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Everything posted by Wyrdfire

  1. Short answer: yes, the Infernal City series describe the events taking place between Oblivion and Skyrim. Long answer: I omitted some names, etc. but it's a spoiler anyway, so if you want to know:
  2. Try posting your question in the Feedback forum, it's closely monitored by staff members.
  3. Someone even took a screenshot of our favorite 226 years old Khajiit.
  4. Bans hoofhearted4 for having a 400 pixels wide sig.
  5. Tastes like a lurking presence in the dark places of the earth :ohdear:
  6. Ouch! That hurt! *puts 1 crab meat into inventory* Slaps Delikatessen with: http://i43.tinypic.com/2yvmgrl.jpg Vault-tec Granny bobblehead!
  7. Bans Delikatessen for having pink hair (it's so unfair, we cats aren't allowed to dye our hair - there, I even made it rhyme)
  8. It still says 291... Eek, unlucky number! Bans Delikatessen again for threatening me with his 291 posts.
  9. I second Daiz777's request. I also like Alistair's haircut, and additional hair/face mods are always welcome anyway.
  10. Wyrdfire

    Hi all

    Welcome! I'm also new (kinda) here, and I'm bad at introductions... Anyway, there's a modding guide for Fallout:NV that could interest you, if instead you wanted to create mods the best site to learn about NV modding is the GECK wiki.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GugzLSbOQE
  12. Bans brokenergy for banning me again :verymad: :happy:
  13. That's not a pokemon :pinch: Bans Delikatessen for having 291 posts. 291 is my unlucky number :laugh:
  14. +1000 :laugh: :pinch: /me waits for Robert's body mod...
  15. Uh, no. I pre-ordered a physical copy and it's on its way to daddy :happy:
  16. I don't know if the LHC is going to change the way the view the world, but one thing I'm sure of is, it took 16 years and a consortium of 20 nations spending 10 billions to complete plus a yearly operating cost of 1 billion... and it doesn't work. The accelerator will shut down for 15 months for repairs and is scheduled to start up again in a couple of years. So what if the Higgs boson doesn't exist at all? In my opinion, we're just throwing money out of the window in a time of deepening global crisis... and the same goes for robot soldiers. /end rant
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kK3C_VsxmHM
  18. Tastes like... um.... evil looking human female with a bloody-red backgroundhttp://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-scared001.gif ...despite having one of the cutest profile pics in the whole Wasteland :wub:
  19. Slaps Netwit2008 with... http://www.loltimeout.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/ronald-slap-300x290.jpg Ronald McDonald's gloved hand! (I wasn't afraid of clowns until I saw Ronald :ermm:)
  20. Is a noble paladin whose enemies are black and red, but doesn't want you to know because she uses black as the background color for her avatar :laugh:
  21. Bans hoofhearted4 for becoming Death, Destroyer of Worlds.
  22. Finished & loved: Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë because victorian narrative is my favorite literature <3 Finished Howard's books
  23. They called it Steam because you can usually see the steam coming out of ears of the people playing games based on it :whistling:
  24. Why shouldn't smileys be allowed to sweat? :mad: ;D
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