  4. Morrowind had 2 major expansions: Tribunal and Bloodmoon. 8 Official Plug-ins: Adamantium Armor, Area Effect Arrows, Bitter Coast Sounds, Entertainers, Helm of Tohan, LeFemm Armor, Master Index and Siege at Firemoth. Not sure what in all they did as I have yet to play any of them. In all that's 10 DLCs or 2 expansion and 8 Official Plug-ins. Oblivion had 1 major expansion: Shivering Isles. 1 small expansion: Knights of the nine. 4 house DLCs: Thieves Den, Vile Lair, Wizard's Tower and Fighter's Stronghold. A Horse Armor Pack and Spell Tomes. 2 quest: Mehrunes' Razor and Orrery. In all that's 10 DLCs or 1 expansion and 9 Official Plug-ins. So if Hearthfire would be like the 4 house DLCs, Dawnguard would be knights of the nine and Dragonborn would be Shivering Isles. Then the best we can hope for is one or two quest/item packs if Skyrim has the same amount of DLC content as Oblivion. That's of course assuming that there's no Orrery or Spell Tomes equivalent and only leaving a Mehrunes' Razor and Horse Armor Pack equivalent. Of course if all this Redguard talk is true things could be completely different.
  5. @RighthandofSithis The point I was making was the Nords are over confident and arrogant just like the French and would lose just like the French. Also "EDIT: The Akaviri took a naval route (because Vivec attacked their navies from the rear), they didn't have to cross the mountains." so could the Thalmor. Now I would love to argue this for the rest of time but seeing as we are talking about made up people fighting in a made up world, i don't see anyway one could prove the other wrong or them self right. I will however end with this statement "There is no land in the world that has not been conquered and there is no such think as a impregnable fortress. So long as the attackers have the time and money needed".
  6. The Dremora and Vampires (flowed by the Golden Saints and Dark Seducers) they are immortal and eat the other races they're the top of the food chine and the strongest both magically and physically.
  7. @RighthandofSithis The French in World War 2 thought the same thing, that there mighty forts, thick forests, giant army and the worlds largest air force wold protect them from the Nazis. I think we all know how that turned out for them. The best the stormclocks can hope for is a stalemate with the Thalmor after millions of deaths and probably half Skyrim lost or burnt down (don't forget the Thalmor want to exterminate all none elves and have no resign to live even one city standing).
  8. @UrgeNexus You have to admit Proventus has it coming to him, he suggests making speeches in the market or Inn in response to Dragons. That would piss off anyone. I mean the last guy that made lots of speeches got murdered by one of his own jarls. I think that makes it clear how Nords fell about people that make lots of speeches lol. As for the war. Even if the stormclocks win the Empire will get serious and send it's full army something the stormclocks can not defeat. Or the Thalmor will take the the moment of weakness crush the Empire then overwhelm Skyrim with pure force and cunning, killing everyone that resists or gives them a dirty look. Ether way the stormclocks will almost certainly lose in the long run.
  9. You can play threw Dawnguard at any level, I played threw at level 20 with little trouble.
  10. @Lachdonin The CoC did not mantle with Sheogorath simply because there was no Sheogorath to mantle with he was already becoming Jyggalag by the time he/she met him. (note: that Sheogorath was nothing more then Jyggalag under a cures so he never really existed in the first place). Whats more the word mantle has nothing to do with humans becoming gods, it's a made up term (if anyone dose find where that word cam from it would be a help). Also one can't cease to be the CoC even if he becomes a god because the Champion of Cyrodiil is a title that was given to the player for saving all of Cyrodiil. So unless you go back in time and undo what you did or get a different soul you will be the Champion of Cyrodiil no matter what you do or become. Edit: If the part about Jyggalag being in a book in Daggerfall is true then I am haply wrong and we do have a 17th lord to play with :devil: . (I have Daggerfall installed but I massed up installing it and and am unable to play it and check if this is true.)
  11. As far as I can tell SI never happened in Skyrim lore. The only thing that even hints at it is Sheogorath saying he was there for the events of Oblivion witch really proves nothing. So jyggalag was just something made up for SI and has no place in TSE lore :confused: .
  12. XIII Thou shalt not use a misleading name or description for thin mod. Seriously, the name should have something to do with the mod and the description should be a description not a propaganda pamphlet :mad: .
  13. I have Serana why do I need other followers? I have nothing against follower mods as long as they don't have misleading names (ie names that make you think they are an armor mod or something useful). I cant count how many times I've found a mod and thought it was going to be something really cool for it to only be a follower mod or worse yet a save game. PS. Save games are NOT mods and should all be deleted :nuke: :devil: :nuke: .
  14. @Lachdonin The games are all that matter, the background is simply that the background which I should point out contradicts itself heavily (just look at daggerfall and arena) making itself almost completely unreliable.
  15. @sajuukkhar9000 I played the SI main quest and at the end you know what? Nothing changed, my character was not changed into Sheogorath, people still complained about me trespassing, the Greenmote Silo was still off-limits, zealots still attacked me as did guards. Just like in every other guild quest in Oblivion becoming Sheogorath is a title nothing more. @luzburg Sheogorath saying he was there for the events of Oblivion hardly proves he was the CoC just that he was there or he could just be lying. Also he says it's a title "passed down from me to me" which could mean that the CoC was Sheogorath from the start or that the events of SI never happened and he is still cursed.
  16. The CoC did not Mantle or become Sheogorath. Sheogorath died/went sane and the CoC took his regalia, got a grater power and a lesser power that's all. Play the Shivering Isles main quest if you don't believe me.
  17. So far, Unrelenting Force is my favorite simply because it's the only complete shout I have without an hour long cool down. Maybe I should start getting the rest of the shouts and actually kill some dragons.
  18. Who is strongest? easy, The Champion of Cyrodiil. Because the CoC is a nothing special mortal that rows to the challenge and saved the world with nothing more then his/her own strength. On the other hand the Dragonborn completely relies on the power of the voice aka the power of the gods, and the Nerevarine relies on the godly powers of his past self and that's hardly sporting. So in terms of true strength the CoC is the clear winner. Of coarse in a fight the Dragonborn wins hands down because all she needs to do is "Fuz Ro Rah" and CoC and Nerevarine go flying off the cliff to there pitiful deaths.
  19. True you can use this exploit but. You first need an item with fortify alchemy so you can get the enchantment, then you need the soul gems and items to enchant, then you need to find what alchemy ingredients make fortify alchemy potions and get enough of them. So, it's not really all that great of an exploit considering all the work needed.
  20. So far Serana is one of, if not my favorite NPCs in Skyrim. Not only is she the only NPC in Skyrim with an actual back story, but she has a personalty that's not simple McSimple "Skyrim belongs to the Nords" like certain other NPCs. So yes for me she is definitely welcome.
  21. No. I had my fill of the Blades back in Oblivion (Did there dirty work, saved the world, got a set of there armor and that was it) so there's no resin for me to help those losers a second time. Whats more, what right do two outlaw Talos worshipers. That would be arrested and executed if the law ever found out who they really were have to judge the one that originally helped humanity brake free from Alduin's tyranny? Also even tho Parthuurnax said not to trust a dragon I have yet to have a dragon back stab me, where as I have lost track of all the people that have back stabbed me.
  22. Underwater Fighting, more environments then snow, more then one type of undead, longer quests, the realm of Oblivion, alchemy on the go, goblins and the ability to use food items for alchemy because as it is now food items are useless because even cocked they give tiny HP recovery :psyduck: . PS. Also stats other then HP MP SP.
  23. I have had a CTD one time and I believe it was because of a mod, I almost never play on online mod.
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