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Everything posted by Wyrdfire

  1. *preys on grue while he's sleeping, but then remembers about ginger rage and silently slips away*
  2. *pours lemon on grue and chomps other leg*
  3. Now that was really something. I slap Dicecaster with heart-wrenching Bambi scene.
  4. yep, unfortunately for the 2,768,319 registered members of this forum (minus the banned ones plus the banned members who have created multiple user names), the mods agreed to reactivate my account :P
  5. thank u thank u thank u *hugs grue's leg*


    *gives naive, totally innocent look*


    *chomps into his leg*


    (close up of me making a weird face) Mwa-ha-ha-ha!

  7. So that's what staff thinks about my right to be satisfied or not with paying for a dumbed down version of what used to be my favorite game series. I'll do you a favor and remove myself forthwith from your forums. Feel free to ban me. Regards
  8. Don't raise your hopes too much, I bet they're going to force the same crap on us in any subsequent patch they release. Well, whatever. I don't like the current trend that is leaning toward taking away freedom from users AND dumbing down the game for the more casual majority. You can keep your DLCs and games Bethesda, from now onwards I am not going to buy anything from you. http://plurkfiends.com/wp-includes/images/smilies/a5ae31c4185bc60cd006650dc10f8147.gif
  9. Aaaghh..... Can't.... stand.... teletubbies..... Slaps Maharg with... http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/hprofile-ak-snc4/50334_9533083793_6129836_n.jpg a rubber chicken with a pulley in the middle.
  10. Vegetable? Tomato paste.... toppings...? :blink: As an italian I can't believe what I'm reading in this thread http://i39.tinypic.com/2v9564l.gif
  11. I was going to ask if there are any background processes that could be interfering (i.e. slow down) with the game, but you said that you can max out Crysis, Metro, etc. so I guess the problem has to be Skyrim-specific. The first official patch from Bethesda is due in about a week, maybe it's a known bug and it has been fixed.
  12. I guess you're right. Well... I waited five years, I can wait another year...
  13. You make good points CelerasRingor. The RP'ing (freedom & choices) aspect in TES games is what I always loved. But now with Skyrim I'm not that sure anymore...
  14. lv000, that's exactly the reason: fun. I enjoyed Oblivion wholeheartedly and hoped the next TES game would live up to the high expectations, but so far I am not very impressed (except for polished graphics, etc.) It may be simply a matter of personal taste but as I said before, I find Skyrim boring and lifeless compared to its predecessors. Personal taste aside, IMO there's a serious lack of depth in the dialogue options, poor magic system, AI, dungeons, interface. Combat has its moments, but it feels unbalanced. And I wish there was more variety. Oblivion has populated flatlands, rolling hills, mountains, swamps and lakes with islands on them, forested areas with lots of caves and keeps, and finally snowy arctic areas. Sure, Skyrim is meant to be a mountain area, but it's basically a giant snow globe and gets boring after a while. Again, my 2 cents.
  15. Very strange, the hardware should be more than adequate. Did you try the following mods? Performance patch Large Address Aware patch
  16. In my case I have played both and I'm going back to play Oblivion and ignore Skyrim... unless modders can improve its gameplay & interface :rolleyes:
  17. After playing Skyrim for about a week I have to agree. I was extremely enthusiastic while I was waiting for Skyrim to be shipped, and when I played it for the first time. Now I find it incredibly boring and lifeless :facepalm: Just my 2 cents. /me waits for a total conversion of Oblivion to Skyrim...
  18. (note to self: stealing from grue = ginger rage = hospitalization)
  19. *waits patiently for the laxatives in the cookie to take effect...*
  20. *steals ingredients from other forum members while running like the wind to escape from grue, quickly mixes everything together, shapes them into cookies and puts them into ithildin's oven while she's busy playing skyrim*

    *leaves cookie here with an innocent look on his face*

    aaagh now leave me beeee.....

  21. uh, sorry, i, like... uh... i've lost it. really!


    oh, you mean this? *eats the cookie* mmhmm!

    *runs away from grue's claymore*

    ewwww wouldn't you like cheesey's soul instead?

  22. Whoa, that was long! But very well put and leaves me with little more to say. I'd still like to have a simpler 2D map of Skyrim with village markers enabled like in Oblivion and other simple ideas taken from Oblivion as I described in an earlier post.
  23. Bans Delikatessen for having more kudos than me :(
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