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Everything posted by Wyrdfire

  1. These are the mods that I'd REALLY like to see as soon as Bethesda remembers to release the Creation Engine. Basically any mod that brings back the features that I loved in Oblivion: - a few greener areas with a warmer, moderate climate (I don't care if this is Skyrim, I just don't like to be trapped in a giant snow globe) - static, plain Skyrim map with markers enabled, like Oblivion's map (not a fancy 3D thing, but one that people could actually use) - possibility to use all kinds of weapons (even dual handed) and magic at the same time, with different hotkeys for weapons and magic, like in Oblivion - usable user interface for PC users (I don't care how, just please change the UI to something else, anything else!) - possibility to create younger characters (not kids, just allow me to make a character that looks under 50) and more default heads to choose from A few extra villages here and there with a cozy player home would also be very welcome. What do you think? And what are the mods you feel would make Skyrim better?
  2. Ah so my character is not unbalanced. I though there was something wrong with my stats when after killing the first dragon I got my butt kicked by a stupid frost troll...
  3. *takes a quick peek around*

    *steals cookie*

  4. At least it looks like SOPA is facing opposition from the European parliament. Oh and interestingly Google - the same Google that adhered to the Internet censorship policies of China, and that applies its filtering bubble to our search results - opposes SOPA (they own YouTube, a potential hotbed of copyright violations in the form of "illegal" cover songs).
  5. Italy. The most stupid country in Europe :-(

    Btw somehow I knew you wouldn't be playing a nord (after all you already are one, lol :p)

  6. I know, that's why I am asking. If you feel we need more research on adult stem cells I can only agree.
  7. Granted, but it smells like a bucket of rancid fish that has been left out to rot in the sun for weeks, and turns slimy as you start to eat it. But other than that it tastes normal and is perfectly fine... I wish Sniperwhere hadn't started this forum game which I now check constantly for updates.
  8. Research? There are a variety of emotionally driven arguments on this topic, so I'd like to ask what kind of stem cells are we talking about: adult or embryonic? (or even induced pluripotent cells) (see here and here)
  9. Hey :) Thanks for adding me.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-KAipArPsY
  11. You're from Sweden? I love Scandinavian countries :) Maybe that's the reason I'm playing a Nord in Skyrim :P
  12. Bans Pushkatu for being honest (and drunk).
  13. Personally, I detest Skyrim's new interface. Good for consoles maybe but PC is another story... I have faith that modders will save us in the end from it. Anyway Oblivion was my favorite (feels more "familiar" and RPGish), while in Skyrim I love the graphics, the new dialogs, AI, etc. but IMO other things (combat/magic) are counterintuitive. I guess I have yet to play it enough to decide if I like it better or if it's just technically superior.
  14. Now that's an interesting question...
  15. Ah! A fellow hard-core player :-P Hi MooseTail, nice intro! http://i538.photobucket.com/download-albums/ff345/MsMinx08/Welcome%20Smileys/smileywavewelcome.gif see you around the forum!
  16. Honestly...... yesterday I've got my copy of Skyrim and was a bit worried after reading all those negative threads and comments about this and about that everywhere. Now I can say it looks fantastic, nice gameplay, great dialogs, ai, everything is really great. Not perfect, but I have yet to find something perfect in this world :rolleyes: (Now if only Bethesda released the darned Creation Kit as promised....)
  17. Go to your Profile page > Topics (or click here). It should be there, I'm watching your threads right now :happy:
  18. When Steam works it may be seen as a small price to pay. For me it didn't (details here) and I wasted hours to make Skyrim run. In my opinion those who say that Steam is harmless and unobtrusive have the video game equivalent of Stockholm syndrome, but to each his own I guess.
  19. 1. Extract your downloaded mod somewhere 2. If all files are in a "Data" directory just drag its content into the Data folder of your New Vegas installation (it should be something like C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda\FalloutNV\Data) 3. If it's just an .esp file it also goes inside the Data folder 4. Start up the game, select "Data Files", then select the mods you want to see in the game 5. Play :-)
  20. Slaps Dicecaster with... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3G1PFLuTrgM the lovely owl!
  21. So you've got your copy of Skyrim today. Which would be great if it worked! :facepalm: The installer terminates at 26% with a nice error message: Steam.exe (Main Exception): ERROR: deleted Steam.exe but the file is still there or a slightly different version: Steam.exe (Main Exception): Delete of steam.exe failed, Win32 Error 5 'Access is denied' in which case, according to Steam support (Valve) you should: ensure that you are logged in as an administratormake sure the read-only checkbox on steam.exe is not checkeddisable any product which may be interfering with their cra...uh, I mean the incredibly useful Steam client. Unbelievably, the huge list (here) of software "known to cause issues with Steam and playing games" includes legit system software such as Catalyst AI, ATI Hotkey Poller, ATI Tray Tools, K-Lite Codecs, and almost any conceivable antivirus, anti-malware, firewall or security application out there. And needless to say, none of those suggestions work... In my case, before throwing the Skyrim disc out of my window while cursing Steam in 3 different languages, I decided to ignore Valve's priceless suggestions altogether and try a different route. I'm posting the instructions here in case someone else needs them: 1. Launch the Skyrim installer from the DVD as usual 2. As soon as the Steam dialog appears looking for updates, close it and reboot immediately 3. Hit F8 repeatedly during the startup process (before Windows appears) and choose "Safe mode with network support" 4. Go to Steam's directory (default is \Program Files (x86)\Steam\) and locate the darned steam.exe Note: if you can't find steam.exe but steamnew.exe is there, you didn't stop the update process in time (see step 2), you'll have to repeat the process (in my case renaming steamnew to steam didn't work) 5. Now you can either double click on steam.exe and let the installation process begin, OR (better) if you want to install from the DVD, enter the following command in the "Run" box in Windows' start menu: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steam.exe -install D:" replacing C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\ with the path to your steam.exe and D: with the letter of your DVD drive 6. The installation should complete normally as long as you have a working internet connection. You'll be asked to create a Steam account. When you're done, reboot 7. Optional: if all game files have been successfully updated (i.e. the update status for Skyrim in the Library section shows as 100%) you can play in Offline Mode. Just go to the main Steam window and select "Go Offline" from the menu. Now you can close Steam when you play Skyrim. You can also create a launcher on your desktop pointing to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\skyrim\SkyrimLauncher.exe" (remember to change the path) if you want to skip Steam and see Skyrim's launcher directly 8. Play! (Edit: typos...)
  22. does this webpage have a floor? LOL :D

    btw skyrim has just arrived, installing now... thanks for adding me!

  23. Whee, I have Skyrim!
    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Wyrdfire


      I have a Google-fu black belt. Hi-ya ! *thunk!* *ouch!*
    3. CheeseyBall


    4. vvk78


      Hey WyrdFire, where are you these days?


      Here, I gave you a Kudos to tempt you out of hiding. :-)

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