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  1. I'll state right at the outset, that I love to build moats around my Horde bases and "Home" bases. I know they are kinda pointless, but I just love the aesthetic. Problem is, there is really only one option for the "gateway" over the moat, and that's the gigantic Drawbridge. (I know you can use doors, but Zoms can path over the door frames on the higher level doors) I'm just wondering if it's at all possible to have a few scaled down versions, even maybe some variations such as the same length (6 blocks) but narrower - say 2 or 3 blocks wide. Or if that's not possible just a simple scaled down version that would fit over a smaller 'moat'.
  2. Guns are simply a tool, nothing more. The US government itself has spent 40 BILLION plus on buying guns for people to use in Ukraine, as well as countless billions of $$$ from other countries for the same purpose = To protect themselves from others - Where is your outrage over that? Where were the calls to outlaw SUV's when a racist terrorist rammed his through a local Christmas Parade (comprising of and being watched by hundreds of children)? The problem is not the guns, or any other weapon, they are just a tools, and neither are the laws that govern their distribution. The problem is the culture, society, and governments that create people who WANT to commit these crimes, whether it be a school shooting, or invading another country. ... Instead, you engage in divisive rhetoric, malign an entire country of people with no factual basis, and parrot false claims and provably failed ideologies.
  3. Well, Craigslist is an unusual case and not really what would generally be classified colloquially under the heading "Social Media", as it's ostensibly a public "classifieds" site primarily for the selling and buying of goods and/or services. So in their case they would (and should) be somewhat responsible for ensuring that *illegal activities weren't being exchanged, such as certain sexual acts, child pornography or explicit murder/bodily harm for hire. However they certainly should be given the same freedoms and protections from prosecution/persecution as any other "Social Media" site. The same would be true for a company that has a Facebook Page which promotes their products/services, Provided their products/services aren't *illegal. (* depending of course on the laws and statutes in whatever jurisdiction the website and/or it's "users" were in)
  4. Is the block function not for personal use ? Freiedo of speech mush 0verrIde ? How bout we start with what do you have to say ? Then we can decide if is freedom of speech worth the RIGHT ! Cuz the right aint willy nilly ... and never should be brought so low . What we say that should be protected ... should be of worth to the society that protects it ... not corrosive . In essence with how our new paradigm is with the internet ... speech should be regulated like road traffic . Not freely drive down the road as feel free as want ? ... plus those road ways do get clogged . Hence courteous driving is in order to make it function . In most cases, yes, the "block" function is a personal choice, however some social media platforms put "virtual blocks" in place with things like content warnings, age restrictions (which I'm in agreement with for certain subjects) or geographic restrictions. Those would be examples of an "imposed" block, rather than a personal choice from the individual user. (not counting of course the outright removal of some posts deemed to be misinformation/disinformation according to the ever changing and arbitrary ideology of those in control) ... Again we run into the problem of who (or Whom) decides what is "right" and what is "corrosive"? Once upon a time, in human history, the Church decided all "truths" ... for the good of their followers. And for the most part those "truths" weren't detrimental for most ordinary, everyday people, and "society" functioned just fine.(if somewhat barbarously by today's standards) But then those damn Scientists started all their hateful lies and misinformation, leading the "good folk" astray with disgusting and disgraceful notions such as that the Earth was NOT the centre of the Universe, or that the Earth was in fact a Sphere (or globe if you prefer) ... How dare they!!! So do you believe that "society" is now better off or worse? Granted arguing over whether the Earth is flat or a Sphere doesn't really harm anyone I guess, but what about things such as "witch hunts" or certain medical procedures that can easily save lives that are still, to this day, banned by certain religions? Or the technological breakthroughs and improvements to human "lives" brought about by things like space exploration, none of which would have been possible if we still believed what was once the "truth" about our place in the universe or how the World was created. Personally I think that the world and it's people (for the most part) have benefited from Science and the unrestricted freedom to espouse new ideas, regardless of how ludicrous they may seem at first glance. And even those that turn out to remain ludicrous are educational if nothing else, because they show us what NOT to believe or accept. Einstein wasn't automatically believed when he first put forth his Special Relativity Theory, after all "Newtonian" physics described how things worked quite well, so what was all this poppycock Einstein was on about? It took several years, and in hindsight, some shady experiments before Einstein's view was more widely accepted. Or what about the LASER (or MASER which actually came first)? That piece of technology was outright ridiculed and called "impossible" even as it was being demonstrated because the "consensus" decided that it violated the Uncertainty Principal of Quantum Mechanics (which Einstein didn't actually believe BTW) Or how about Silicon Semi-Conductors? The first "integrated circuits" were actually made from Germanium, because Silicon was thought to be to difficult to purify ... Until some "renegade" figured out how to purify it cheaply and easily. Or the fact that Aluminium was once the most precious metal on earth. Because it almost never appears in pure form naturally, pure nuggets and <gasp> actual ingots were worth entire Kingdoms! ... Until some "renegades" figured out how to purify it cheaply and easily. Freedom of speech is essential, even if we don't always like what we hear (or read), And censorship in any form (with a very few notable and already discussed exceptions) is NEVER a tool for "good", it is now, and always will be the purist of evils. ... Rules are necessary for "society" to function, I agree, but those rules need to be very carefully and thoughtfully written, very tightly constrained, and be easily amenable to update and/or improvement.
  5. Is that humor that you would use 5 examples / facets of explanation after the label of "Diarrhea of the mouth" ? I choose to call it "Verboseness" Because taking the sharp edges off of your words usually yields better results ... if discourse is the goal ? But I suspect this is angst at Perraine , and the notion of free speech at any cost ? Which I would return a query to do a thought experiment for 10-20 years down the road after technological advancements , and free speech is the top priority for human discourse. Can you imagine walking into a store , or some other hub sniffing your data ... to them be accosted by someones free speech right ... about whatever they want to yell at you for. Could even end up in your home getting yelled at by someone just looking for your profile to yell at. Which is all it is about already ... people don't really care about the free speech aspect ... just pawning some one ... at least imo . There are several problems with ... certain peoples responses. First they don't actually seem to understand the subject of this thread. "Social Media" platforms already have immunity from prosecution/persecution from what is posted because they are "supposed" to be open and free (as in free speech) hosting services, with no control over what is posted on these "digital public squares". Trouble is, that's not how these companies are behaving. They are censoring and editorialising, which they are NOT meant to do, lest they be deemed a "publisher", in which case they are then liable - But that won't ever do, because then they can't favour one group or narrative over another without showing their clear bias. Second is the strange, and arbitrary redefining of the term "censorship" to solely benefit their arguments/agenda (hmmm, where have we seen that kind of behaviour before?). Finally, they will never give you a definitive description of what they believe to be misinformation/disinformation (I won't use their colourful phrasing) Because they can't! Simply because their "narrative" changes like a child's alibi (with about the same amount of actual critical thought involved) It used to be called "wrong think" and in literature (and increasingly in real life) we have "thought police" to silence, re-educate, remove or control those having the "wrong" thoughts. ... As to your earlier questions - Granted, there is no physical "burning at the stake" involved (although that has actually been requested/demanded by certain people/groups) But being censored or "silenced" or "cancelled" (to use modern parlance) is very nearly as devastating for some, due to being essentially ostracised from society because of the seemingly all encompassing nature (and virtual monopoly) of today's "social media" companies. As for the "block" feature, I think it's an essential tool ... if used * wisely. We have the option to "block" opinions we don't agree with, and if enough people use the function, then those opinions lose value, and eventually fade from memory. * The issue arises when people don't, can't or won't think critically, logically and intelligently before using the block function, or worse still, when the feature is "imposed" by another, simply to "go with the flow" and follow whatever thoughts or narrative is currently in fashion like a mindless lemming.
  6. That's the question which, IMHO, can only lead to one answer within the context of this thread = ALL speech MUST be allowed, because it's impossible to formulate any "rules", "laws" or even guidelines for content that will satisfy all those who hear/read it, with perhaps the exception of the simplest ones that are already in place (paraphrasing) Words or phrases that are virtually guaranteed to cause direct physical harm to another person or property (i.e. 'shouting "fire" in a crowded theatre') To use a similar argument to your "moon photo" example - Once upon a time everybody NEW that the Earth was the centre of the universe, and anyone saying any different was murdered ... publicly! In that example, was "public consensus" or "social consensus" and/or even the denunciations of the "establishment" (both secular/scientific and religious) the truth? Did that belief make it "truth" or "fact"? In your example, yes there is the possibility of people using your statements as validation for nefarious acts, but, unless you were also providing conclusive and irrefutable proof of your claims, the number of "believers" would be insignificantly small, and so too would the longevity of your ideas. That's the price we pay for the ability to learn and grow. I wholeheartedly agree, It's sad though that most news organisations today fail miserably at sticking to this edict (or at most will reference their own words and articles, or those of their colleagues/allies as "proof" of legitimacy of their statements) Well that's the issue in question. These companies currently enjoy immunity because they are claiming to be simply "platforms" or hosting services for other peoples opinions (= the modern day "public square) The problem arises from the fact that these companies are censoring and/or editorialising that content in a biased manner, which means they are no longer simply a "platform" and are in fact a "publisher" and should therefore lose their immunity and be held accountable for ALL content hosted. So according to the current laws, and the current behaviour of "social media" platforms, they should NOT have immunity!
  7. You ignore the third option. What a pregnant woman does in privacy is nobody's business, and nobody has a say in what a pregnant woman chooses to do. MYOFB Isn't it? if one believes life begins at conception then that person would be unlikely to see a difference between killing a child in the womb and killing it when it's five years old, and few people would say "it's no ones business" if a mother killed a her five year old child. Of course if one doesn't believe life starts until the unborn is viable then yes they would say it's none of their business. This is why these "debates" are pointless, no one is right or wrong, it all opinion or belief. People are free to express their opinion but on this subject it rarely stops at that, instead we have people trying to push their opinion onto others and generally being unpleasant, I'm surprised this thread is still open, they usually get locked for reasons I just stated. I'm with JimboUK on this one. It's a pointless debate which has no chance of ever being productive because everyone has their own perceptions or opinions of at least ONE of the core principles involved, so it can NEVER be resolved, or I believe, even sway anyone's opinion. @JimboUK - You probably know this already, but ad-hominem and no true Scotsman are Scythebearer's go to debate techniques, I've yet to see them make any real arguments in any of their posts, so I believe I'll join HeyYou and add them to my ignore list, as reading poorly aimed insults and false narratives are not what I believe this sub-forum's original intent was.
  8. Notice how the left leaning detractors always resort to personal and character attacks rather than providing actual facts or evidence? xrayy proves once again that they have absolutely NO CLUE whatsoever about the FACTS of the case, only the "narrative" that his/her fascist overlords want them to believe (this week) @xrayy - I suggest you first go and acquaint ourself with the actual truth before making asinine statements that only prove to display your ignorance for all to see. @ScytheBearer - please do provide your reasoning, as all I did was point out that xrayy is completely ignorant of the real facts of the case, and that they should educate themselves before posting. If you take issue with the second part of my statement, please do provide alternative evidence that the Democratic Party is NOT the party of racism and segregation. (I'd also suggest that you be VERY careful if you start talking about "colour", because if I understand your inference, that is a path you do NOT want to go down with me.)
  9. He was acquitted by jury of his peers. Essentially, he fired in self defense. You don't like it? Too bad. Try watching the video, and then consider what you might have done. I woudn't bother HeyYou, They have shown their complete ignorance of the actual facts of the case, and shown once again that they only read delusional left wing media propaganda. They can't even get the most basic of facts about the case correct, and the left wing machine is still sprouting outright lies and falsehoods (even after the case is finished and the truth is right there for people to see), because they know their peons will believe anything they tell them without thought or question. Oh, and I wouldn't be surprised to read or hear someone suggest forgiving the kkk for past crimes, considering that it's membership was almost exclusively drawn from the Democrat Party.
  10. Don't bother with the skeleton when exporting the .nif file, you don't need it. Outfit Studio will export the .obj file into the precise location on the x,y,z, axis that is designed for Skyrim SSE (If you have the latest version of BS/OS and have the correct game selected). It can be a pain to wok on in that position, but I wouldn't recommend moving the entire mesh (**). Once you have finished editing the .obj file in Blender, just export it back out as a .obj and import THAT file into Outfit Studio. OS will add the skeleton, and then just copy the bone weights from whatever "reference" file you've set. (**) If you are worried about lining up the outfit, just import a "reference" .obj file into Blender (I use a copy of the CBBE "nude" body exported as an .obj) Just make sure to delete it before you import back into Outfit Studio, as that can confuse the program. I haven't looked in a while, but I think most of the "tutorials" on Youtube are incredibly out of date, and should only be used as a VERY basic starting point.
  11. Perraine


    That some believe such outright falsehoods is truly disheartening. I knew of course that "some" did, as the lies and propaganda wouldn't spread without it, but I've never had the misfortune to actually come into contact with anyone who does. I truly hope that you and your families remain safe and unharmed when reality and the truth come knocking on your door. I don't believe you are the actual evil ones, just sadly misguided. I'm done.
  12. Perraine


    @Lisnpuppy You not agreeing with what I stated doesn't make it any less true, and neither does showing the whole sentence surrounding my quote make it any less racist or insulting to black people. How many more instances of this FACT would you like me to quote? From his own mouth Biden has stated that he admired and was even mentored by members of the KKK and stated admiration for many other white supremacists. He is a southern Democrat to the core! Southern Democrat's, the ones who tried to stop the Civil Rights Act, Southern Democrats who fought the American Civil War to try and keep their salves (and other reasons) Biden who fought for continued segregation in schools to the detriment of black people, Biden who fought for crime laws, to the detriment of black communities, Biden, who to this day shows a continuing tendency to view PoC as lesser races. If you can't or won't see it, then that's your problem, but, again, it doesn't make it any less true. Not that Republicans are much better, they tend to be more selfish and narcissistic, and the only colour they adore is green, and Trump was/is a prime example of this trend. But, that particular philosophy isn't necessarily a bad thing, as it often has the side benefit of offering far more opportunity to those willing to take it, including black people, as colour means nothing in a capitalistic, and meritocratic society. As to your other claim, I condescend against nobody who I don't know and who doesn't deserve it. But, I have been a member of this site for many years, and I have read a great many of your posts in these forums, and have always considered your posts to be well thought out, insightful, intelligent, and worthy of respect. I freely admit to feeling disappointment that you disagree with what is plainly obvious to anyone who can think critically or rationally, this is indeed my own concern, and my own opinion, and you are free to ignore it, but, again, it doesn't make it any less true, however it was never my intention to "talk down" to you in any way, so if that is the impression you got from my post, the you have my honest and sincere apologies.
  13. Perraine


    You disappoint me Lisnpuppy, I actually had a higher level of respect for your opinion until now. Biden is a born and raised "Southern Style Democrat". There is no getting around that, and trying to pretend it isn't true, just makes you look silly. He was raised and mentored by the KKK, and has always been a segregationist. Need I remind you of "If you don't vote for me, you ain't Black"? He was raised to have a condescending opinion of POC, and I've see no evidence to alter that fact. BTW, that doesn't mean I'm contending that he "hates" POC, he just has an ingrained, probably unconscious, lower opinion of them, Just like you can like your pet dog, but don't consider them an equal. That's why I prefixed with "southern style" racist, as it goes all the way back to the original southern Democrat politicians. But, yeah, America has been the best "social experiment" in civilizations so far IMHO, certainly better or at least equal too all others, (I'd content that Australia has been pretty good too, although the influence of certain ideologies has eroded that lately) and I still have hope that it can be saved. It's not without it's faults, no system will ever be "perfect", but I hope it lasts long enough to be able to adapt.
  14. Perraine


    Let's hop it's just "sabre rattling" and Putin and XI aren't really seriously considering open conflict. That crap could get out of hand REAL quick, and it could also embolden some smaller players. Despite the fact that I agree, Trump was a w@nker, The US itself was still a "power" in the world even with him in charge (mainly because of his unpredictability) And please don't start the absolute BS about "the world was laughing" pushed by the MSM. They may have giggled like a child about Trumps stupid twitter posts, but they were NOT brave enough to push his, or America's buttons so to speak. With that absolute demetia addled, incompetent, old southern style racist Biden in "the big seat" though, I'm not as confident, and as an Aussie who's country is in vastly more precarious a position, it owrries me.
  15. The only problem with that data is that it doesn't show "what" was uploaded and called a mod. Several authors for instance, have made "bodyslide files" for my outfit mods. Without MY mods, or the multitudes of others, all those mods, while still "active' on the site, would become totally worthless should I, or the creator of any other outfit mod, decide to remove our files. Same goes for "XXXX Body Type" conversions, certain translations, or countless mods that reference, and therefore "require" other much larger "content" mods to be installed first (i.e CWSS). So I think there will be a "spike" increase in the "loss rate" once those mods prove to be no longer useful. Unless of course Dark0ne reneges on his word to delete those files during the "grace" period. After all we only have his "word" for it, and that has proven to be as trustworthy as a child's alibi.
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