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Everything posted by Wyrdfire

  1. Hey Stockapotapoulos, http://www.tennis4you.com/forum/Smileys/ultimate-smilies/welcome.gif to the forums!
  2. Maharg67, hope you weren't planning on getting any sleep tonight, because your doom has finally come in the form of... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFHBtu6Nb40 the Scary Dancing Clown! http://e.deviantart.net/emoticons/moods/fear/horror/mortified.gif
  3. What about the other command? In Oblivion with player.setcrimegold 0 the guards would chase you but then would engage in normal conversation. Or you could use the payfine command (pays the amount of gold you set with setcrimegold and clears your infamy points).
  4. Well GTA IV and above seem to be taking this serious, cinematic and "realistic" tone. Luckily I never played GTA to play missions or the game's story anyway... playing as a hardened criminal is just not my cup of tea. I was more interested in exploring the world (a la Elder Scrolls), playing hide and seek with police and sometimes to destroy (gleefully) everything in my path :tongue:
  5. Hi choppachoppa! http://www.tennis4you.com/forum/Smileys/ultimate-smilies/welcome.gif
  6. Bans Delikatessen for banning Hoofhearted for destroying worlds while banning Thor for being a hypocrite for banning everyone for lack of unique bans (how's that James Joycesque sentence for an unique ban, Thor?) :teehee:
  7. Try changing iWaterMultiSamples=0 to 1 in your \Users\Username\Documents\My Games\Skyrim\SkyrimPrefs.ini
  8. Wyrdfire

    Hello !

    Hi Jorick, a warm welcome to the forum! Some great folks here who are very helpful and kind. See you around and enjoy Skyrim! :happy: http://i538.photobucket.com/download-albums/ff345/MsMinx08/Welcome%20Smileys/smileywavewelcome.gif
  9. ban hoofhearted for no reason in particular (i know a 400 pixel wide sig obeys the rules, that's exactly why i banned you, ha! http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_images/Dark/rte_icons/emoticons.png)
  10. Um... faulty ram module? Have you tried swapping the 4 gb you're using with the other (unused) 4 gigs and see if you get a BSoD when playing? (Even if given the amount of bug reports here, perhaps this is really just another bug!)
  11. Thanks for letting us know. Here, have a kudos :happy:
  12. Sorry friend, you're out of luck. You can still install the game from the DVD but to activate (and play) Skyrim, Steam needs an active internet connection. No way to bypass that legally, and seeking illegal ways here will earn you a ban...
  13. Ban myself because I'm bored :ermm:
  14. Well, your ATI Radeon HD 3200 was the best IGP a few years ago, but now... even I had to upgrade my graphics card to run Skyrim.
  15. Or you can use SteamTool to remap your directory to something shorter using Windows' junctions.
  16. Setscale # (where # is the character/item size scaling factor that is multiplied by its base value retrieved using Getscale) has also been confirmed.
  17. The base value depends on the character's race, basically it's a multiplier. For example in Oblivion elves had a scale of 1.1, so using setscale 1.5 resulted in a scale of 1.65. I think the difference in proportions derives from the "base" multiplier. You mentioned getscale returns 1.03 on your characters, so I guess you'll have to do the math to calculate the real scale value you need.
  18. Listened to Bleach - best Nirvana album EVER. Now listening to Primus, one of the most versatile and unique (and psychotic) bass players alive.
  19. I hope you can do that but I doubt it... that's why I avoided the dubbed version like the plague and bought the game in good old ENGLISH.
  20. Haven't tried, but the player.setscale console command could work (player.setscale 1.2 should make the character 1.2 times bigger). And by clicking an NPC and typing setscale (without "player.") should also let you resize nps or objects.
  21. Oblivion console commands should work (I haven't tried). Launch the console using the ~ key and enter the commands: player.setcrimegold 0 player.setpcinfamy 0 The first one sets your bounty to zero gold, the second resets your infamy points.
  22. If you're using in-game screenshots (printscr key) look in \Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim when using Steam screenshot key (F12) look in \Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata :) EDIT: sorry, misread the OP. Did you say Win98 ? :blink:
  23. "If you want to do DRM on a PC then you need to treat the user as the enemy." (Ross Anderson in the Trusted Computing FAQ) I guess the good sirs at Valve followed it to the letter...
  24. http://i43.tinypic.com/214p2ir.png Um, I wouldn't like that....
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